module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc:
  module Billing #:nodoc:
    # PayJunction Gateway
    # This gateway accepts the following arguments:
    #   :login    => your PayJunction username
    #   :password => your PayJunction pass
    # Example use:
    #   gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.gateway(:pay_junction).new(
    #               :login => "my_account",
    #               :password => "my_pass"
    #            )
    #   # set up credit card obj as in main ActiveMerchant example
    #   creditcard =
    #     :type       => 'visa',
    #     :number     => '4242424242424242',
    #     :month      => 8,
    #     :year       => 2009,
    #     :first_name => 'Bob',
    #     :last_name  => 'Bobsen'
    #   )
    #   # optionally specify address if using AVS
    #   address = { :address1 => '101 Test Ave', :city => 'Test', :state => 'TS',
    #               :zip  => '10101', :country => 'US' }
    #   # run request
    #   response = gateway.purchase(1000, creditcard, :address => address) # charge 10 dollars
    # 1) Check whether the transaction was successful
    #   response.success?
    # 2) Retrieve the message returned by PayJunction
    #   response.message
    # 3) Retrieve the unique transaction ID returned by PayJunction
    #   response.authorization
    # This gateway supports "instant" transactions. These transactions allow you
    # to execute an operation on a previously run card without card information
    # provided you have the transaction id from a previous transaction with the
    # same card. All functions that take a credit card object for this gateway
    # can take a transaction id string instead.
    # Test Transactions
    # See the source for initialize() for test account information. Note that
    # PayJunction does not allow test transactions on your account, so if the
    # gateway is running in :test mode your transaction will be run against
    # PayJunction's global test account and will not show up in your account.
    # Transactions ran on this account go through a test processor, so there is no
    # need to void or otherwise cancel transactions. However, for further safety,
    # please use the special card numbers 4433221111223344 or 4444333322221111 and
    # keep transaction amounts below $4.00 when testing.
    # Also note, transactions ran for an amount between $0.00 and $1.99 will likely
    # result in denial. To demonstrate approvals, use amounts between $2.00 and $4.00.
    # Test transactions can be checked by logging into
    # PayJunction Web Login with username 'pj-cm-01' and password 'pj-cm-01p'
    # Usage Details
    # Below is a map of values accepted by PayJunction and how you should submit
    # each to ActiveMerchant
    # PayJunction Field       ActiveMerchant Use
    # dc_logon                provide as :login value to gateway instantiation
    # dc_password             provide as :password value to gateway instantiation
    # dc_name                 will be retrieved from
    # dc_first_name           :first_name on CreditCard object instantiation
    # dc_last_name            :last_name  on CreditCard object instantiation
    # dc_number               :number     on CreditCard object instantiation
    # dc_expiration_month     :month      on CreditCard object instantiation
    # dc_expiration_year      :year       on CreditCard object instantiation
    # dc_verification_number  :verification_value on CC object instantiation
    # dc_transaction_amount   include as argument to method for your transaction type
    # dc_transaction_type     do nothing, set by your transaction type
    # dc_version              do nothing, always "1.2"
    # dc_transaction_id       submit as a string in place of CreditCard obj for
    #                         "instant" transactions.
    # dc_invoice              :order_id in options for transaction method
    # dc_notes                :description in options for transaction method
    # See example use above for address AVS fields
    # See #recurring for periodic transaction fields
    class PayJunctionGateway < Gateway
      API_VERSION   = '1.2'

      class_attribute :test_url, :live_url

      self.test_url = ""
      self.live_url = ""

      TEST_LOGIN = 'pj-ql-01'
      TEST_PASSWORD = 'pj-ql-01p'

      SUCCESS_CODES = ["00", "85"]
      SUCCESS_MESSAGE = 'The transaction was approved.'

      FAILURE_MESSAGE = 'The transaction was declined.'

