require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "spec_helper.rb") describe Smoke::Origin do before :all do @origin = TestSource.source(:test) do emit do rename(:head => :title) sort(:title) transform :title, :name do |title| title.gsub(/Animal: /, '') end end end end describe "after emit, object output" do it "should not have a key of head" do @origin.output.first.should_not have_key(:head) end it "should be ordered by title" do @origin.output.first[:title].should == "Kangaroo" end it "should output a single hash rather than a hash in an array when there is one item" do Smoke[:test].truncate(1).output.should == {:title => "Kangaroo", :name => "Kelly"} end end describe "transformations" do it "should rename properties" do Smoke[:test].rename(:title => :header).output.first.should have_key(:header) end it "should sort by a given property" do Smoke[:test].sort(:header).output.first[:header].should == "Kangaroo" end it "should reverse the results" do Smoke[:test].sort(:header).reverse.output.should == [{:header => "Platypus", :name => "Peter"}, {:header => "Kangaroo", :name => "Kelly"}] end it "should truncate results given a length" do Smoke[:test].truncate(1).output.should be_an_instance_of(Hash) end describe "filtering" do before do TestSource.source(:keep) do emit do transform :head do |head| head.gsub(/Animal: /, '') end end end TestSource.source(:discard) do emit do transform :head do |head| head.gsub(/Animal: /, '') end end end end it "should keep items" do Smoke[:keep].should(respond_to(:keep)) end it "should only contain items that match" do Smoke[:keep].keep(:head, /^K/).output.should == {:head => "Kangaroo", :name => "Kelly"} end it "should discard items" do Smoke[:discard].should(respond_to(:discard)) end it "should not contain items that match" do Smoke[:discard].discard(:head, /^K/).output.should == {:head => "Platypus", :name => "Peter"} end end end describe "output" do it "should output" do @origin.output.should be_an_instance_of(Array) end it "should output two items" do @origin.output.size.should == 2 end it "should output json" do @origin.output(:json).should =~ /^\[\{/ end it "should output yml" do @origin.output(:yaml).should =~ /^--- \n- :/ end it "should dispatch when output is called" do TestSource.source(:no_dispatch) Smoke[:no_dispatch].should_not_receive(:dispatch) TestSource.source(:dispatch) Smoke[:dispatch].should_receive(:dispatch) Smoke[:dispatch].output end end it "method chaining" do TestSource.source(:chain) do emit do transform :head do |head| head.gsub(/Animal: /, '') end end end Smoke[:chain].rename(:head => :header).sort(:header).output.should == [{:header => "Kangaroo", :name => "Kelly"}, {:header => "Platypus", :name => "Peter"}] end it "should softly error when attempting to sort on a key that doesn't exist" do Smoke[:chain].sort(:header).should_not raise_error("NoMethodError") end describe "preperation" do before :all do @source = TestSource.source(:preperation) end it "should respond to prepare" do @source.should respond_to(:prepare) end it "should require a block" do lambda { @source.prepare }.should raise_error lambda { @source.prepare {} }.should_not raise_error end end describe "call order" do before :all do @url = "http://domain.tld/benschwarz/feed" FakeWeb.register_uri(@url, :response => File.join(SPEC_DIR, 'supports', 'flickr-photo.json')) :feed_preperation_call_order do prepare do url "http://domain.tld/#{username}/feed" end path :photos, :photo end end describe "before setting variables" do it "should fail" do lambda { Smoke[:feed_preperation_call_order].output }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "setting abstract properties" do it "should not respond to a property that hasn't been set" do lambda { Smoke[:feed_preperation_call_order].abstract }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "should allow setting a property" do lambda { Smoke[:feed_preperation_call_order].abstract(:value) }.should_not raise_error(NoMethodError) Smoke[:feed_preperation_call_order].abstract.should == :value end it "should chain the source when setting a property" do Smoke[:feed_preperation_call_order].abstract(:value).should be_an_instance_of(Smoke::Source::Data) end end describe "after setting variables" do it "should output successfully" do lambda { Smoke[:feed_preperation_call_order].username("benschwarz").output }.should_not raise_error end it "should have used the correct url" do Smoke[:feed_preperation_call_order].request.uri.should == @url end end end describe "trasformations" do it "should respond to emit" do Smoke[:test].should respond_to(:emit) end it "emit should require a block" do lambda { Smoke[:test].emit }.should raise_error lambda { Smoke[:test].emit {} }.should_not raise_error end it "should respond to transform" do Smoke[:test].should respond_to(:transform) end it "tranform should require a block" do lambda { Smoke[:test].transform }.should raise_error lambda { Smoke[:test].transform {} }.should_not raise_error end it "should have at least one transformation" do Smoke[:test].transformation.size.should_not be_nil end end describe "key insertion" do it "should respond to insert" do Smoke[:test].should respond_to(:insert) end it "should insert values into each key" do Smoke[:test].insert(:source, "twitter").output.first.should have_key :source Smoke[:test].insert(:source, "twitter").output.first[:source].should == "twitter" end end end