# # Author:: John Keiser () # Copyright:: Copyright 2012-2018, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../cookbook_manifest" require "chef_zero/data_store/memory_store" require "chef_zero/data_store/data_already_exists_error" require "chef_zero/data_store/data_not_found_error" require_relative "file_pattern" require_relative "file_system" require_relative "file_system/exceptions" require_relative "file_system/memory/memory_root" require "fileutils" class Chef module ChefFS # # Translation layer between chef-zero's DataStore (a place where it expects # files to be stored) and ChefFS (the user's repository directory layout). # # chef-zero expects the data store to store files *its* way--for example, it # expects get("nodes/blah") to return the JSON text for the blah node, and # it expects get("cookbooks/blah/1.0.0") to return the JSON definition of # the blah cookbook version 1.0.0. # # The repository is defined the way the *user* wants their layout. These # two things are very similar in layout (for example, nodes are stored under # the nodes/ directory and their filename is the name of the node). # # However, there are a few differences that make this more than just a raw # file store: # # 1. Cookbooks are stored much differently. # - chef-zero places JSON text with the checksums for the cookbook at # /cookbooks/NAME/VERSION, and expects the JSON to contain URLs to the # actual files, which are stored elsewhere. # - The repository contains an actual directory with just the cookbook # files and a metadata.rb containing a version #. There is no JSON to # be found. # - Further, if versioned_cookbooks is false, that directory is named # /cookbooks/NAME and only one version exists. If versioned_cookbooks # is true, the directory is named /cookbooks/NAME-VERSION. # - Therefore, ChefFSDataStore calculates the cookbook JSON by looking at # the files in the cookbook and checksumming them, and reading metadata.rb # for the version and dependency information. # - ChefFSDataStore also modifies the cookbook file URLs so that they point # to /file_store/repo/ (the path to the actual file under the # repository root). For example, /file_store/repo/apache2/metadata.rb or # /file_store/repo/cookbooks/apache2/recipes/default.rb). # # 2. Sandboxes don't exist in the repository. # - ChefFSDataStore lets cookbooks be uploaded into a temporary memory # storage, and when the cookbook is committed, copies the files onto the # disk in the correct place (/cookbooks/apache2/recipes/default.rb). # # 3. Data bags: # - The Chef server expects data bags in /data/BAG/ITEM # - The repository stores data bags in /data_bags/BAG/ITEM # # 4. JSON filenames are generally NAME.json in the repository (e.g. /nodes/foo.json). # # 5. Org membership: # chef-zero stores user membership in an org as a series of empty files. # If an org has jkeiser and cdoherty as members, chef-zero expects these # files to exist: # # - `users/jkeiser` (content: '{}') # - `users/cdoherty` (content: '{}') # # ChefFS, on the other hand, stores user membership in an org as a single # file, `members.json`, with content: # # ```json # [ # { "user": { "username": "jkeiser" } }, # { "user": { "username": "cdoherty" } } # ] # ``` # # To translate between the two, we need to intercept requests to `users` # like so: # # - `list(users)` -> `get(/members.json)` # - `get(users/NAME)` -> `get(/members.json)`, see if it's in there # - `create(users/NAME)` -> `get(/members.json)`, add name, `set(/members.json)` # - `delete(users/NAME)` -> `get(/members.json)`, remove name, `set(/members.json)` # # 6. Org invitations: # chef-zero stores org membership invitations as a series of empty files. # If an org has invited jkeiser and cdoherty (and they have not yet accepted # the invite), chef-zero expects these files to exist: # # - `association_requests/jkeiser` (content: '{}') # - `association_requests/cdoherty` (content: '{}') # # ChefFS, on the other hand, stores invitations as a single file, # `invitations.json`, with content: # # ```json # [ # { "id" => "jkeiser-chef", 'username' => 'jkeiser' }, # { "id" => "cdoherty-chef", 'username' => 'cdoherty' } # ] # ``` # # To translate between the two, we need to intercept requests to `users` # like so: # # - `list(association_requests)` -> `get(/invitations.json)` # - `get(association_requests/NAME)` -> `get(/invitations.json)`, see if it's in there # - `create(association_requests/NAME)` -> `get(/invitations.json)`, add name, `set(/invitations.json)` # - `delete(association_requests/NAME)` -> `get(/invitations.json)`, remove name, `set(/invitations.json)` # class ChefFSDataStore # The base directories in a Chef Repo; even when these don't exist, a # matching GET for these objects will return an empty list instead of a # 404. BASE_DIRNAMES = %w{ clients cookbooks data environments nodes roles users containers groups policy_groups policies }.freeze # # Create a new ChefFSDataStore # # ==== Arguments # # [chef_fs] # A +ChefFS::FileSystem+ object representing the repository root. # Generally will be a +ChefFS::FileSystem::ChefRepositoryFileSystemRoot+ # object, created from +ChefFS::Config.local_fs+. # def initialize(chef_fs, chef_config = Chef::Config) @chef_fs = chef_fs @memory_store = ChefZero::DataStore::MemoryStore.new @repo_mode = chef_config[:repo_mode] end def publish_description "Reading and writing data to #{chef_fs.fs_description}" end attr_reader :chef_fs attr_reader :repo_mode def create_dir(path, name, *options) if use_memory_store?(path) @memory_store.create_dir(path, name, *options) else with_parent_dir(path + [name], *options) do |parent, name| begin parent.create_child(name, nil) rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::AlreadyExistsError => e raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataAlreadyExistsError.new(to_zero_path(e.entry), e) end end end end # # If you want to get the contents of /data/x/y from the server, # you say chef_fs.child('data').child('x').child('y').read. # It will make exactly one network request: GET /data/x/y # And that will return 404 if it doesn't exist. # # ChefFS objects do not go to the network until you ask them for data. # This means you can construct a /data/x/y ChefFS entry early. # # Alternative: # chef_fs.child('data') could have done a GET /data preemptively, # allowing it to know whether child('x') was valid (GET /data gives you # a list of data bags). Then child('x') could have done a GET /data/x, # allowing it to know whether child('y') (the item) existed. Finally, # we would do the GET /data/x/y to read the contents. Three network # requests instead of 1. # def create(path, name, data, *options) if use_memory_store?(path) @memory_store.create(path, name, data, *options) elsif path[0] == "cookbooks" && path.length == 2 # Do nothing. The entry gets created when the cookbook is created. # /policy_groups/GROUP/policies/NAME elsif path[0] == "policy_groups" && path[2] == "policies" # Just set or create the proper entry in the hash update_json(to_chef_fs_path(path[0..1]), {}, *options) do |group| if policies.key?(path[3]) raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataAlreadyExistsError.new(path, group) end group["policies"] ||= {} group["policies"][path[3]] = { "revision_id" => Chef::JSONCompat.parse(data) } group end # create [/organizations/ORG]/users/NAME (with content '{}') # Manipulate the `members.json` file that contains a list of all users elsif is_org? && path == [ "users" ] update_json("members.json", [], *options) do |members| # Format of each entry: { "user": { "username": "jkeiser" } } if members.any? { |member| member["user"]["username"] == name } raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataAlreadyExistsError.new(path, entry) end # Actually add the user members << { "user" => { "username" => name } } end # create [/organizations/ORG]/association_requests/NAME (with content '{}') # Manipulate the `invitations.json` file that contains a list of all users elsif is_org? && path == [ "association_requests" ] update_json("invitations.json", [], *options) do |invitations| # Format of each entry: { "id" => "jkeiser-chef", 'username' => 'jkeiser' } if invitations.any? { |member| member["username"] == name } raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataAlreadyExistsError.new(path) end # Actually add the user (TODO insert org name??) invitations << { "username" => name } end else if !data.is_a?