        "AE"  => 'Address verification failed because address did not match.',
        'ZE'  => 'Address verification failed because zip did not match.',
        'XE'  => 'Address verification failed because zip and address did not match.',
        'YE'  => 'Address verification failed because zip and address did not match.',
        'OE'  => 'Address verification failed because address or zip did not match.',
        'UE'  => 'Address verification failed because cardholder address unavailable.',
        'RE'  => 'Address verification failed because address verification system is not working.',
        'SE'  => 'Address verification failed because address verification system is unavailable.',
        'EE'  => 'Address verification failed because transaction is not a mail or phone order.',
        'GE'  => 'Address verification failed because international support is unavailable.',
        'CE'  => 'Declined because CVV2/CVC2 code did not match.',
        '04'  => 'Declined. Pick up card.',
        '07'  => 'Declined. Pick up card (Special Condition).',
        '41'  => 'Declined. Pick up card (Lost).',
        '43'  => 'Declined. Pick up card (Stolen).',
        '13'  => 'Declined because of the amount is invalid.',
        '14'  => 'Declined because the card number is invalid.',
        '80'  => 'Declined because of an invalid date.',
        '05'  => 'Declined. Do not honor.',
        '51'  => 'Declined because of insufficient funds.',
        'N4'  => 'Declined because the amount exceeds issuer withdrawal limit.',
        '61'  => 'Declined because the amount exceeds withdrawal limit.',
        '62'  => 'Declined because of an invalid service code (restricted).',
        '65'  => 'Declined because the card activity limit exceeded.',
        '93'  => 'Declined because there a violation (the transaction could not be completed).',
        '06'  => 'Declined because address verification failed.',
        '54'  => 'Declined because the card has expired.',
        '15'  => 'Declined because there is no such issuer.',
        '96'  => 'Declined because of a system error.',
        'N7'  => 'Declined because of a CVV2/CVC2 mismatch.',
        'M4'  => 'Declined.',
        "FE"  => "There was a format error with your Trinity Gateway Service (API) request.",
        "LE"  => "Could not log you in (problem with dc_logon and/or dc_password).",
        'NL'  => 'Aborted because of a system error, please try again later. ',
        'AB'  => 'Aborted because of an upstream system error, please try again later.'

      self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover]
      self.supported_countries = ['US']
      self.homepage_url = ''
      self.display_name = 'PayJunction'

      def initialize(options = {})
        requires!(options, :login, :password)

      # The first half of the preauth(authorize)/postauth(capture) model.
      # Checks to make sure funds are available for a transaction, and returns a
      # transaction_id that can be used later to postauthorize (capture) the funds.
      def authorize(money, payment_source, options = {})
        parameters = {
          :transaction_amount => amount(money),

        add_payment_source(parameters, payment_source)
        add_address(parameters, options)
        add_optional_fields(parameters, options)
        commit('AUTHORIZATION', parameters)

      # A simple sale, capturing funds immediately.
      # Execute authorization and capture in a single step.
      def purchase(money, payment_source, options = {})
        parameters = {
          :transaction_amount => amount(money),

        add_payment_source(parameters, payment_source)
        add_address(parameters, options)
        add_optional_fields(parameters, options)
        commit('AUTHORIZATION_CAPTURE', parameters)

      # The second half of the preauth(authorize)/postauth(capture) model.
      # Retrieve funds that have been previously authorized with _authorization_
      def capture(money, authorization, options = {})
        parameters = {
          :transaction_id => authorization,
          :posture => 'capture'

        add_optional_fields(parameters, options)
        commit('update', parameters)

      # Return money to a card that was previously billed.
      # _authorization_ should be the transaction id of the transaction we are returning.
      def refund(money, authorization, options = {})
        parameters = {
          :transaction_amount => amount(money),
          :transaction_id => authorization

        commit('CREDIT', parameters)

      def credit(money, authorization, options = {})
        refund(money, authorization, options)

      # Cancel a transaction that has been charged but has not yet made it
      # through the batch process.
      def void(authorization, options = {})
        parameters = {
          :transaction_id => authorization,
          :posture => 'void'

        add_optional_fields(parameters, options)
        commit('update', parameters)

