module Ruby3BackwardCompatibility module Ruby3Keywords def self.find_owned_instance_method(mod, method_name, ignore_missing: false) method = begin mod.send(:instance_method, method_name) rescue NameError return if ignore_missing raise NameError, "method '#{method_name}' is not defined" end while method.owner > mod # we found the method in a prepended module super_method = method.super_method if super_method.nil? warn "Called `ruby3_keywords #{method_name.inspect}` on `#{mod}`, which appears not to be the correct owner. Did you mean to call it on `#{method.owner}`?" return method else method = super_method end end method end def self.extended(by) # prepend the anonymous module now, so the user has a chance to control where exactly we will end # up in the prepend chain... by.send(:_ruby3_keywords_module) end def ruby3_keywords(*method_names, ignore_missing: false) method_names.each do |method_name| method_is_private = private_instance_methods.include?(method_name) method_is_protected = protected_instance_methods.include?(method_name) method = Ruby3Keywords.find_owned_instance_method(self, method_name, ignore_missing: ignore_missing) next unless method required_param_count = method.parameters.sum { |(kind, _name)| kind == :req ? 1 : 0 } _ruby3_keywords_module.define_method(method_name) do |*args, &block| if args.last.respond_to?(:to_hash) && args.size > required_param_count keyword_args = args.pop super(*args, **keyword_args, &block) else super(*args, &block) end end if method_is_private _ruby3_keywords_module.send(:private, method_name) elsif method_is_protected _ruby3_keywords_module.send(:protected, method_name) end end end private def _ruby3_keywords_module @_ruby3_keywords_module ||= begin mod = prepend mod mod end end end end