(String) raise "set only works with strings" end with_parent_dir(path + [name], *options) do |parent, name| begin parent.create_child(name, data) rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::AlreadyExistsError => e raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataAlreadyExistsError.new(to_zero_path(e.entry), e) end end end end def get(path, request = nil) if use_memory_store?(path) @memory_store.get(path) elsif path[0] == "file_store" && path[1] == "repo" entry = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(chef_fs, path[2..-1].join("/")) begin entry.read rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(to_zero_path(e.entry), e) end # /policy_groups/NAME/policies/POLICYNAME: return the revision of the given policy elsif path[0] == "policy_groups" && path[2] == "policies" && path.length == 4 # Just set or create the proper entry in the hash policy_group = get_json(to_chef_fs_path(path[0..1]), {}) if !policy_group["policies"] || !policy_group["policies"][path[3]] raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(path, entry) end # The policy group looks like: # { # "policies": { # "x": { "revision_id": "10" } # } # } Chef::JSONCompat.to_json_pretty(policy_group["policies"][path[3]]["revision_id"]) # GET [/organizations/ORG]/users/NAME -> /users/NAME # Manipulates members.json elsif is_org? && path[0] == "users" && path.length == 2 if get_json("members.json", []).any? { |member| member["user"]["username"] == path[1] } "{}" else raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(path) end # GET [/organizations/ORG]/association_requests/NAME -> /users/NAME # Manipulates invites.json elsif is_org? && path[0] == "association_requests" && path.length == 2 if get_json("invites.json", []).any? { |member| member["user"]["username"] == path[1] } "{}" else raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(path) end # GET /cookbooks/NAME/VERSION or /cookbook_artifacts/NAME/IDENTIFIER elsif %w{cookbooks cookbook_artifacts}.include?(path[0]) && path.length == 3 with_entry(path) do |entry| cookbook_type = path[0] result = nil begin result = Chef::CookbookManifest.new(entry.chef_object, policy_mode: cookbook_type == "cookbook_artifacts").to_h rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(to_zero_path(e.entry), e) end result.each_pair do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Array) value.each do |file| if file.is_a?(Hash) && file.key?("checksum") relative = ["file_store", "repo", cookbook_type] if chef_fs.versioned_cookbooks || cookbook_type == "cookbook_artifacts" relative << "#{path[1]}-#{path[2]}" else relative << path[1] end relative += file[:path].split("/") file["url"] = ChefZero::RestBase.build_uri(request.base_uri, relative) end end end end if cookbook_type == "cookbook_artifacts" result["metadata"] = result["metadata"].to_h result["metadata"].delete_if do |key, value| value == [] || (value == {} && !%w{dependencies attributes recipes}.include?(key)) || (value == "" && %w{source_url issues_url}.include?(key)) || (value == false && key == "privacy") end end Chef::JSONCompat.to_json_pretty(result) end else with_entry(path) do |entry| begin entry.read rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(to_zero_path(e.entry), e) end end end end def set(path, data, *options) if use_memory_store?(path) @memory_store.set(path, data, *options) else if !data.is_a?(String) raise "set only works with strings: #{path} = #{data.inspect}" end # Write out the files! if %w{cookbooks cookbook_artifacts}.include?(path[0]) && path.length == 3 write_cookbook(path, data, *options) # Handle /policy_groups/some_policy_group/policies/some_policy_name elsif path[0] == "policy_groups" && path[2] == "policies" && path.length == 4 # Just set or create the proper entry in the hash update_json(to_chef_fs_path(path[0..1]), {}, *options) do |group| group["policies"] ||= {} group["policies"][path[3]] = { "revision_id" => Chef::JSONCompat.parse(data) } group end else with_parent_dir(path, *options) do |parent, name| child = parent.child(name) if child.exists? child.write(data) else parent.create_child(name, data) end end end end end def delete(path) if use_memory_store?(path) @memory_store.delete(path) # DELETE /policy_groups/GROUP/policies/POLICY elsif path[0] == "policy_groups" && path[2] == "policies" && path.length == 4 update_json(to_chef_fs_path(path[0..1]), {}) do |group| unless group["policies"] && group["policies"].key?