# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. autoload :Net, 'net/ssh' require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'stringio' require 'securerandom' require 'timeout' module MU # MommaCat is in charge of managing metadata about resources we've created, # as well as orchestrating amongst them and bootstrapping nodes outside of # the normal synchronous deploy sequence invoked by *mu-deploy*. class MommaCat # An exception denoting a failure in MommaCat#fetchSecret and related methods class SecretError < MuError; end # Failure to load or create a deploy class DeployInitializeError < MuError; end # Failure to groom a node class GroomError < MuError; end @@litters = {} @@litters_loadtime = {} @@litter_semaphore = Mutex.new # Return a {MU::MommaCat} instance for an existing deploy. Use this instead # of using #initialize directly to avoid loading deploys multiple times or # stepping on the global context for the deployment you're really working # on.. # @param deploy_id [String]: The deploy ID of the deploy to load. # @param set_context_to_me [Boolean]: Whether new MommaCat objects should overwrite any existing per-thread global deploy variables. # @param use_cache [Boolean]: If we have an existing object for this deploy, use that # @return [MU::MommaCat] def self.getLitter(deploy_id, set_context_to_me: false, use_cache: true) if deploy_id.nil? or deploy_id.empty? raise MuError, "Cannot fetch a deployment without a deploy_id" end # XXX this caching may be harmful, causing stale resource objects to stick # around. Have we fixed this? Sort of. Bad entries seem to have no kittens, # so force a reload if we see that. That's probably not the root problem. littercache = nil begin @@litter_semaphore.synchronize { littercache = @@litters.dup } if littercache[deploy_id] and @@litters_loadtime[deploy_id] deploy_root = File.expand_path(MU.dataDir+"/deployments") this_deploy_dir = deploy_root+"/"+deploy_id if File.exist?("#{this_deploy_dir}/deployment.json") lastmod = File.mtime("#{this_deploy_dir}/deployment.json") if lastmod > @@litters_loadtime[deploy_id] MU.log "Deployment metadata for #{deploy_id} was modified on disk, reload", MU::NOTICE use_cache = false end end end rescue ThreadError => e # already locked by a parent caller and this is a read op, so this is ok raise e if !e.message.match(/recursive locking/) littercache = @@litters.dup end if !use_cache or littercache[deploy_id].nil? need_gc = !littercache[deploy_id].nil? newlitter = MU::MommaCat.new(deploy_id, set_context_to_me: set_context_to_me) # This, we have to synchronize, as it's a write @@litter_semaphore.synchronize { @@litters[deploy_id] = newlitter @@litters_loadtime[deploy_id] = Time.now } GC.start if need_gc elsif set_context_to_me MU::MommaCat.setThreadContext(@@litters[deploy_id]) end return @@litters[deploy_id] # MU::MommaCat.new(deploy_id, set_context_to_me: set_context_to_me) end # Update the in-memory cache of a given deploy. This is intended for use by # {#save!}, primarily. # @param deploy_id [String] # @param litter [MU::MommaCat] def self.updateLitter(deploy_id, litter) return if litter.nil? @@litter_semaphore.synchronize { @@litters[deploy_id] = litter @@litters_loadtime[deploy_id] = Time.now } end attr_reader :initializing attr_reader :public_key attr_reader :deploy_secret attr_reader :deployment attr_reader :original_config attr_reader :environment attr_reader :ssh_key_name attr_reader :ssh_public_key attr_reader :nocleanup attr_reader :deploy_id attr_reader :timestamp attr_reader :appname attr_reader :handle attr_reader :seed attr_reader :mu_user attr_reader :clouds attr_reader :chef_user attr_reader :no_artifacts attr_accessor :kittens # really want a method only available to :Deploy @myhome = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir @nagios_home = "/opt/mu/var/nagios_user_home" @locks = Hash.new @deploy_cache = Hash.new @nocleanup = false # List the currently held flock() locks. def self.trapSafeLocks; @locks end # List the currently held flock() locks. def self.locks; @lock_semaphore.synchronize { @locks } end @@deploy_struct_semaphore = Mutex.new # Don't let things that modify the deploy struct Hash step on each other. # @return [Mutex] def self.deploy_struct_semaphore; @@deploy_struct_semaphore end # Set the current threads' context (some knucklehead global variables) to # values pertinent to the given deployment object. # @param deploy [MU::MommaCat]: A deployment object def self.setThreadContext(deploy) raise MuError, "Didn't get a MU::MommaCat object in setThreadContext" if !deploy.is_a?(MU::MommaCat) if !deploy.mu_user.nil? MU.setVar("chef_user", deploy.chef_user) if deploy.mu_user != "mu" and deploy.mu_user != "root" MU.setVar("dataDir", Etc.getpwnam(deploy.mu_user).dir+"/.mu/var") MU.setVar("mu_user", deploy.mu_user) else MU.setVar("dataDir", MU.mainDataDir) MU.setVar("mu_user", "root") end end MU.setVar("mommacat", deploy) MU.setVar("deploy_id", deploy.deploy_id) MU.setVar("appname", deploy.appname) MU.setVar("environment", deploy.environment) MU.setVar("timestamp", deploy.timestamp) MU.setVar("seed", deploy.seed) MU.setVar("handle", deploy.handle) end # @param deploy_id [String]: The MU identifier of the deployment to load or create. # @param create [Boolean]: Create a new deployment instead of searching for an existing one. # @param deploy_secret [String]: A secret encrypted by the private key of a deployment we're loading. Used to validate remote requests to bootstrap into this deployment. # @param config [Hash]: The full configuration, parsed by {MU::Config}, of this deployment. Required when creating a new deployment. # @param environment [String]: The environment of a deployment to create. # @param ssh_key_name [String]: Required when creating a new deployment. # @param ssh_private_key [String]: Required when creating a new deployment. # @param ssh_public_key [String]: SSH public key for authorized_hosts on clients. # @param skip_resource_objects [Boolean]: Whether preload the cloud resource objects from this deploy. Can save load time for simple MommaCat tasks. # @param nocleanup [Boolean]: Skip automatic cleanup of failed resources # @param no_artifacts [Boolean]: Do not save deploy metadata # @param deployment_data [Hash]: Known deployment data. # @return [void] def initialize(deploy_id, create: false, deploy_secret: nil, config: nil, environment: "dev", ssh_key_name: nil, ssh_private_key: nil, ssh_public_key: nil, nocleanup: false, appname: nil, timestamp: nil, set_context_to_me: true, skip_resource_objects: false, no_artifacts: false, deployment_data: {}, delay_descriptor_load: false, mu_user: Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name ) if deploy_id.nil? or deploy_id.empty? raise DeployInitializeError, "MommaCat objects must specify a deploy_id" end set_context_to_me = true if create @initializing = true @deploy_id = deploy_id @mu_user = mu_user.dup @no_artifacts = no_artifacts # Make sure mu_user and chef_user are sane. if @mu_user == "root" @chef_user = "mu" else @chef_user = @mu_user.dup.gsub(/\./, "") @mu_user = "root" if @mu_user == "mu" end @kitten_semaphore = Mutex.new @kittens = {} @original_config = MU::Config.manxify(config) @nocleanup = nocleanup @secret_semaphore = Mutex.new @notify_semaphore = Mutex.new @need_deploy_flush = false @node_cert_semaphore = Mutex.new @deployment = deployment_data @deployment['mu_public_ip'] = MU.mu_public_ip @private_key = nil @public_key = nil @secrets = Hash.new @secrets['instance_secret'] = Hash.new @ssh_key_name = ssh_key_name @ssh_private_key = ssh_private_key @ssh_public_key = ssh_public_key @clouds = {} @seed = MU.seed # pass this in @handle = MU.handle # pass this in @appname = appname @appname ||= @original_config['name'] if @original_config @timestamp = timestamp @environment = environment if set_context_to_me MU::MommaCat.setThreadContext(self) end if create and !