Feature: Trial plans Background: Given the following plan exists: | name | price | trial | | Temp | 0 | true | | Eternal | 0 | false | And the following limits exist: | plan | name | value | value_type | | name: Temp | users | 2 | number | | name: Eternal | users | 2 | number | Scenario: Sign up for a trial plan When I go to the list of plans page And I follow "Temp" Then I should see "Free" And I should see "Trial" And I should see "Your trial will expire after 30 days" But I should not see "users" When I fill in "Email" with "email@person.com" And I fill in "Password" with "password" And I fill in "Confirm password" with "password" And I fill in "Your name" with "Robot" And I fill in "Company Name" with "Robots, Inc" And I fill in "Keyword" with "robotsinc" And I press "Sign up" Then I should see "created" Scenario: use an account during the trial Given a "Temp" account exists with a name of "Test" created 29 days ago And I am signed in as an admin of the "Test" account When I go to the projects page for the "Test" account Then I should see "Test" And I should not see "expired" Scenario: Try to use an expired trial plan Given a "Temp" account exists with a name of "Test" created 30 days ago And I am signed in as an admin of the "Test" account When I go to the projects page for the "Test" account Then I should be on the upgrade plan page for the "Test" account And I should see "expired" And the "Temp" plan should be disabled Scenario: Sign up for a non-trial plan When I go to the list of plans page And I follow "Eternal" Then I should see "users" But I should not see "Trial" And I should not see "expire" Scenario: Use a non-trial plan forever Given an "Eternal" account exists with a name of "Test" created 30 days ago And I am signed in as an admin of the "Test" account When I go to the projects page for the "Test" account Then I should see "Test" And I should not see "expired"