// ========================================================================
// SproutCore
// copyright 2006-2008 Sprout Systems, Inc.
// ========================================================================
require('views/view') ;
ProgressView displays a progress bar. It does this mostly through CSS
classes so that you can style them however you want. A progress bar must
have the following structure:
The outer can form the boundary of the bar while the inner will be adjusted
to fit the percentage of the progress.
Style the progress bar with the following CSS classes:
.progress.indeterminate = to show an indeterminate progress. inner will
be set to fill 100%
.progress.disabled = show as disabled.
@extends SC.View
SC.ProgressView = SC.View.extend({
// ........................................
The minimum value of the progress.
minimum: 0,
The maximum value of the progress bar.
maximum: 1.0,
Bind this to the current value of the progress bar. Note that by default an
empty value will disable the progress bar and a multiple value too make it
value: 0.50,
valueBindingDefault: SC.Binding.SingleNotEmpty,
Set to true if the item in progress is indeterminate. This may be overridden
by the actual value.
@returns {Boolean}
isIndeterminate: function(key,value) {
if (value !== undefined) {
this._isIndeterminate = value ;
return this._isIndeterminate && (this.value != SC.Binding.EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER) ;
Set to false to disable the progress bar.
@returns {Boolean}
isEnabled: function(key, value) {
if (value !== undefined) {
this._isEnabled = value ;
return this._isEnabled && (this.value != SC.Binding.MULTIPLE_PLACEHOLDER) ;
_isIndeterminate: false, _isEnabled: true,
// ........................................
emptyElement: '',
outlets: ['innerView'],
innerView: SC.View.outletFor('.inner?'),
// ........................................
propertyObserver: function(observing,target,key,value) {
// collect new settings.
if (['value','minimum','maximum','isIndeterminate','isEnabled'].include(key)) {
var isIndeterminate = this.get('isIndeterminate') ;
var isEnabled = this.get('isEnabled') ;
// compute value for setting the width of the inner progress
var value ;
if (!isEnabled) {
value = 0.0 ;
} else if (isIndeterminate) {
value = 1.0;
}else {
var minimum = this.get('minimum') || 0.0 ;
var maximum = this.get('maximum') || 1.0 ;
value = this.get('value') || 0.0 ;
value = (value - minimum) / (maximum - minimum) ;
if (value > 1.0) value = 1.0 ;
value = 0.0;
value = value * 100 ;
if (this.innerView) this.innerView.setStyle({ width: (value + '%') }) ;
}) ;