direc = File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'rubygems' require 'bacon' require "#{direc}/../lib/pry" require "#{direc}/test_helper" puts "Ruby Version #{RUBY_VERSION}" puts "Testing Pry #{Pry::VERSION}" puts "With method_source version #{MethodSource::VERSION}" puts "--" describe Pry do describe "open a Pry session on an object" do describe "rep" do before do class Hello end end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :Hello) end it 'should set an ivar on an object' do input_string = "@x = 10" input = InputTester.new(input_string) o = Object.new pry_tester = Pry.new(:input => input, :output => Pry::NullOutput) pry_tester.rep(o) o.instance_variable_get(:@x).should == 10 end it 'should make self evaluate to the receiver of the rep session' do o = Object.new str_output = StringIO.new pry_tester = Pry.new(:input => InputTester.new("self"), :output => str_output) pry_tester.rep(o) str_output.string.should =~ /#{o.to_s}/ end it 'should work with multi-line input' do o = Object.new str_output = StringIO.new pry_tester = Pry.new(:input => InputTester.new("x = ", "1 + 4"), :output => str_output) pry_tester.rep(o) str_output.string.should =~ /5/ end it 'should define a nested class under Hello and not on top-level or Pry' do pry_tester = Pry.new(:input => InputTester.new("class Nested", "end"), :output => Pry::NullOutput) pry_tester.rep(Hello) Hello.const_defined?(:Nested).should == true end end describe "repl" do describe "basic functionality" do it 'should set an ivar on an object and exit the repl' do input_strings = ["@x = 10", "exit"] input = InputTester.new(*input_strings) o = Object.new pry_tester = Pry.start(o, :input => input, :output => Pry::NullOutput) o.instance_variable_get(:@x).should == 10 end it 'should execute start session and end session hooks' do input = InputTester.new("exit") str_output = StringIO.new o = Object.new pry_tester = Pry.start(o, :input => input, :output => str_output) str_output.string.should =~ /Beginning.*#{o}/ str_output.string.should =~ /Ending.*#{o}/ end end describe "nesting" do after do Pry.reset_defaults end it 'should nest properly' do Pry.input = InputTester.new("pry", "pry", "pry", "\"nest:\#\{Pry.nesting.level\}\"", "exit_all") str_output = StringIO.new Pry.output = str_output o = Object.new pry_tester = o.pry str_output.string.should =~ /nest:3/ end end describe "defining methods" do it 'should define a method on the singleton class of an object when performing "def meth;end" inside the object' do [Object.new, {}, []].each do |val| str_input = StringIO.new("def hello;end") Pry.new(:input => str_input, :output => StringIO.new).rep(val) val.methods(false).map(&:to_sym).include?(:hello).should == true end end it 'should define an instance method on the module when performing "def meth;end" inside the module' do str_input = StringIO.new("def hello;end") hello = Module.new Pry.new(:input => str_input, :output => StringIO.new).rep(hello) hello.instance_methods(false).map(&:to_sym).include?(:hello).should == true end it 'should define an instance method on the class when performing "def meth;end" inside the class' do str_input = StringIO.new("def hello;end") hello = Class.new Pry.new(:input => str_input, :output => StringIO.new).rep(hello) hello.instance_methods(false).map(&:to_sym).include?(:hello).should == true end it 'should define a method on the class of an object when performing "def meth;end" inside an immediate value or Numeric' do # should include float in here, but test fails for some reason # on 1.8.7, no idea why! [:test, 0, true, false, nil].each do |val| str_input = StringIO.new("def hello;end") Pry.new(:input => str_input, :output => StringIO.new).rep(val) val.class.instance_methods(false).map(&:to_sym).include?(:hello).should == true end end end describe "commands" do it 'should run a command with no parameter' do pry_tester = Pry.new pry_tester.commands = CommandTester pry_tester.input = InputTester.new("command1", "exit_all") pry_tester.commands = CommandTester str_output = StringIO.new pry_tester.output = str_output pry_tester.rep str_output.string.should =~ /command1/ end it 'should run a command with one parameter' do pry_tester = Pry.new pry_tester.commands = CommandTester pry_tester.input = InputTester.new("command2 horsey", "exit_all") pry_tester.commands = CommandTester str_output = StringIO.new pry_tester.output = str_output pry_tester.rep str_output.string.should =~ /horsey/ end end describe "Object#pry" do after do Pry.reset_defaults end it "should start a pry session on the receiver (first form)" do Pry.input = InputTester.new("self", "exit") str_output = StringIO.new Pry.output = str_output 20.pry str_output.string.should =~ /20/ end it "should start a pry session on the receiver (second form)" do Pry.input = InputTester.new("self", "exit") str_output = StringIO.new Pry.output = str_output pry 20 str_output.string.should =~ /20/ end it "should error if more than one argument is passed to Object#pry" do lambda { pry(20, :input => Readline) }.should.raise ArgumentError end end describe "Pry#binding_for" do it 'should return TOPLEVEL_BINDING if parameter self is main' do _main_ = lambda { TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval('self') } Pry.new.binding_for(_main_.call).is_a?