(path[3]) raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(path) end group["policies"].delete(path[3]) group end # DELETE [/organizations/ORG]/users/NAME # Manipulates members.json elsif is_org? && path[0] == "users" && path.length == 2 update_json("members.json", []) do |members| result = members.reject { |member| member["user"]["username"] == path[1] } if result.size == members.size raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(path) end result end # DELETE [/organizations/ORG]/users/NAME # Manipulates members.json elsif is_org? && path[0] == "association_requests" && path.length == 2 update_json("invitations.json", []) do |invitations| result = invitations.reject { |invitation| invitation["username"] == path[1] } if result.size == invitations.size raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(path) end result end else with_entry(path) do |entry| begin if %w{cookbooks cookbook_artifacts}.include?(path[0]) && path.length >= 3 entry.delete(true) else entry.delete(false) end rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(to_zero_path(e.entry), e) end end end end def delete_dir(path, *options) if use_memory_store?(path) @memory_store.delete_dir(path, *options) # DELETE /policies/POLICY elsif path[0] == "policies" && path.length == 2 with_entry(path[0..0]) do |policies| # /policies: # - a-1.0.0.json # - a-1.0.1.json # - b-2.0.0.json found_policy = false policies.children.each do |policy| # We want to delete just the ones that == POLICY next unless policy.name.rpartition("-")[0] == path[1] policy.delete(false) FileSystemCache.instance.delete!(policy.file_path) found_policy = true end raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(path) if !found_policy end else with_entry(path) do |entry| begin entry.delete(options.include?(:recursive)) rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(to_zero_path(e.entry), e) end end end end def list(path) if use_memory_store?(path) @memory_store.list(path) # LIST /policies elsif path == [ "policies" ] with_entry([ path[0] ]) do |policies| begin policies.children.map { |policy| policy.name[0..-6].rpartition("-")[0] }.uniq rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError [] end end # LIST /policies/POLICY/revisions elsif path[0] == "policies" && path[2] == "revisions" && path.length == 3 with_entry([ path[0] ]) do |policies| # /policies: # - a-1.0.0.json # - a-1.0.1.json # - b-2.0.0.json revisions = [] policies.children.each do |policy| name, dash, revision = policy.name[0..-6].rpartition("-") revisions << revision if name == path[1] end raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(path) if revisions.empty? revisions end elsif path[0] == "policy_groups" && path.length == 2 with_entry(path) do |entry| [ "policies" ] end elsif path[0] == "policy_groups" && path[2] == "policies" && path.length == 3 with_entry(path[0..1]) do |entry| policies = Chef::JSONCompat.parse(entry.read)["policies"] || {} policies.keys end elsif %w{cookbooks cookbook_artifacts}.include?(path[0]) && path.length == 1 with_entry(path) do |entry| begin if path[0] == "cookbook_artifacts" entry.children.map { |child| child.name.rpartition("-")[0] }.uniq elsif chef_fs.versioned_cookbooks # /cookbooks/name-version -> /cookbooks/name entry.children.map { |child| split_name_version(child.name)[0] }.uniq else entry.children.map { |child| child.name } end rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError # If the cookbooks dir doesn't exist, we have no cookbooks (not 404) [] end end elsif %w{cookbooks cookbook_artifacts}.include?(path[0]) && path.length == 2 if chef_fs.versioned_cookbooks || path[0] == "cookbook_artifacts" result = with_entry([ path[0] ]) do |entry| # list /cookbooks/name = filter /cookbooks/name-version down to name entry.children.map { |child| split_name_version(child.name) } .select { |name, version| name == path[1] } .map { |name, version| version } end if result.empty? raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(path) end result else # list /cookbooks/name = version = get_single_cookbook_version(path) [version] end else result = with_entry(path) do |entry| begin entry.children.map { |c| zero_filename(c) }.sort rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e # /cookbooks, /data, etc. never return 404 if path_always_exists?