@no_artifacts if !Dir.exist?(MU.dataDir+"/deployments") MU.log "Creating #{MU.dataDir}/deployments", MU::DEBUG Dir.mkdir(MU.dataDir+"/deployments", 0700) end path = File.expand_path(MU.dataDir+"/deployments")+"/"+@deploy_id if !Dir.exist?(path) MU.log "Creating #{path}", MU::DEBUG Dir.mkdir(path, 0700) end if @original_config.nil? or !@original_config.is_a?(Hash) raise DeployInitializeError, "New MommaCat repository requires config hash" end credsets = {} MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |attrs| if !@original_config[attrs[:cfg_plural]].nil? and @original_config[attrs[:cfg_plural]].size > 0 @original_config[attrs[:cfg_plural]].each { |resource| credsets[resource['cloud']] ||= [] credsets[resource['cloud']] << resource['credentials'] @clouds[resource['cloud']] = 0 if !@clouds.has_key?(resource['cloud']) @clouds[resource['cloud']] = @clouds[resource['cloud']] + 1 } end } @ssh_key_name, @ssh_private_key, @ssh_public_key = self.SSHKey if !File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/private_key") @private_key, @public_key = createDeployKey end MU.log "Creating deploy secret for #{MU.deploy_id}" @deploy_secret = Password.random(256) if !@original_config['scrub_mu_isms'] credsets.each_pair { |cloud, creds| creds.uniq! cloudclass = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(cloud) creds.each { |credentials| cloudclass.writeDeploySecret(@deploy_id, @deploy_secret, credentials: credentials) } } end if set_context_to_me MU::MommaCat.setThreadContext(self) end save! end @appname ||= MU.appname @timestamp ||= MU.timestamp @environment ||= MU.environment loadDeploy(set_context_to_me: set_context_to_me) if !deploy_secret.nil? if !authKey(deploy_secret) raise DeployInitializeError, "Client request did not include a valid deploy authorization secret. Verify that userdata runs correctly?" end end @@litter_semaphore.synchronize { @@litters[@deploy_id] ||= self } # Initialize a MU::Cloud object for each resource belonging to this # deploy, IF it already exists, which is to say if we're loading an # existing deploy instead of creating a new one. if !create and @deployment and @original_config and !skip_resource_objects MU::Cloud.resource_types.each_pair { |res_type, attrs| type = attrs[:cfg_plural] if @deployment.has_key?(type) @deployment[type].each_pair { |res_name, data| orig_cfg = nil if @original_config.has_key?(type) @original_config[type].each { |resource| if resource["name"] == res_name orig_cfg = resource break end } end # Some Server objects originated from ServerPools, get their # configs from there if type == "servers" and orig_cfg.nil? and @original_config.has_key?("server_pools") @original_config["server_pools"].each { |resource| if resource["name"] == res_name orig_cfg = resource break end } end if orig_cfg.nil? MU.log "Failed to locate original config for #{attrs[:cfg_name]} #{res_name} in #{@deploy_id}", MU::WARN if !["firewall_rules", "databases", "storage_pools", "cache_clusters", "alarms"].include?(type) # XXX shaddap next end if orig_cfg['vpc'] and orig_cfg['vpc'].is_a?(Hash) ref = if orig_cfg['vpc']['id'] and orig_cfg['vpc']['id'].is_a?(Hash) orig_cfg['vpc']['id']['mommacat'] = self MU::Config::Ref.get(orig_cfg['vpc']['id']) else orig_cfg['vpc']['mommacat'] = self MU::Config::Ref.get(orig_cfg['vpc']) end orig_cfg['vpc'].delete('mommacat') orig_cfg['vpc'] = ref if ref.kitten end begin # Load up MU::Cloud objects for all our kittens in this deploy orig_cfg['environment'] = @environment # not always set in old deploys if attrs[:has_multiples] data.keys.each { |mu_name| attrs[:interface].new(mommacat: self, kitten_cfg: orig_cfg, mu_name: mu_name, delay_descriptor_load: delay_descriptor_load) } else # XXX hack for old deployments, this can go away some day if data['mu_name'].nil? or data['mu_name'].empty? if res_type.to_s == "LoadBalancer" and !data['awsname'].nil? data['mu_name'] = data['awsname'].dup elsif res_type.to_s == "FirewallRule" and !data['group_name'].nil? data['mu_name'] = data['group_name'].dup elsif res_type.to_s == "Database" and !data['identifier'].nil? data['mu_name'] = data['identifier'].dup.upcase elsif res_type.to_s == "VPC" # VPC names are deterministic, just generate the things data['mu_name'] = getResourceName(data['name']) end end if data['mu_name'].nil? raise MuError, "Unable to find or guess a Mu name for #{res_type}: #{res_name} in #{@deploy_id}" end attrs[:interface].new(mommacat: self, kitten_cfg: orig_cfg, mu_name: data['mu_name'], cloud_id: data['cloud_id']) end rescue Exception => e if e.class != MU::Cloud::MuCloudResourceNotImplemented MU.log "Failed to load an existing resource of type '#{type}' in #{@deploy_id}: #{e.inspect}", MU::WARN, details: e.backtrace end end } end } end @initializing = false # XXX this .owned? method may get changed by the Ruby maintainers # if !@@litter_semaphore.owned? end # end of initialize() # List all the cloud providers declared by resources in our deploy. def cloudsUsed seen = [] seen << @original_config['cloud'] if @original_config['cloud'] MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |attrs| type = attrs[:cfg_plural] if @original_config.has_key?(type) @original_config[type].each { |resource| seen << resource['cloud'] if resource['cloud'] } end } seen.uniq end # Assay this deployment for a list of credentials (from mu.yaml) which are # used. Our Cleanup module can leverage this to skip unnecessary checks. # @return [Array] def credsUsed return [] if !@original_config seen = [] # clouds = [] seen << @original_config['credentials'] if @original_config['credentials'] # defaultcloud = @original_config['cloud'] MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |attrs| type = attrs[:cfg_plural] if @original_config.has_key?