# 🌲 Timber - Master your Ruby apps with structured logging

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What are the benefits of using Timber?

1. **Data quality.** The usefulness of your logs starts here. This is why we ship libraries that structure logs from *within* your application; a fundamental difference from parsing. Not only is it much more stable, but we can include data you couldn't obtain otherwise. 2. **Human readability.** Structuring your logs doesn't mean they have to be unreadable. Timber *augments* your logs with structured data. Meaning we do not alter the original log message, we simply attach metadata to it. And our console is specifically designed to give you access to this data, without compromising readability. 😮 3. **Reliable downstream consumption.** All log events adhere to a [normalized, shared, schema](https://github.com/timberio/log-event-json-schema) that follows [semantic versioning](http://semver.org/) and goes through a [standard release process](https://github.com/timberio/log-event-json-schema/releases). This means you can *rely* on the structure of your logs and interact consistently with them across apps of any language: queries, graphs, alerts, and other downstream consumers. 4. **Zero risk of code debt or lock-in.** Logging is a standard that has been around since the dawn of computers. It's built into every language, framework, and library. Timber adheres strictly to the default `Logger` interface. There are no special APIs, and no need to pepper your app with Timber specific code. It's just better logging. If you choose to stop using Timber, you can do so without consequence. 5. **Long term retention.** Timber is designed on modern big-data principles. As a result, we can offer 6+ months of retention at prices cheaper than alternatives offering <1 month. This allows you to unlock your logs for purposes beyond debugging. ---

What specifically does the Timber library do?

1. Captures and structures your framework and 3rd party logs. (see next question) 2. Adds useful context to every log line. (see next question) 3. Allows you to easily add tags and timings to log. (see [Usage](#usage)) 4. Provides a framework for logging custom structured events. (see [Usage](#usage)) 5. Offers transport strategies to [send your logs](#send-your-logs) to the Timber service. ---

What events does Timber capture & structure for me?

Out of the box you get everything in the [`Timber::Events`](lib/timber/events) namespace: 1. [Controller Call Event](lib/timber/events/controller_call.rb) 2. [Exception Event](lib/timber/events/exception.rb) 3. [HTTP Client Request Event (net/http outgoing)](lib/timber/events/http_client_request.rb) 4. [HTTP Client Response Event (resposne from net/http outgoing)](lib/timber/events/http_client_response.rb) 5. [HTTP Server Request Event (incoming client request)](lib/timber/events/http_server_request.rb) 6. [HTTP Server Response Event (response to incoming client request)](lib/timber/events/http_server_response.rb) 7. [SQL Query Event](lib/timber/events/sql_query.rb) 8. [Template Render Event](lib/timber/events/template_render.rb) 9. ...more coming soon, [file an issue](https://github.com/timberio/timber-ruby/issues) to request. We also add context to every log, everything in the [`Timber::Contexts`](lib/timber/contexts) namespace. Context is structured data representing the current environment when the log line was written. It is included in every log line. Think of it like join data for your logs: 1. [HTTP Context](lib/timber/contexts/http.rb) 2. [Organization Context](lib/timber/contexts/organization.rb) 3. [Process Context](lib/timber/contexts/process.rb) 4. [Server Context](lib/timber/contexts/server.rb) 5. [Runtime Context](lib/timber/contexts/runtime.rb) 5. [User Context](lib/timber/contexts/user.rb) 6. ...more coming soon, [file an issue](https://github.com/timberio/timber-ruby/issues) to request. ---

What about my current log statements?

They'll continue to work as expected. Timber adheres strictly to the default `::Logger` interface and will never deviate in *any* way. In fact, traditional log statements for non-meaningful events, debug statements, etc, are encouraged. In cases where the data is meaningful, consider [logging a custom event](#usage).

## Usage
Basic logging

Use `Logger` as normal: ```ruby logger.info("My log message") # My log message @metadata {"level": "info", "context": {...}} ``` Timber will *never* deviate from the public `::Logger` interface in *any* way. ---

Tagging logs

Tags provide a quick way to identify logs. They work just like any tagging system. In the context of logging, they prevent obstructing the log message to accomplish the same thing, while also being a step down from creating a classified custom event. If the event is meaningful in any way, we recommend creating a custom event. ```ruby logger.info(message: "My log message", tag: "tag") # My log message @metadata {"level": "info", "tags": ["tag"], "context": {...}} ``` Multiple tags: ```ruby logger.info(message: "My log message", tags: ["tag1", "tag2"]) # My log message @metadata {"level": "info", "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"], "context": {...}} ``` Using `ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging`? It works with that as well: ```ruby logger.tagged("tag") do logger.info(message: "My log message", tags: ["important", "slow"]) end # My log message @metadata {"level": "info", "tags": ["tag"], "context": {...}} ``` * In the Timber console use the query: `tags:tag`. ---


Timings allow you to easily capture one-off timings in your code; a simple way to benchmark code execution: ```ruby start = Time.now # ...my code to time... time_ms = (Time.now - start) * 1000 logger.info(message: "Task complete", tag: "my_task", time_ms: time_ms) # My log message @metadata {"level": "info", tags: ["my_task"], "time_ms": 54.2132, "context": {...}} ``` * In the Timber console use the query: `tags:my_task time_ms>500` * The Timber console will also display this value inline with your logs. No need to include it in the log message, but you certainly can if you'd prefer. ---

