// For a manual page break before an element, apply this class to it .page-break-before { page-break-before: always; } // For a manual page break after an element, apply this class to it .page-break-after { page-break-after: always; } // To keep an element on the same page as the next element, apply this class .keep-with-next { page-break-after: avoid; } // To prevent an element breaking across pages, apply this class .keep-together { page-break-inside: avoid; } // To allow a break where default styles would normally avoid one. Apply the class to the parent element. // These are !important because they must override rules that might appear later in generated CSS. .allow-break { page-break-before: auto !important; page-break-after: auto !important; page-break-inside: auto !important; } .allow-break * { page-break-before: inherit !important; page-break-after: inherit !important; page-break-inside: inherit !important; } // To end a section on a left or a right page, apply one of these classes to a block element // Specifying left or right might not seem intuitive. // You don't tell the element what side page is supposed to be last. // Rather, you're adding an extra page if your last side is specified. .end-on-left { page-break-after: right !important; } .end-on-right { page-break-after: left !important; } // Also see: // _print-front-cover.scss // _print-start-on-recto-and-verso