(type) @original_config[type].each { |resource| if resource['credentials'] seen << resource['credentials'] else cloudclass = if @original_config['cloud'] Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(@original_config['cloud']) else Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(MU::Config.defaultCloud) end seen << cloudclass.credConfig(name_only: true) end } end } # XXX insert default for each cloud provider if not explicitly seen seen.uniq end # List the regions used by each resource in our deploy. This will just be # a flat list of strings with no regard to which region belongs with what # cloud provider- things mostly use this as a lookup table so they can # safely skip unnecessary regions when creating/cleaning deploy artifacts. # @return [Array] def regionsUsed return [] if !@original_config regions = [] regions << @original_config['region'] if @original_config['region'] MU::Cloud.resource_types.each_pair { |res_type, attrs| type = attrs[:cfg_plural] if @original_config.has_key?(type) @original_config[type].each { |resource| if resource['cloud'] cloudclass = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(resource['cloud']) resclass = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(resource['cloud']).const_get(res_type.to_s) if resclass.isGlobal? regions.concat(cloudclass.listRegions) next elsif !resource['region'] regions << cloudclass.myRegion end end if resource['region'] regions << resource['region'] if resource['region'] else end } end } regions.uniq end # Tell us the number of first-class resources we've configured, optionally # filtering results to only include a given type and/or in a given cloud # environment. # @param clouds [Array]: The cloud environment(s) to check for. If unspecified, will match all environments in this deployment. # @param types [Array]: The type of resource(s) to check for. If unspecified, will match all resources in this deployment. # @param negate [Boolean]: Invert logic of the other filters if they are specified, e.g. search for all cloud resources that are *not* AWS. def numKittens(clouds: [], types: [], negate: false) realtypes = [] return 0 if @original_config.nil? if !types.nil? and types.size > 0 types.each { |type| cfg_plural = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(type)[2] realtypes << cfg_plural } end count = 0 MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |data| next if @original_config[data[:cfg_plural]].nil? next if realtypes.size > 0 and (!negate and !realtypes.include?(data[:cfg_plural])) @original_config[data[:cfg_plural]].each { |resource| if clouds.nil? or clouds.size == 0 or (!negate and clouds.include?(resource["cloud"])) or (negate and !clouds.include?(resource["cloud"])) count = count + 1 end } } count end # @param object [MU::Cloud]: def removeKitten(object) if !object raise MuError, "Nil arguments to removeKitten are not allowed" end @kitten_semaphore.synchronize { MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |attrs| type = attrs[:cfg_plural] next if !@kittens.has_key?(type) tmplitter = @kittens[type].values.dup tmplitter.each { |nodeclass, data| if data.is_a?(Hash) data.keys.each { |mu_name| if data == object @kittens[type][nodeclass].delete(mu_name) return end } else if data == object @kittens[type].delete(nodeclass) return end end } } } @kittens end # Overwrite this deployment's configuration with a new version. Save the # previous version as well. # @param new_conf [Hash]: A new configuration, fully resolved by {MU::Config} def updateBasketofKittens(new_conf) loadDeploy if new_conf == @original_config MU.log "#{@deploy_id}", MU::WARN return end backup = "#{deploy_dir}/basket_of_kittens.json.#{Time.now.to_i.to_s}" MU.log "Saving previous config of #{@deploy_id} to #{backup}" config = File.new(backup, File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) config.flock(File::LOCK_EX) config.puts JSON.pretty_generate(@original_config) config.flock(File::LOCK_UN) config.close @original_config = new_conf # save! # XXX this will happen later, more sensibly MU.log "New config saved to #{deploy_dir}/basket_of_kittens.json" end # Keep tabs on a {MU::Cloud} object so that it can be found easily by # #findLitterMate. # @param type [String]: # @param name [String]: # @param object [MU::Cloud]: def addKitten(type, name, object) if !type or !name or !object or !object.mu_name raise MuError, "Nil arguments to addKitten are not allowed (got type: #{type}, name: #{name}, and '#{object}' to add)" end _shortclass, _cfg_name, type, _classname, attrs = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(type) has_multiples = attrs[:has_multiples] object.intoDeploy(self) @kitten_semaphore.synchronize { @kittens[type] ||= {} @kittens[type][object.habitat] ||= {} if has_multiples @kittens[type][object.habitat][name] ||= {} @kittens[type][object.habitat][name][object.mu_name] = object else @kittens[type][object.habitat][name] = object end } end # Check a provided deploy key against our stored version. The instance has # in theory accessed a secret via S3 and encrypted it with the deploy's # public key. If it decrypts correctly, we assume this instance is indeed # one of ours. # @param ciphertext [String]: The text to decrypt. # return [Boolean]: Whether the provided text was encrypted with the correct key def authKey(ciphertext) if @private_key.nil? or @deploy_secret.nil? MU.log "Missing auth metadata, can't authorize node in authKey", MU::ERR return false end my_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(@private_key) begin if my_key.private_decrypt(ciphertext).force_encoding("UTF-8") == @deploy_secret.force_encoding("UTF-8") MU.log "Matched ciphertext for #{MU.deploy_id}", MU::INFO return true else MU.log "Mis-matched ciphertext for #{MU.deploy_id}", MU::ERR return false end rescue OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError => e MU.log "Error decrypting provided ciphertext using private key from #{deploy_dir}/private_key: #{e.message}", MU::ERR, details: ciphertext return false end end # Generate a three-character string which can be used to unique-ify the # names of resources which might potentially collide, e.g. Windows local # hostnames, Amazon Elastic Load Balancers, or server pool instances. # @return [String]: A three-character string consisting of two alphnumeric # characters (uppercase) and one number. def self.genUniquenessString begin candidate = SecureRandom.base64(2).slice(0..1) + SecureRandom.random_number(9).to_s candidate.upcase! end while candidate.match(/[^A-Z0-9]/) return candidate end @unique_map_semaphore = Mutex.new @name_unique_str_map = {} # Keep a map of the uniqueness strings we assign to various full names, in # case we want to reuse them later. # @return [Hash] def self.name_unique_str_map @name_unique_str_map end # Keep a map of the uniqueness strings we assign to various full names, in # case we want to reuse them later. # @return [Mutex] def self.unique_map_semaphore @unique_map_semaphore end # Generate a name string for