      # Set up a sale that will be made on a regular basis for the same amount
      # (ex. $20 a month for 12 months)
      # The parameter :periodicity should be specified as either :monthly, :weekly, or :daily
      # The parameter :payments should be the number of payments to be made
      #   gateway.recurring('2000', creditcard, :periodicity => :monthly, :payments => 12)
      # The optional parameter :starting_at takes a date or time argument or a string in
      # YYYYMMDD format and can be used to specify when the first charge will be made.
      # If omitted the first charge will be immediate.
      def recurring(money, payment_source, options = {})
        requires!(options, [:periodicity, :monthly, :weekly, :daily], :payments)

        periodic_type = case options[:periodicity]
        when :monthly
        when :weekly
        when :daily

        if options[:starting_at].nil?
          start_date ='%Y-%m-%d')
        elsif options[:starting_at].is_a?(String)
          sa = options[:starting_at]
          start_date = "#{sa[0..3]}-#{sa[4..5]}-#{sa[6..7]}"
          start_date = options[:starting_at].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

        parameters = {
          :transaction_amount => amount(money),
          :schedule_periodic_type => periodic_type,
          :schedule_create => 'true',
          :schedule_limit => options[:payments].to_i > 1 ? options[:payments] : 1,
          :schedule_periodic_number => 1,
          :schedule_start => start_date

        add_payment_source(parameters, payment_source)
        add_optional_fields(parameters, options)
        add_address(parameters, options)
        commit('AUTHORIZATION_CAPTURE', parameters)

      def test?
        (test_login? || super)


      def test_login?
        @options[:login] == TEST_LOGIN && @options[:password] == TEST_PASSWORD

      # add fields depending on payment source selected (cc or transaction id)
      def add_payment_source(params, source)
        if source.is_a?(String)
          add_billing_id(params, source)
          add_creditcard(params, source)

      # add fields for credit card
      def add_creditcard(params, creditcard)
        params[:name]                 =
        params[:number]               = creditcard.number
        params[:expiration_month]     = creditcard.month
        params[:expiration_year]      = creditcard.year
        params[:verification_number]  = creditcard.verification_value if creditcard.verification_value?

      # add field for "instant" transaction, using previous transaction id
      def add_billing_id(params, billingid)
        params[:transaction_id] = billingid

      # add address fields if present
      def add_address(params, options)
        address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address]

        if address
          params[:address]  = address[:address1] unless address[:address1].blank?
          params[:city]      = address[:city]     unless address[:city].blank?
          params[:state]     = address[:state]    unless address[:state].blank?
          params[:zipcode]   = address[:zip]      unless address[:zip].blank?
          params[:country]   = address[:country]  unless address[:country].blank?

      def add_optional_fields(params, options)
        params[:notes] = options[:description] unless options[:description].blank?
        params[:invoice] = options[:order_id].to_s.gsub(/[^-\/\w.,']/, '') unless options[:order_id].blank?

      def commit(action, parameters)
        url = test? ? self.test_url : self.live_url

        response = parse( ssl_post(url, post_data(action, parameters)) ), message_from(response), response,
          :test => test?,
          :authorization => response[:transaction_id] || parameters[:transaction_id]

      def successful?(response)
        SUCCESS_CODES.include?(response[:response_code]) || response[:query_status] == true

      def message_from(response)
        if successful?(response)
          DECLINE_CODES[response[:response_code]] || FAILURE_MESSAGE

      def post_data(action, params)
        if test?
          # test requests must use global test account
          params[:logon]      = TEST_LOGIN
          params[:password]   = TEST_PASSWORD
          params[:logon]      = @options[:login]
          params[:password]   = @options[:password]
        params[:version] = API_VERSION
        params[:transaction_type] = action

        params.reject{|k,v| v.blank?}.collect{ |k, v| "dc_#{k.to_s}=#{CGI.escape(v.to_s)}" }.join("&")

      def parse(body)
        # PayJunction uses the Field Separator ASCII character to separate key/val
        # pairs in the response. The <FS> character's octal value is 034.
        # Sample response:
        # transaction_id=44752<FS>response_code=M4<FS>response_message=Declined (INV TEST CARD).

        pairs = body.chomp.split("\034")
        response = {}
        pairs.each do |pair|
          key, val = pair.split('=')
          response[key[3..-1].to_sym] = val ? normalize(val) : nil

      # Make a ruby type out of the response string
      def normalize(field)
        case field
        when "true"   then true
        when "false"  then false
        when ""       then nil
        when "null"   then nil
        else field
