
Path: bin/romdump.rb
Last Update: Fri Dec 28 21:31:45 +1100 2007



display a BIN file assuming it is a Apple 2 ROM dump


romdump.rb [switches] <filename.bin>

 -b | --base BASE   use BASE as start of disassembly (implies --list)
                    BASE will be interpreted as a hex number
                    (can be prefixed with $, 0x, or nothing)
 -f | --font        treat all bytes as 8 bit wide font
 -l | --list        list disassembly of all bytes
 -x | --hex         dump as hex and ASCII
 -h | --help        display this message
 -v | --version     show version number

switchs can be combined, as in

  romdump.rb edm.bin -xl -b $D000

Required files

rubygems   optparse   rdoc_patch   DumpUtilities   D65  


ROMDUMP_VERSION = "0.0.1"   romdump.rb


display a BIN file assuming it is a Apple 2 ROM dump


romdump.rb [switches] <filename.bin>

 -b | --base BASE   use BASE as start of disassembly (implies --list)
                    BASE will be interpreted as a hex number
                    (can be prefixed with $, 0x, or nothing)
 -f | --font        treat all bytes as 8 bit wide font
 -l | --list        list disassembly of all bytes
 -x | --hex         dump as hex and ASCII
 -h | --help        display this message
 -v | --version     show version number

switchs can be combined, as in

  romdump.rb edm.bin -xl -b $D000
