### 1.4.0 (November 1, 2014) * Add `StripeEvent.listening?` method to easily determine if an event type has any registered handlers. Thank you to [Vladimir Andrijevik](https://github.com/vandrijevik) for the [idea and implementation](https://github.com/integrallis/stripe_event/pull/42). ### 1.3.0 (July 22, 2014) * Allow for ignoring particular events. Thank you to [anark](https://github.com/anark) for suggesting the change, and [Ryan McGeary](https://github.com/rmm5t) and [Pete Keen](https://github.com/peterkeen) for working on the implementation. ### 1.2.0 (June 17, 2014) * Gracefully authenticate `account.application.deauthorized` events. Thank you to [Ryan McGeary](https://github.com/rmm5t) for the pull request and for taking the time to test the change in a live environment. ### 1.1.0 (January 8, 2014) * Deprecate `StripeEvent.setup` in favor of `StripeEvent.configure`. Remove `setup` at next major release. * `StripeEvent.configure` yields the module to the block for configuration. * `StripeEvent.configure` will raise `ArgumentError` unless a block is given. * Track test coverage ### 1.0.0 (December 19, 2013) * Internally namespace dispatched events to avoid maintaining a list of all possible event types. * Subscribe to all event types with `StripeEvent.all` instead of `StripeEvent.subscribe`. * Remove ability to subscribe to many event types with once call to `StripeEvent.subscribe`. * Subscribers can be an object that responds to #call. * Allow subscriber-generated `Stripe::StripeError`'s to bubble up. Thank you to [adamonduty](https://github.com/adamonduty) for the [patch](https://github.com/integrallis/stripe_event/pull/26). * Only depend on `stripe` and `activesupport` gems. * Add `rails` as a development dependency. * Only `require 'stripe_event/engine'` if `Rails` constant exists to allow StripeEvent to be used outside of a Rails application. ### 0.6.1 (August 19, 2013) * Update event type list * Update test gemfiles ### 0.6.0 (March 18, 2013) * Rails 4 compatibility. Thank you to Ben Ubois for reporting the [issue](https://github.com/integrallis/stripe_event/issues/13) and to Matt Goldman for the [pull request](https://github.com/integrallis/stripe_event/pull/14). * Run specs against different Rails versions * Refactor internal usage of AS::Notifications * Remove jruby-openssl as platform conditional dependency ### 0.5.0 (December 16, 2012) * Remove `Gemfile.lock` from version control * Internal event type list is now a set * Update event type list * Various internal refactorings * More readable tests ### 0.4.0 (September 24, 2012) * Add configuration for custom event retrieval. Thanks to Dan Hodos for the [pull request](https://github.com/integrallis/stripe_event/pull/6). * Move module methods only used in tests into a test helper. * Various internal refactorings and additional tests. * Error classes will inherit from a base error class now. ### 0.3.1 (August 14, 2012) * Fix controller inheritance issue. Thanks to Christopher Baran for [reporting the bug](https://github.com/integrallis/stripe_event/issues/1), and to Robert Bousquet for [fixing it](https://github.com/integrallis/stripe_event/pull/3). * Deprecate registration method. Use 'setup' instead. ### 0.3.0 (July 16, 2012) * Add registration method for conveniently adding many subscribers * Depend on jruby-openssl when running on jruby * Remove unneeded rake dependency * Remove configure method ### 0.2.0 (July 12, 2012) * Register a subscriber to one/many/all events * Remove sqlite3 development dependency * Setup travis-ci for repo * Hard code a placeholder api key in dummy app. Fixes failing tests when env var not defined. ### 0.1.1 (July 4, 2012) * Improve README * Specify development dependency versions * Fix controller test which was passing incorrectly ### 0.1.0 (June 24, 2012) * Initial release