**Welcome to Documentation.** You can go ahead and delete this page whenever you're ready. It contains some information as well as being a good reference point for how things will be styled. Every page in Documentation is formatted with Markdown (although there are a couple of additions which are demonstrated here).

## Features

* A simple & attractive interface for viewing & editing your pages
* Store pages in a hierarchy
* Modular authorisation architecture
* Modular search backend architecture
* Full i18n support
* Override any views as necessary within your Rails application

Recommendation: Take a look through all the pages in this guide while developing your application. If you delete this section, you can always re-add it by running `rake documentation:install_guides` from the root of your Rails application.

## Useful links

The links below provide you with easy access to key resources which will help you.

* [Browse source code on GitHub](https://github.com/qbraksa/documentation)
* [View issues](https://github.com/qbraksa/documentation/issues)
* [Check out the installation guide](https://github.com/qbraksa/documentation/blob/master/README.md)