(Binding).should == true Pry.new.binding_for(_main_.call).should == TOPLEVEL_BINDING Pry.new.binding_for(_main_.call).should == Pry.new.binding_for(_main_.call) end end describe "test Pry defaults" do after do Pry.reset_defaults end describe "input" do after do Pry.reset_defaults end it 'should set the input default, and the default should be overridable' do Pry.input = InputTester.new("5") str_output = StringIO.new Pry.output = str_output Pry.new.rep str_output.string.should =~ /5/ Pry.new(:input => InputTester.new("6")).rep str_output.string.should =~ /6/ end it 'should pass in the prompt if readline arity is 1' do Pry.prompt = proc { "A" } arity_one_input = Class.new do attr_accessor :prompt def readline(prompt) @prompt = prompt "exit" end end.new Pry.start(self, :input => arity_one_input, :output => Pry::NullOutput) arity_one_input.prompt.should == Pry.prompt.call end it 'should not pass in the prompt if the arity is 0' do Pry.prompt = proc { "A" } arity_zero_input = Class.new do def readline "exit" end end.new lambda { Pry.start(self, :input => arity_zero_input, :output => Pry::NullOutput) }.should.not.raise Exception end it 'should not pass in the prompt if the arity is -1' do Pry.prompt = proc { "A" } arity_multi_input = Class.new do attr_accessor :prompt def readline(*args) @prompt = args.first "exit" end end.new Pry.start(self, :input => arity_multi_input, :output => Pry::NullOutput) arity_multi_input.prompt.should == nil end end it 'should set the output default, and the default should be overridable' do Pry.input = InputTester.new("5", "6", "7") str_output = StringIO.new Pry.output = str_output Pry.new.rep str_output.string.should =~ /5/ Pry.new.rep str_output.string.should =~ /5\n.*6/ str_output2 = StringIO.new Pry.new(:output => str_output2).rep str_output2.string.should.not =~ /5\n.*6/ str_output2.string.should =~ /7/ end describe "commands" do it 'should set the commands default, and the default should be overridable' do class Command0 < Pry::CommandBase command "hello" do output.puts "hello world" end end Pry.commands = Command0 str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:input => InputTester.new("hello"), :output => str_output).rep str_output.string.should =~ /hello world/ class Command1 < Pry::CommandBase command "goodbye", "" do output.puts "goodbye world" end end str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:input => InputTester.new("goodbye"), :output => str_output, :commands => Command1).rep str_output.string.should =~ /goodbye world/ Object.remove_const(:Command0) Object.remove_const(:Command1) end it 'should inherit "help" command from Pry::CommandBase' do class Command2 < Pry::CommandBase command "h", "h command" do end end Command2.commands.keys.size.should == 2 Command2.commands.keys.include?("help").should == true Command2.commands.keys.include?("h").should == true Object.remove_const(:Command2) end it 'should inherit commands from Pry::Commands' do class Command3 < Pry::Commands command "v" do end end Command3.commands.include?("nesting").should == true Command3.commands.include?("jump_to").should == true Command3.commands.include?("cd").should == true Command3.commands.include?("v").should == true Object.remove_const(:Command3) end it 'should run a command from within a command' do class Command3 < Pry::Commands command "v" do output.puts "v command" end command "run_v" do run "v" end end str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:input => InputTester.new("run_v"), :output => str_output, :commands => Command3).rep str_output.string.should =~ /v command/ Object.remove_const(:Command3) end it 'should enable an inherited method to access opts and output and target, due to instance_exec' do class Command3 < Pry::Commands command "v" do output.puts "#{target.eval('self')}" end end class Command4 < Command3 end str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:print => proc {}, :input => InputTester.new("v"), :output => str_output, :commands => Command4).rep("john") str_output.string.chomp.should == "john" Object.remove_const(:Command3) Object.remove_const(:Command4) end it 'should import commands from another command object' do class Command3 < Pry::CommandBase import_from Pry::Commands, "status", "jump_to" end str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:print => proc {}, :input => InputTester.new("status"), :output => str_output, :commands => Command3).rep("john") str_output.string.should =~ /Status:/ Object.remove_const(:Command3) end it 'should delete some inherited commands when using delete method' do class Command3 < Pry::Commands command "v" do end delete "show_doc", "show_method" delete "ls" end Command3.commands.include?