a resource, incorporate the MU identifier # for this deployment. Will dynamically shorten the name to fit for # restrictive uses (e.g. Windows local hostnames, Amazon Elastic Load # Balancers). # @param name [String]: The shorthand name of the resource, usually the value of the "name" field in an Mu resource declaration. # @param max_length [Integer]: The maximum length of the resulting resource name. # @param need_unique_string [Boolean]: Whether to forcibly append a random three-character string to the name to ensure it's unique. Note that this behavior will be automatically invoked if the name must be truncated. # @param scrub_mu_isms [Boolean]: Don't bother with generating names specific to this deployment. Used to generate generic CloudFormation templates, amongst other purposes. # @param allowed_chars [Regexp]: A pattern of characters that are legal for this resource name, such as +/[a-zA-Z0-9-]/+ # @return [String]: A full name string for this resource def getResourceName(name, max_length: 255, need_unique_string: false, use_unique_string: nil, reuse_unique_string: false, scrub_mu_isms: @original_config['scrub_mu_isms'], allowed_chars: nil) if name.nil? raise MuError, "Got no argument to MU::MommaCat.getResourceName" end if @appname.nil? or @environment.nil? or @timestamp.nil? or @seed.nil? MU.log "getResourceName: Missing global deploy variables in thread #{Thread.current.object_id}, using bare name '#{name}' (appname: #{@appname}, environment: #{@environment}, timestamp: #{@timestamp}, seed: #{@seed}, deploy_id: #{@deploy_id}", MU::WARN, details: caller return name end need_unique_string = false if scrub_mu_isms muname = nil if need_unique_string reserved = 4 else reserved = 0 end # First, pare down the base name string until it will fit basename = @appname.upcase + "-" + @environment.upcase + "-" + @timestamp + "-" + @seed.upcase + "-" + name.upcase if scrub_mu_isms basename = @appname.upcase + "-" + @environment.upcase + name.upcase end subchar = if allowed_chars if !"-".match(allowed_chars) if "_".match(allowed_chars) "_" else "" end else "-" end end basename.gsub!(allowed_chars, subchar) if allowed_chars begin if (basename.length + reserved) > max_length MU.log "Stripping name down from #{basename}[#{basename.length.to_s}] (reserved: #{reserved.to_s}, max_length: #{max_length.to_s})", MU::DEBUG if basename == @appname.upcase + "-" + @seed.upcase + "-" + name.upcase # If we've run out of stuff to strip, truncate what's left and # just leave room for the deploy seed and uniqueness string. This # is the bare minimum, and probably what you'll see for most Windows # hostnames. basename = name.upcase + "-" + @appname.upcase basename.slice!((max_length-(reserved+3))..basename.length) basename.sub!(/-$/, "") basename = basename + "-" + @seed.upcase basename.gsub!(allowed_chars, subchar) if allowed_chars else # If we have to strip anything, assume we've lost uniqueness and # will have to compensate with #genUniquenessString. need_unique_string = true reserved = 4 basename.sub!(/-[^-]+-#{@seed.upcase}-#{Regexp.escape(name.upcase)}$/, "") basename = basename + "-" + @seed.upcase + "-" + name.upcase basename.gsub!(allowed_chars, subchar) if allowed_chars end end end while (basename.length + reserved) > max_length # Finally, apply our short random differentiator, if it's needed. if need_unique_string # Preferentially use a requested one, if it's not already in use. if !use_unique_string.nil? muname = basename + "-" + use_unique_string if !allocateUniqueResourceName(muname) and !reuse_unique_string MU.log "Requested to use #{use_unique_string} as differentiator when naming #{name}, but the name #{muname} is unavailable.", MU::WARN muname = nil end end if !muname begin unique_string = MU::MommaCat.genUniquenessString muname = basename + "-" + unique_string end while !allocateUniqueResourceName(muname) MU::MommaCat.unique_map_semaphore.synchronize { MU::MommaCat.name_unique_str_map[muname] = unique_string } end else muname = basename end muname.gsub!(allowed_chars, subchar) if allowed_chars return muname end # Encrypt a string with the deployment's public key. # @param ciphertext [String]: The string to encrypt def encryptWithDeployKey(ciphertext) my_public_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(@public_key) return my_public_key.public_encrypt(ciphertext) end # Decrypt a string with the deployment's private key. # @param ciphertext [String]: The string to decrypt def decryptWithDeployKey(ciphertext) my_private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(@private_key) return my_private_key.private_decrypt(ciphertext) end # Save a string into deployment metadata for the current deployment, # encrypting it with our deploy key. # @param instance_id [String]: The cloud instance identifier with which this secret is associated. # @param raw_secret [String]: The unencrypted string to store. # @param type [String]: The type of secret, used to identify for retrieval. def saveNodeSecret(instance_id, raw_secret, type) return if @no_artifacts if instance_id.nil? or instance_id.empty? or raw_secret.nil? or raw_secret.empty? or type.nil? or type.empty? raise SecretError, "saveNodeSecret requires instance_id (#{instance_id}), raw_secret (#{raw_secret}), and type (#{type}) args" end MU::MommaCat.lock("deployment-notification") loadDeploy(true) # make sure we're not trampling deployment data @secret_semaphore.synchronize { if @secrets[type].nil? raise SecretError, "'#{type}' is not a valid secret type (valid types: #{@secrets.keys.to_s})" end @secrets[type][instance_id] = encryptWithDeployKey(raw_secret) } save! MU::MommaCat.unlock("deployment-notification") end # Retrieve an encrypted secret from metadata for the current deployment. # @param instance_id [String]: The cloud instance identifier with which this secret is associated. # @param type [String]: The type of secret, used to identify for retrieval. # @param quiet [Boolean]: Do not log errors for non-existent secrets def fetchSecret(instance_id, type, quiet: false) @secret_semaphore.synchronize { if @secrets[type].nil? return nil if quiet raise SecretError, "'#{type}' is not a valid secret type (valid types: #{@secrets.keys.to_s})" end if @secrets[type][instance_id].nil? return nil if quiet raise SecretError, "No '#{type}' secret known for instance #{instance_id}" end } return decryptWithDeployKey(@secrets[type][instance_id]) end # Run {MU::Cloud::Server#postBoot} and {MU::Cloud::Server#groom} on a node. # @param cloud_id [OpenStruct]: The cloud provider's identifier for this node. # @param name [String]: The MU resource name of the node being created. # @param mu_name [String]: The full #{MU::MommaCat.getResourceName} name of the server we're grooming, if it's been initialized already. # @param type [String]: The type of resource that created this node (either *server* or *serverpool*). def