Custom events

Custom events can be used to structure information about events that are central to your line of business like receiving credit card payments, saving a draft of a post, or changing a user's password. You have 2 options to do this: 1. Log a structured Hash (simplest) ```ruby Logger.warn message: "Payment rejected", payment_rejected: {customer_id: "abcd1234", amount: 100, reason: "Card expired"} # Payment rejected @metadata {"level": "warn", "event": {"payment_rejected": {"customer_id": "abcd1234", "amount": 100, "reason": "Card expired"}}, "context": {...}} ``` * The hash can *only* have 2 keys: `:message` and "event type" key; `:payment_rejected` in this example. * Timber will keyspace your event data by the event type key passed. 2. Log a Struct (recommended) Defining structs for your important events just feels oh so good :) It creates a strong contract with down stream consumers and gives you compile time guarantees. ```ruby PaymentRejectedEvent = Struct.new(:customer_id, :amount, :reason) do def message; "Payment rejected for #{customer_id}"; end def type; :payment_rejected; end end Logger.warn PaymentRejectedEvent.new("abcd1234", 100, "Card expired") # Payment rejected @metadata {"level": "warn", "event": {"payment_rejected": {"customer_id": "abcd1234", "amount": 100, "reason": "Card expired"}}, "context": {...}} ``` * In the Timber console use queries like: `payment_rejected.customer_id:xiaus1934` or `payment_rejected.amount>100` * For more advanced examples see [`Timber::Logger`](lib/timber.logger.rb). * Also, notice there is no mention of Timber in the above code. Just plain old logging. #### What about regular Hashes, JSON, or logfmt? Go for it! Timber will parse the data server side, but we *highly* recommend the above examples. Providing a `:type` allows timber to classify the event, create a namespace for the data you send, and make it easier to search, graph, alert, etc. ```ruby logger.info({key: "value"}) # {"key": "value"} @metadata {"level": "info", "context": {...}} logger.info('{"key": "value"}') # {"key": "value"} @metadata {"level": "info", "context": {...}} logger.info('key=value') # key=value @metadata {"level": "info", "context": {...}} ``` ---

Custom contexts

Context is structured data representing the current environment when the log line was written. It is included in every log line. Think of it like join data for your logs. For example, the `http.request_id` field is included in the context, allowing you to find all log lines related to that request ID, if desired. This is in contrast to *only* showing log lines that contain this value. 1. Add a Hash (simplest) ```ruby Timber::CurrentContext.with({build: {version: "1.0.0"}}) do logger.info("My log message") end # My log message @metadata {"level": "info", "context": {"build": {"version": "1.0.0"}}} ``` This adds data to the context keyspaced by `build`. 2. Add a Struct (recommended) Just like events, we recommend defining your custom contexts. It makes a stronger contract with downstream consumers. ```ruby BuildContext = Struct.new(:version) do def type; :build; end end build_context = BuildContext.new("1.0.0") Timber::CurrentContext.with(build_context) do logger.info("My log message") end # My log message @metadata {"level": "info", "context": {"build": {"version": "1.0.0"}}} ```

## Installation ```ruby # Gemfile gem 'timber' ``` ## Setup
Rails (all versions, including edge)

👉 **Prefer examples?** Checkout our the [Timber install example pull request](https://github.com/timberio/ruby-rails-example-app/pull/1/files) --- *Replace* any existing `config.logger=` calls in `config/environments/production.rb` with: ```ruby # config/environments/production.rb config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(Timber::Logger.new(STDOUT)) ``` ---


1. *Insert* the Timber probes: This should be executed *immediately after* you have required your dependencies. ```ruby Timber::Probes.insert! ``` 2. *Add* the Rack middlewares: This should be included where you build your `Rack` application. Usually `config.ru`: ```ruby # Most likely config.ru Timber::RackMiddlewares.middlewares.each do |m| use m end ``` 2. *Instantiate* the Timber logger: This should be *globally* available to your application: ```ruby logger = Timber::Logger.new(STDOUT) ```

## Send your logs
Heroku (log drains)

The recommended strategy for Heroku is to setup a [log drain](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/log-drains). To get your Timber log drain URL: 👉 **[Add your app to Timber](https://app.timber.io)** ---

All other platforms (Network / HTTP)

1. *Specify* the Timber Network logger backend in `config/environments/production.rb`: Replace any existing `config.logger =` calls with: ```ruby # config/environments/production.rb (or staging, etc) network_log_device = Timber::LogDevices::Network.new(ENV['TIMBER_LOGS_KEY']) config.logger = Timber::Logger.new(network_log_device) # <-- Use network_log_device instead of STDOUT ``` 2. Obtain your Timber API :key: by **[adding your app in Timber](https://app.timber.io)**. 3. Assign your API key to the `TIMBER_LOGS_KEY` environment variable.

Advanced setup (syslog, file tailing agent, etc)

Checkout our [docs](https://timber.io/docs) for a comprehensive list of install instructions.