("nesting").should == true Command3.commands.include?("jump_to").should == true Command3.commands.include?("cd").should == true Command3.commands.include?("v").should == true Command3.commands.include?("show_doc").should == false Command3.commands.include?("show_method").should == false Command3.commands.include?("ls").should == false Object.remove_const(:Command3) end it 'should override some inherited commands' do class Command3 < Pry::Commands command "jump_to" do output.puts "jump_to the music" end command "help" do output.puts "help to the music" end end # suppress evaluation output Pry.print = proc {} str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:input => InputTester.new("jump_to"), :output => str_output, :commands => Command3).rep str_output.string.chomp.should == "jump_to the music" str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:input => InputTester.new("help"), :output => str_output, :commands => Command3).rep str_output.string.chomp.should == "help to the music" Object.remove_const(:Command3) Pry.reset_defaults end end it "should set the print default, and the default should be overridable" do new_print = proc { |out, value| out.puts value } Pry.print = new_print Pry.new.print.should == Pry.print str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:input => InputTester.new("\"test\""), :output => str_output).rep str_output.string.should == "test\n" str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:input => InputTester.new("\"test\""), :output => str_output, :print => proc { |out, value| out.puts value.reverse }).rep str_output.string.should == "tset\n" Pry.new.print.should == Pry.print str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:input => InputTester.new("\"test\""), :output => str_output).rep str_output.string.should == "test\n" end describe "prompts" do it 'should set the prompt default, and the default should be overridable (single prompt)' do new_prompt = proc { "test prompt> " } Pry.prompt = new_prompt Pry.new.prompt.should == Pry.prompt Pry.new.select_prompt(true, 0).should == "test prompt> " Pry.new.select_prompt(false, 0).should == "test prompt> " new_prompt = proc { "A" } pry_tester = Pry.new(:prompt => new_prompt) pry_tester.prompt.should == new_prompt pry_tester.select_prompt(true, 0).should == "A" pry_tester.select_prompt(false, 0).should == "A" Pry.new.prompt.should == Pry.prompt Pry.new.select_prompt(true, 0).should == "test prompt> " Pry.new.select_prompt(false, 0).should == "test prompt> " end it 'should set the prompt default, and the default should be overridable (multi prompt)' do new_prompt = [proc { "test prompt> " }, proc { "test prompt* " }] Pry.prompt = new_prompt Pry.new.prompt.should == Pry.prompt Pry.new.select_prompt(true, 0).should == "test prompt> " Pry.new.select_prompt(false, 0).should == "test prompt* " new_prompt = [proc { "A" }, proc { "B" }] pry_tester = Pry.new(:prompt => new_prompt) pry_tester.prompt.should == new_prompt pry_tester.select_prompt(true, 0).should == "A" pry_tester.select_prompt(false, 0).should == "B" Pry.new.prompt.should == Pry.prompt Pry.new.select_prompt(true, 0).should == "test prompt> " Pry.new.select_prompt(false, 0).should == "test prompt* " end end it 'should set the hooks default, and the default should be overridable' do Pry.input = InputTester.new("exit") Pry.hooks = { :before_session => proc { |out,_| out.puts "HELLO" }, :after_session => proc { |out,_| out.puts "BYE" } } str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:output => str_output).repl str_output.string.should =~ /HELLO/ str_output.string.should =~ /BYE/ Pry.input.rewind str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:output => str_output, :hooks => { :before_session => proc { |out,_| out.puts "MORNING" }, :after_session => proc { |out,_| out.puts "EVENING" } } ).repl str_output.string.should =~ /MORNING/ str_output.string.should =~ /EVENING/ # try below with just defining one hook Pry.input.rewind str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:output => str_output, :hooks => { :before_session => proc { |out,_| out.puts "OPEN" } } ).repl str_output.string.should =~ /OPEN/ Pry.input.rewind str_output = StringIO.new Pry.new(:output => str_output, :hooks => { :after_session => proc { |out,_| out.puts "CLOSE" } } ).repl str_output.string.should =~ /CLOSE/ Pry.reset_defaults end end end end end