# Ceedling Temp-Sensor Example *Welcome to the Temp-Sensor Example!* This is a medium-sized example of how Ceedling might work in your system. You can use it to verify you have all the tools installed. You can use it as a starting point for your own code. You can build upon it for your own creations, though honestly it's a bit of a mess. While it has some good ideas in it, really it serves as a testing ground for some of Ceedling's features, and a place for you to explore how Ceedling works. You'll find all the source files in the `src` folder. You'll find all the tests in (you guessed it) the `test` folder (and its sub-folders). There are also some files in the `test/support` folder, which demonstrate how you can create your own assertions. This project assumes you have `gcov` and `gcovr` installed for collecting coverage information. If that's not true, you can just remove the `gcov` plugin from the `plugins` list. Everything else will work fine. Have fun poking around!