require 'spec_helper_acceptance' test_name 'we just want the facts' describe 'look out muppets' do hosts.each do |host| let(:host_fqdn) { fact_on(host, 'fqdn') } let(:collection_dir) { 'collected_facts' } let(:os_info) { fact_on(host, 'os') } let(:os_arch) { fact_on(host, 'architecture') } let(:fact_collection) { File.join(collection_dir, [os_info['name'], os_info['release']['major'].gsub(/\s/,'_'), os_arch].join('-').downcase + '.facts') } let(:host_data) { JSON.load( } context "on #{host}" do before(:all) do @output = [] end it 'should install the simp_core module' do on(host, 'puppet module install simp/simp_core') end it 'should disable the secondary network interface' do interfaces = fact_on(host, 'interfaces').strip.split(',') ifaces = { 'eth1' => 'ip link set eth1 down', 'enp0s8' => 'ip link set enp0s8 down', 'Ethernet 2' => 'netsh interface set interface "Ethernet 2" disable' } ifaces.keys.each do |iface| on(host, ifaces[iface]) if interfaces.include?(iface) end end it 'should collect valid fact data' do output = on(host, 'puppet facts show --show-legacy --render-as json').stdout.lines.last expect do parsed_output = JSON.parse(output) # Something changed in the puppet facts output so handle both cases @output.push(parsed_output['values'] || parsed_output) end.to_not raise_error end # This should work regardless of OS it 'should have the "puppet_settings" fact' do expect(@output.first['puppet_settings']).to be_a(Hash) end it 'should clean up the data' do str_data = JSON.generate(@output.first) str_data = str_data.gsub(fact_on(host, 'fqdn'), ''). gsub(fact_on(host, 'domain'), ''). gsub(%(:"#{fact_on(host, 'hostname')}"), ':"foo"'). gsub(%(:"#{fact_on(host, 'networking')['ip']}"), ':""'). gsub(%(:"#{fact_on(host, 'networking')['netmask']}"), ':""'). gsub(%(:"#{fact_on(host, 'networking')['network']}"), ':""'). gsub(%r("dhcp":"(.+?)"), '"dhcp":""') expect{JSON.parse(str_data)}.to_not raise_error FileUtils.mkdir_p(collection_dir) unless, 'w'){ |fh| fh.puts(JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(str_data))) } end end end end