groomNode(cloud_id, name, type, mu_name: nil, reraise_fail: false, sync_wait: true) if cloud_id.nil? raise GroomError, "MU::MommaCat.groomNode requires a {MU::Cloud::Server} object" end if name.nil? or name.empty? raise GroomError, "MU::MommaCat.groomNode requires a resource name" end if type.nil? or type.empty? raise GroomError, "MU::MommaCat.groomNode requires a resource type" end if !MU::MommaCat.lock(cloud_id+"-mommagroom", true) MU.log "Instance #{cloud_id} on #{MU.deploy_id} (#{type}: #{name}) is already being groomed, ignoring this extra request.", MU::NOTICE MU::MommaCat.unlockAll if !MU::MommaCat.locks.nil? and MU::MommaCat.locks.size > 0 puts "------------------------------" puts "Open flock() locks:" pp MU::MommaCat.locks puts "------------------------------" end return end loadDeploy # XXX this is to stop Net::SSH from killing our entire stack when it # throws an exception. See ECAP-139 in JIRA. Far as we can tell, it's # just not entirely thread safe. Thread.handle_interrupt(Net::SSH::Disconnect => :never) { begin Thread.handle_interrupt(Net::SSH::Disconnect => :immediate) { MU.log "(Probably harmless) Caught a Net::SSH::Disconnect in #{Thread.current.inspect}", MU::DEBUG, details: Thread.current.backtrace } ensure end } if @original_config[type+"s"].nil? raise GroomError, "I see no configured resources of type #{type} (bootstrap request for #{name} on #{@deploy_id})" end kitten = nil kitten = findLitterMate(type: "server", name: name, mu_name: mu_name, cloud_id: cloud_id) if !kitten.nil? MU.log "Re-grooming #{mu_name}", details: kitten.deploydata else first_groom = true @original_config[type+"s"].each { |svr| if svr['name'] == name svr["instance_id"] = cloud_id # This will almost always be true in server pools, but lets be safe. Somewhat problematic because we are only # looking at deploy_id, but we still know this is our DNS record and not a custom one. if svr['dns_records'] && !svr['dns_records'].empty? svr['dns_records'].each { |dnsrec| if dnsrec.has_key?("name") && dnsrec['name'].start_with?(MU.deploy_id.downcase) MU.log "DNS record for #{MU.deploy_id.downcase}, #{name} is probably wrong, deleting", MU::WARN, details: dnsrec dnsrec.delete('name') dnsrec.delete('target') end } end kitten = MU::Cloud::Server.new(mommacat: self, kitten_cfg: svr, cloud_id: cloud_id) mu_name = kitten.mu_name if mu_name.nil? MU.log "Grooming #{mu_name} for the first time", details: svr break end } end begin # This is a shared lock with MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.create, to keep from # stomping on synchronous deploys that are still running. This # means we're going to wait here if this instance is still being # bootstrapped by "regular" means. if !MU::MommaCat.lock(cloud_id+"-create", true) MU.log "#{mu_name} is still in mid-creation, skipping", MU::NOTICE MU::MommaCat.unlockAll if !MU::MommaCat.locks.nil? and MU::MommaCat.locks.size > 0 puts "------------------------------" puts "Open flock() locks:" pp MU::MommaCat.locks puts "------------------------------" end return end MU::MommaCat.unlock(cloud_id+"-create") if !kitten.postBoot(cloud_id) MU.log "#{mu_name} is already being groomed, skipping", MU::NOTICE MU::MommaCat.unlockAll if !MU::MommaCat.locks.nil? and MU::MommaCat.locks.size > 0 puts "------------------------------" puts "Open flock() locks:" pp MU::MommaCat.locks puts "------------------------------" end return end # This is a shared lock with MU::Deploy.createResources, simulating the # thread logic that tells MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.deploy to wait until # its dependencies are ready. We don't, for example, want to start # deploying if we rely on an RDS instance that isn't ready yet. We can # release this immediately, once we successfully grab it. MU::MommaCat.lock("#{kitten.cloudclass.name}_#{kitten.config["name"]}-dependencies") MU::MommaCat.unlock("#{kitten.cloudclass.name}_#{kitten.config["name"]}-dependencies") kitten.groom rescue Exception => e MU::MommaCat.unlockAll if e.class.name != "MU::Cloud::AWS::Server::BootstrapTempFail" and !File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/.cleanup."+cloud_id) and !File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/.cleanup") MU.log "Grooming FAILED for #{kitten.mu_name} (#{e.inspect})", MU::ERR, details: e.backtrace sendAdminSlack("Grooming FAILED for `#{kitten.mu_name}` with `#{e.message}` :crying_cat_face:", msg: e.backtrace.join("\n")) sendAdminMail("Grooming FAILED for #{kitten.mu_name} on #{MU.appname} \"#{MU.handle}\" (#{MU.deploy_id})", msg: e.inspect, data: e.backtrace, debug: true ) raise e if reraise_fail else MU.log "Grooming of #{kitten.mu_name} interrupted by cleanup or planned reboot" end return end if !@deployment['servers'].nil? and !sync_wait syncLitter(@deployment["servers"].keys, triggering_node: kitten) end MU::MommaCat.unlock(cloud_id+"-mommagroom") if MU.myCloud == "AWS" MU::Cloud::AWS.openFirewallForClients # XXX add the other clouds, or abstract end MU::MommaCat.getLitter(MU.deploy_id) MU::MommaCat.syncMonitoringConfig(false) MU.log "Grooming complete for '#{name}' mu_name on \"#{MU.handle}\" (#{MU.deploy_id})" FileUtils.touch(MU.dataDir+"/deployments/#{MU.deploy_id}/#{name}_done.txt") MU::MommaCat.unlockAll if first_groom sendAdminSlack("Grooming complete for #{mu_name} :heart_eyes_cat:") sendAdminMail("Grooming complete for '#{name}' (#{mu_name}) on deploy \"#{MU.handle}\" (#{MU.deploy_id})") end return end # Return the parts and pieces of this deploy's node ssh key set. Generate # or load if that hasn't been done already. def SSHKey return [@ssh_key_name, @ssh_private_key, @ssh_public_key] if !@ssh_key_name.nil? if numKittens(types: ["Server", "ServerPool", "ContainerCluster"]) == 0 return [] end @ssh_key_name="deploy-#{MU.deploy_id}" ssh_dir = Etc.getpwnam(@mu_user).dir+"/.ssh" if !File.directory?(ssh_dir) then MU.log "Creating #{ssh_dir}", MU::DEBUG Dir.mkdir(ssh_dir, 0700) if Process.uid == 0 and @mu_user != "mu" FileUtils.chown Etc.getpwnam(@mu_user).uid, Etc.getpwnam(@mu_user).gid, ssh_dir end end if !File.exist?("#{ssh_dir}/#{@ssh_key_name}") MU.log "Generating SSH key #{@ssh_key_name}" %x{/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -N "" -f #{ssh_dir}/#{@ssh_key_name}} end @ssh_public_key = File.read("#{ssh_dir}/#{@ssh_key_name}.pub") @ssh_public_key.chomp! @ssh_private_key = File.read("#{ssh_dir}/#{@ssh_key_name}") @ssh_private_key.chomp! if numKittens(clouds: ["AWS"], types: ["Server", "ServerPool", "ContainerCluster"]) > 0 creds_used = [] ["servers", "server_pools", "container_clusters"].each { |type| next if @original_config[type].nil? @original_config[type].each { |descriptor| next if descriptor['cloud'] != "AWS" if descriptor['credentials'] creds_used << descriptor['credentials'] else creds_used << MU::Cloud::AWS.credConfig(name_only: true) end } } creds_used << nil if creds_used.empty? creds_used.uniq.each { |credset| MU::Cloud::AWS.createEc2SSHKey(@ssh_key_name, @ssh_public_key, credentials: credset) } end return [@ssh_key_name, @ssh_private_key, @ssh_public_key] end @lock_semaphore = Mutex.new # Release all flock() locks held by the current thread. def self.unlockAll if !