(path) [] else raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(to_zero_path(e.entry), e) end end end # Older versions of chef-zero do not understand policies and cookbook_artifacts, # don't give that stuff to them if path == [] && ChefZero::VERSION.to_f < 4.4 result.reject! { |child| %w{policies policy_data cookbook_artifacts}.include?(child) } end result end end def exists?(path) if use_memory_store?(path) @memory_store.exists?(path) # /policy_groups/NAME/policies/POLICYNAME elsif path[0] == "policy_groups" && path[2] == "policies" && path.length == 4 group = get_json(to_chef_fs_path(path[0..1]), {}) group["policies"] && group["policies"].key?(path[3]) else path_always_exists?(path) || Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(chef_fs, to_chef_fs_path(path)).exists? end end def exists_dir?(path) if use_memory_store?(path) @memory_store.exists_dir?(path) elsif %w{cookbooks cookbook_artifacts}.include?(path[0]) && path.length == 2 list([ path[0] ]).include?(path[1]) # /policies/NAME elsif path[0] == "policies" && path.length == 2 list([ path[0] ]).include?(path[1]) # /policy_groups/NAME/policies elsif path[0] == "policy_groups" && path[2] == "policies" && path.length == 3 exists_dir?(path[0..1]) else Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(chef_fs, to_chef_fs_path(path)).exists? end end private def use_memory_store?(path) path[0] == "sandboxes" || path[0] == "file_store" && path[1] == "checksums" || path == %w{environments _default} end def write_cookbook(path, data, *options) cookbook_type = path[0] if chef_fs.versioned_cookbooks cookbook_path = File.join(cookbook_type, "#{path[1]}-#{path[2]}") else cookbook_path = File.join(cookbook_type, path[1]) end # Create a little Chef::ChefFS memory filesystem with the data cookbook_fs = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::Memory::MemoryRoot.new("uploading") cookbook = Chef::JSONCompat.parse(data) cookbook.each_pair do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Array) value.each do |file| if file.is_a?(Hash) && file.key?("checksum") file_data = @memory_store.get(["file_store", "checksums", file["checksum"]]) cookbook_fs.add_file(File.join(cookbook_path, file["path"]), file_data) end end end end # Create the .uploaded-cookbook-version.json cookbooks = chef_fs.child(cookbook_type) if !cookbooks.exists? cookbooks = chef_fs.create_child(cookbook_type) end # We are calling a cookbooks-specific API, so get multiplexed_dirs out of the way if it is there if cookbooks.respond_to?(:multiplexed_dirs) cookbooks = cookbooks.write_dir end cookbooks.write_cookbook(cookbook_path, data, cookbook_fs) end def split_name_version(entry_name) name_version = entry_name.split("-") name = name_version[0..-2].join("-") version = name_version[-1] [name, version] end def to_chef_fs_path(path) _to_chef_fs_path(path).join("/") end def chef_fs_filename(path) _to_chef_fs_path(path)[-1] end def _to_chef_fs_path(path) path = path.dup # /data -> /data_bags # /data/BAG -> /data_bags/BAG # /data/BAG/ITEM -> /data_bags/BAG/ITEM.json if path[0] == "data" path[0] = "data_bags" if path.length >= 3 path[2] = "#{path[2]}.json" end # /client_keys/CLIENT/keys -> /client_keys/CLIENT # /client_keys/CLIENT/keys/KEYNAME -> /client_keys/CLIENT/KEYNAME.json elsif path[0] == "client_keys" path.delete_at(2) if path.length >= 3 path[-1] += ".json" end # /policies/POLICY/revisions/REVISION -> /policies/POLICY-REVISION.json elsif path[0] == "policies" && path[2] == "revisions" && path.length >= 4 path = [ "policies", "#{path[1]}-#{path[3]}.json" ] elsif %w{cookbooks cookbook_artifacts}.include?(path[0]) if path.length == 2 raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(path) elsif path.length >= 3 if chef_fs.versioned_cookbooks || path[0] == "cookbook_artifacts" # cookbooks/name/version -> cookbooks/name-version path = [ path[0], "#{path[1]}-#{path[2]}" ] + path[3..-1] else # cookbooks/name/version/... -> /cookbooks/name/... iff metadata says so version = get_single_cookbook_version(path) if path[2] == version path = path[0..1] + path[3..