require 'spec_helper' describe FiveMobilePush do describe '.api_token' do it "sets the api_token" do subject.api_token = "random_key" subject.api_token.should == "random_key" end end describe '.application_uid' do it "sets the application_uid" do subject.application_uid = 'nulayer' subject.application_uid.should == 'nulayer' end end describe 'configure' do FiveMobilePush::VALID_OPTION_KEYS.each do |key| it "sets the key #{key}" do FiveMobilePush.configure do |config| config.send("#{key}=", key) end FiveMobilePush.send(key).should == key end end end describe 'platforms' do %w(iphone blackberry android).each do |platform| specify { FiveMobilePush::SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS.should include(platform) } end end end