@locks.nil? and !@locks[Thread.current.object_id].nil? # Work from a copy so we can iterate without worrying about contention # in lock() or unlock(). We can't just wrap our iterator block in a # semaphore here, because we're calling another method that uses the # same semaphore. @lock_semaphore.synchronize { delete_list = [] @locks[Thread.current.object_id].keys.each { |id| MU.log "Releasing lock on #{deploy_dir(MU.deploy_id)}/locks/#{id}.lock (thread #{Thread.current.object_id})", MU::DEBUG begin @locks[Thread.current.object_id][id].flock(File::LOCK_UN) @locks[Thread.current.object_id][id].close rescue IOError => e MU.log "Got #{e.inspect} unlocking #{id} on #{Thread.current.object_id}", MU::WARN end delete_list << id } # We do this here because we can't mangle a Hash while we're iterating # over it. delete_list.each { |id| @locks[Thread.current.object_id].delete(id) } if @locks[Thread.current.object_id].size == 0 @locks.delete(Thread.current.object_id) end } end end # Create/hold a flock() lock. # @param id [String]: The lock identifier to release. # @param nonblock [Boolean]: Whether to block while waiting for the lock. In non-blocking mode, we simply return false if the lock is not available. # return [false, nil] def self.lock(id, nonblock = false, global = false) raise MuError, "Can't pass a nil id to MU::MommaCat.lock" if id.nil? if !global lockdir = "#{deploy_dir(MU.deploy_id)}/locks" else lockdir = File.expand_path(MU.dataDir+"/locks") end if !Dir.exist?(lockdir) MU.log "Creating #{lockdir}", MU::DEBUG Dir.mkdir(lockdir, 0700) end @lock_semaphore.synchronize { if @locks[Thread.current.object_id].nil? @locks[Thread.current.object_id] = Hash.new end @locks[Thread.current.object_id][id] = File.open("#{lockdir}/#{id}.lock", File::CREAT|File::RDWR, 0600) } MU.log "Getting a lock on #{lockdir}/#{id}.lock (thread #{Thread.current.object_id})...", MU::DEBUG begin if nonblock if !@locks[Thread.current.object_id][id].flock(File::LOCK_EX|File::LOCK_NB) return false end else @locks[Thread.current.object_id][id].flock(File::LOCK_EX) end rescue IOError raise MU::BootstrapTempFail, "Interrupted waiting for lock on thread #{Thread.current.object_id}, probably just a node rebooting as part of a synchronous install" end MU.log "Lock on #{lockdir}/#{id}.lock on thread #{Thread.current.object_id} acquired", MU::DEBUG return true end # Release a flock() lock. # @param id [String]: The lock identifier to release. def self.unlock(id, global = false) raise MuError, "Can't pass a nil id to MU::MommaCat.unlock" if id.nil? lockdir = nil if !global lockdir = "#{deploy_dir(MU.deploy_id)}/locks" else lockdir = File.expand_path(MU.dataDir+"/locks") end @lock_semaphore.synchronize { return if @locks.nil? or @locks[Thread.current.object_id].nil? or @locks[Thread.current.object_id][id].nil? } MU.log "Releasing lock on #{lockdir}/#{id}.lock (thread #{Thread.current.object_id})", MU::DEBUG begin @locks[Thread.current.object_id][id].flock(File::LOCK_UN) @locks[Thread.current.object_id][id].close if !@locks[Thread.current.object_id].nil? @locks[Thread.current.object_id].delete(id) end if @locks[Thread.current.object_id].size == 0 @locks.delete(Thread.current.object_id) end rescue IOError => e MU.log "Got #{e.inspect} unlocking #{id} on #{Thread.current.object_id}", MU::WARN end end # Remove a deployment's metadata. # @param deploy_id [String]: The deployment identifier to remove. def self.purge(deploy_id) if deploy_id.nil? or deploy_id.empty? raise MuError, "Got nil deploy_id in MU::MommaCat.purge" end # XXX archiving is better than annihilating path = File.expand_path(MU.dataDir+"/deployments") if Dir.exist?(path+"/"+deploy_id) unlockAll MU.log "Purging #{path}/#{deploy_id}" if File.exist?(path+"/"+deploy_id+"/deployment.json") FileUtils.rm_rf(path+"/"+deploy_id, :secure => true) end if File.exist?(path+"/unique_ids") File.open(path+"/unique_ids", File::CREAT|File::RDWR, 0600) { |f| newlines = [] f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) f.readlines.each { |line| newlines << line if !line.match(/:#{deploy_id}$/) } f.rewind f.truncate(0) f.puts(newlines) f.flush f.flock(File::LOCK_UN) } end end # Remove the metadata of the currently loaded deployment. def purge! MU::MommaCat.purge(MU.deploy_id) end @cleanup_threads = [] # Iterate over all known deployments and look for instances that have been # terminated, but not yet cleaned up, then clean them up. def self.cleanTerminatedInstances(debug = false) loglevel = debug ? MU::NOTICE : MU::DEBUG MU::MommaCat.lock("clean-terminated-instances", false, true) MU.log "Checking for harvested instances in need of cleanup", loglevel parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id purged = 0 MU::MommaCat.listDeploys.each { |deploy_id| next if File.exist?(deploy_dir(deploy_id)+"/.cleanup") MU.log "Checking for dead wood in #{deploy_id}", loglevel need_reload = false @cleanup_threads << Thread.new { MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) deploy = MU::MommaCat.getLitter(deploy_id, set_context_to_me: true) purged_this_deploy = 0 MU.log "#{deploy_id} has some kittens in it", loglevel, details: deploy.kittens.keys if deploy.kittens.has_key?("servers") MU.log "#{deploy_id} has some servers declared", loglevel, details: deploy.object_id deploy.kittens["servers"].values.each { |nodeclasses| nodeclasses.each_pair { |nodeclass, servers| deletia = [] MU.log "Checking status of servers under '#{nodeclass}'", loglevel, details: servers.keys servers.each_pair { |mu_name, server| server.describe if !server.cloud_id MU.log "Checking for presence of #{mu_name}, but unable to fetch its cloud_id", MU::WARN, details: server elsif !server.active? next if File.exist?