-1] else raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(path) end end end elsif path[0] == "acls" # /acls/data -> /acls/data_bags if path[1] == "data" path[1] = "data_bags" end # /acls/containers|nodes|.../x.json # /acls/organization.json if path.length == 3 || path == %w{acls organization} path[-1] = "#{path[-1]}.json" end # /acls/containers|nodes|... do NOT drop into the next elsif, and do # not get .json appended # /nodes|clients|.../x.json elsif path.length == 2 path[-1] = "#{path[-1]}.json" end path end def to_zero_path(entry) path = entry.path.split("/")[1..-1] if path[0] == "data_bags" path[0] = "data" if path.length >= 3 path[2] = path[2][0..-6] end # /client_keys/CLIENT -> /client_keys/CLIENT/keys # /client_keys/CLIENT/KEYNAME.json -> /client_keys/CLIENT/keys/KEYNAME elsif path[0] == "client_keys" if path.size == 2 path << "keys" elsif path.size > 2 path[2..-1] = [ "keys", path[-1][0..-6] ] end elsif %w{cookbooks cookbook_artifacts}.include?(path[0]) if chef_fs.versioned_cookbooks || path[0] == "cookbook_artifacts" # cookbooks/name-version/... -> cookbooks/name/version/... if path.length >= 2 name, version = split_name_version(path[1]) path = [ path[0], name, version ] + path[2..-1] end else if path.length >= 2 # cookbooks/name/... -> cookbooks/name/version/... version = get_single_cookbook_version(path) path = path[0..1] + [version] + path[2..-1] end end # /policies/NAME-REVISION.json -> /policies/NAME/revisions/REVISION elsif path[0] == "policies" if path.length >= 2 name, dash, revision = path[1][0..-6].rpartition("-") path = [ "policies", name, "revisions", revision ] end elsif path.length == 2 && path[0] != "cookbooks" path[1] = path[1].gsub(/\.(rb|json)/, "") end path end def zero_filename(entry) to_zero_path(entry)[-1] end def path_always_exists?(path) path.length == 1 && BASE_DIRNAMES.include?(path[0]) end def with_entry(path) yield Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(chef_fs, to_chef_fs_path(path)) rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(to_zero_path(e.entry), e) end def with_parent_dir(path, *options) path = _to_chef_fs_path(path) begin yield get_dir(path[0..-2], options.include?(:create_dir)), path[-1] rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e err = ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(to_zero_path(e.entry), e) err.set_backtrace(e.backtrace) raise err end end def with_dir(path) # Do not automatically create data bags create = !(path[0] == "data" && path.size >= 2) begin yield get_dir(_to_chef_fs_path(path), create) rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e err = ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(to_zero_path(e.entry), e) err.set_backtrace(e.backtrace) raise err end end def get_dir(path, create = false) result = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(chef_fs, path.join("/")) if result.exists? result elsif create || path.size == 1 get_dir(path[0..-2], create).create_child(result.name, nil) else raise ChefZero::DataStore::DataNotFoundError.new(path) end end def get_single_cookbook_version(path) dir = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(chef_fs, path[0..1].join("/")) metadata = ChefZero::CookbookData.metadata_from(dir, path[1], nil, []) metadata[:version] || "0.0.0" end def update_json(path, default_value, *options) entry = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(chef_fs, path) begin input = Chef::JSONCompat.parse(entry.read) output = yield input entry.write(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json_pretty(output)) if output != Chef::JSONCompat.parse(entry.read) rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError # Send the default value to the caller, and create the entry if the caller updates it output = yield default_value parent = entry.parent parent = ensure_dir(parent) if options.include?(:create_dir) parent.create_child(entry.name, Chef::JSONCompat.to_json_pretty(output)) if output != [] end end def ensure_dir(entry) return entry if entry.exists? parent = entry.parent if parent ensure_dir(parent) parent.create_child(entry.name) end end def get_json(path, default_value) entry = Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.resolve_path(chef_fs, path) begin Chef::JSONCompat.parse(entry.read) rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError default_value end end def is_org? repo_mode == "hosted_everything" end end end end