(deploy_dir(deploy_id)+"/.cleanup-"+server.cloud_id) deletia << mu_name need_reload = true MU.log "Cleaning up metadata for #{server} (#{nodeclass}), formerly #{server.cloud_id}, which appears to have been terminated", MU::NOTICE begin server.destroy deploy.sendAdminMail("Retired metadata for terminated node #{mu_name}") deploy.sendAdminSlack("Retired metadata for terminated node `#{mu_name}`") rescue Exception => e MU.log "Saw #{e.message} while retiring #{mu_name}", MU::ERR, details: e.backtrace next end MU.log "Cleanup of metadata for #{server} (#{nodeclass}), formerly #{server.cloud_id} complete", MU::NOTICE purged = purged + 1 purged_this_deploy = purged_this_deploy + 1 end } deletia.each { |mu_name| servers.delete(mu_name) } if purged_this_deploy > 0 # XXX triggering_node needs to take more than one node name deploy.syncLitter(servers.keys, triggering_node: deletia.first) end } } end if need_reload MU.log "Saving modified deploy #{deploy_id}", loglevel deploy.save! MU::MommaCat.getLitter(deploy_id) end MU.purgeGlobals } } @cleanup_threads.each { |t| t.join } MU.log "cleanTerminatedInstances threads complete", loglevel MU::MommaCat.unlock("clean-terminated-instances", true) @cleanup_threads = [] if purged > 0 if MU.myCloud == "AWS" MU::Cloud::AWS.openFirewallForClients # XXX add the other clouds, or abstract end MU::MommaCat.syncMonitoringConfig GC.start end MU.log "cleanTerminatedInstances returning", loglevel end @@dummy_cache = {} # Locate a resource that's either a member of another deployment, or of no # deployment at all, and return a {MU::Cloud} object for it. # @param cloud [String]: The Cloud provider to use. # @param type [String]: The resource type. Can be the full class name, symbolic name, or Basket of Kittens configuration shorthand for the resource type. # @param deploy_id [String]: The identifier of an outside deploy to search. # @param name [String]: The name of the resource as defined in its 'name' Basket of Kittens field, typically used in conjunction with deploy_id. # @param mu_name [String]: The fully-resolved and deployed name of the resource, typically used in conjunction with deploy_id. # @param cloud_id [String]: A cloud provider identifier for this resource. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @param tag_key [String]: A cloud provider tag to help identify the resource, used in conjunction with tag_value. # @param tag_value [String]: A cloud provider tag to help identify the resource, used in conjunction with tag_key. # @param allow_multi [Boolean]: Permit an array of matching resources to be returned (if applicable) instead of just one. # @param dummy_ok [Boolean]: Permit return of a faked {MU::Cloud} object if we don't have enough information to identify a real live one. # @param flags [Hash]: Other cloud or resource type specific options to pass to that resource's find() method # @return [Array] def self.findStray( cloud, type, deploy_id: nil, name: nil, mu_name: nil, cloud_id: nil, credentials: nil, region: nil, tag_key: nil, tag_value: nil, allow_multi: false, calling_deploy: MU.mommacat, flags: {}, habitats: [], dummy_ok: false, debug: false, no_deploy_search: false ) start = Time.now callstr = "findStray(cloud: #{cloud}, type: #{type}, deploy_id: #{deploy_id}, calling_deploy: #{calling_deploy.deploy_id if !calling_deploy.nil?}, name: #{name}, cloud_id: #{cloud_id}, tag_key: #{tag_key}, tag_value: #{tag_value}, credentials: #{credentials}, habitats: #{habitats ? habitats.to_s : "[]"}, dummy_ok: #{dummy_ok.to_s}, flags: #{flags.to_s}) from #{caller[0]}" callstack = caller.dup return nil if cloud == "CloudFormation" and !cloud_id.nil? shortclass, _cfg_name, cfg_plural, classname, _attrs = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(type) if !MU::Cloud.supportedClouds.include?(cloud) or shortclass.nil? MU.log "findStray was called with bogus cloud argument '#{cloud}'", MU::WARN, details: callstr return nil end begin # TODO this is dumb as hell, clean this up.. and while we're at it # .dup everything so we don't mangle referenced values from the caller deploy_id = deploy_id.to_s if deploy_id.class.to_s == "MU::Config::Tail" name = name.to_s if name.class.to_s == "MU::Config::Tail" cloud_id = cloud_id.to_s if !cloud_id.nil? mu_name = mu_name.to_s if mu_name.class.to_s == "MU::Config::Tail" tag_key = tag_key.to_s if tag_key.class.to_s == "MU::Config::Tail" tag_value = tag_value.to_s if tag_value.class.to_s == "MU::Config::Tail" type = cfg_plural resourceclass = MU::Cloud.loadCloudType(cloud, shortclass) cloudclass = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(cloud) credlist = if credentials [credentials] else cloudclass.listCredentials end if (tag_key and !tag_value) or (!tag_key and tag_value) raise MuError, "Can't call findStray with only one of tag_key and tag_value set, must be both or neither" end # Help ourselves by making more refined parameters out of mu_name, if # they weren't passed explicitly if mu_name if !tag_key and !tag_value # XXX "Name" is an AWS-ism, perhaps those plugins should do this bit? tag_key="Name" tag_value=mu_name end # We can extract a deploy_id from mu_name if we don't have one already if !deploy_id and mu_name deploy_id = mu_name.sub(/^(\w+-\w+-\d{10}-[A-Z]{2})-/, '\1') end end loglevel = debug ? MU::NOTICE : MU::DEBUG MU.log callstr, loglevel, details: caller # See if the thing we're looking for is a member of the deploy that's # asking after it. if !deploy_id.nil? and !calling_deploy.nil? and calling_deploy.deploy_id == deploy_id and (!name.nil? or !mu_name.nil?) handle = calling_deploy.findLitterMate(type: type, name: name, mu_name: mu_name, cloud_id: cloud_id, credentials: credentials) return [handle] if !handle.nil? end kittens = {} # Search our other deploys for matching resources if !no_deploy_search and (deploy_id or name or mu_name or cloud_id) MU.log "findStray: searching my deployments (#{cfg_plural}, name: #{name}, deploy_id: #{deploy_id}, mu_name: #{mu_name}) - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel # Check our in-memory cache of live deploys before resorting to # metadata littercache = nil # Sometimes we're called inside a locked thread, sometimes not. Deal # with locking gracefully. begin @@litter_semaphore.synchronize { littercache = @@litters.dup } rescue ThreadError => e raise e if !e.message.match(/recursive locking/) littercache = @@litters.dup end littercache.each_pair { |cur_deploy, momma| next if deploy_id and deploy_id != cur_deploy straykitten = momma.findLitterMate(type: type, cloud_id: cloud_id, name: name, mu_name: mu_name, credentials: credentials, created_only: true) if straykitten MU.log "Found matching kitten #{straykitten.mu_name} in-memory - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel # Peace out if we found the exact resource we want if cloud_id and straykitten.cloud_id.to_s == cloud_id.to_s return [straykitten] elsif mu_name and straykitten.mu_name == mu_name return [straykitten] else kittens[straykitten.cloud_id] ||= straykitten end end } mu_descs = MU::MommaCat.getResourceMetadata(cfg_plural, name: name, deploy_id: deploy_id, mu_name: mu_name) MU.log "findStray: #{mu_descs.size.to_s} deploys had matches - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel mu_descs.each_pair { |cur_deploy_id, matches| MU.log "findStray: #{cur_deploy_id} had #{matches.size.to_s} initial matches - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel next if matches.nil? or matches.size == 0 momma = MU::MommaCat.getLitter(cur_deploy_id) straykitten = nil # If we found exactly one match in this deploy, use its metadata to # guess at resource names we weren't told. if matches.size > 1 and cloud_id MU.log "findStray: attempting to narrow down multiple matches with cloud_id #{cloud_id} - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel straykitten = momma.findLitterMate(type: type, cloud_id: cloud_id, credentials: credentials, created_only: true) elsif matches.size == 1 and name.nil? and mu_name.nil? if cloud_id.nil? straykitten = momma.findLitterMate(type: type, name: matches.first["name"], cloud_id: matches.first["cloud_id"], credentials: credentials) else MU.log "findStray: fetching single match with cloud_id #{cloud_id} - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel straykitten = momma.findLitterMate(type: type, name: matches.first["name"], cloud_id: cloud_id, credentials: credentials) end # elsif !flags.nil? and !flags.empty? # XXX eh, maybe later # # see if we can narrow it down further with some flags # filtered = [] # matches.each { |m| # f = resourceclass.find(cloud_id: m['mu_name'], flags: flags) # filtered << m if !f.nil? and f.size > 0 # MU.log "RESULT FROM find(cloud_id: #{m['mu_name']}, flags: #{flags})", MU::WARN, details: f # } # if filtered.size == 1 # straykitten = momma.findLitterMate(type: type, name: matches.first["name"], cloud_id: filtered.first['cloud_id']) # end else # There's more than one of this type of resource in the target # deploy, so see if findLitterMate can narrow it down for us straykitten = momma.findLitterMate(type: type, name: name, mu_name: mu_name, cloud_id: cloud_id, credentials: credentials) end next if straykitten.nil? straykitten.intoDeploy(momma) if straykitten.cloud_id.nil? MU.log "findStray: kitten #{straykitten.mu_name} came back with nil cloud_id", MU::WARN next end kittens[straykitten.cloud_id] ||= straykitten # Peace out if we found the exact resource we want if cloud_id and straykitten.cloud_id.to_s == cloud_id.to_s return [straykitten] # ...or if we've validated our one possible match elsif !cloud_id and mu_descs.size == 1 and matches.size == 1 return [straykitten] elsif credentials and credlist.size == 1 and straykitten.credentials == credentials return [straykitten] end } # if !mu_descs.nil? and mu_descs.size > 0 and !deploy_id.nil? and !deploy_id.empty? and !mu_descs.first.empty? # MU.log "I found descriptions that might match #{resourceclass.cfg_plural} name: #{name}, deploy_id: #{deploy_id}, mu_name: #{mu_name}, but couldn't isolate my target kitten", MU::WARN, details: caller # puts File.read(deploy_dir(deploy_id)+"/deployment.json") # end # We can't refine any further by asking the cloud provider... if !cloud_id and !tag_key and !tag_value and kittens.size > 1 if !allow_multi raise MuError, "Multiple matches in MU::MommaCat.findStray where none allowed from deploy_id: '#{deploy_id}', name: '#{name}', mu_name: '#{mu_name}' (#{caller[0]})" else return kittens.values end end end matches = [] found_the_thing = false credlist.each { |creds| break if found_the_thing if cloud_id or (tag_key and tag_value) or !flags.empty? or allow_multi regions = begin region ? [region] : cloudclass.listRegions(credentials: creds) rescue NoMethodError # Not all cloud providers have regions [nil] end # ..not all resource types care about regions either if resourceclass.isGlobal? regions = [nil] end # Decide what habitats (accounts/projects/subscriptions) we'll # search, if applicable for this resource type. habitats ||= [] begin if flags["project"] # backwards-compat habitats << flags["project"] end if habitats.empty? if resourceclass.canLiveIn.include?(nil) habitats << nil end if resourceclass.canLiveIn.include?(:Habitat) habitats.concat(cloudclass.listProjects(creds)) end end rescue NoMethodError # we only expect this to work on Google atm end if habitats.empty? habitats << nil end habitats.uniq! habitat_threads = [] desc_semaphore = Mutex.new cloud_descs = {} habitats.each { |hab| begin habitat_threads.each { |t| t.join(0.1) } habitat_threads.reject! { |t| t.nil? or !t.status } sleep 1 if habitat_threads.size > 5 end while habitat_threads.size > 5 habitat_threads << Thread.new(hab) { |p| MU.log "findStray: Searching #{p} (#{habitat_threads.size.to_s} habitat threads running) - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel cloud_descs[p] = {} region_threads = [] regions.each { |reg| region_threads << Thread.new(reg) { |r| MU.log "findStray: Searching #{r} in #{p} (#{region_threads.size.to_s} region threads running) - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel MU.log "findStray: calling #{classname}.find(cloud_id: #{cloud_id}, region: #{r}, tag_key: #{tag_key}, tag_value: #{tag_value}, flags: #{flags}, credentials: #{creds}, project: #{p}) - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel begin found = resourceclass.find(cloud_id: cloud_id, region: r, tag_key: tag_key, tag_value: tag_value, flags: flags, credentials: creds, habitat: p) MU.log "findStray: #{found ? found.size.to_s : "nil"} results - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel rescue Exception => e MU.log "#{e.class.name} THREW A FIND EXCEPTION "+e.message, MU::WARN, details: caller pp e.backtrace MU.log "#{callstr}", MU::WARN, details: callstack exit end if found desc_semaphore.synchronize { cloud_descs[p][r] = found } end # Stop if you found the thing by a specific cloud_id if cloud_id and found and !found.empty? found_the_thing = true Thread.exit end } } begin region_threads.each { |t| t.join(0.1) } region_threads.reject! { |t| t.nil? or !t.status } if region_threads.size > 0 MU.log "#{region_threads.size.to_s} regions still running in #{p}", loglevel sleep 3 end end while region_threads.size > 0 } } begin habitat_threads.each { |t| t.join(0.1) } habitat_threads.reject! { |t| t.nil? or !t.status } if habitat_threads.size > 0 MU.log "#{habitat_threads.size.to_s} habitats still running", loglevel sleep 3 end end while habitat_threads.size > 0 habitat_threads = [] habitats.each { |hab| habitat_threads << Thread.new(hab) { |p| region_threads = [] regions.each { |reg| region_threads << Thread.new(reg) { |r| next if cloud_descs[p][r].nil? cloud_descs[p][r].each_pair { |kitten_cloud_id, descriptor| # We already have a MU::Cloud object for this guy, use it if kittens.has_key?(kitten_cloud_id) desc_semaphore.synchronize { matches << kittens[kitten_cloud_id] } elsif kittens.size == 0 if !dummy_ok next end # If we don't have a MU::Cloud object, manufacture a dummy # one. Give it a fake name if we have to and have decided # that's ok. Wild inferences from the cloud descriptor are # ok to try here. use_name = if (name.nil? or name.empty?) if !dummy_ok nil elsif !mu_name.nil? mu_name else try = nil [:display_name, :name, (resourceclass.cfg_name+"_name").to_sym].each { |field| if descriptor.respond_to?(field) and descriptor.send(field).is_a?(String) try = descriptor.send(field) break end } try ||= if !tag_value.nil? tag_value else kitten_cloud_id end try end else name end if use_name.nil? MU.log "Found cloud provider data for #{cloud} #{type} #{kitten_cloud_id}, but without a name I can't manufacture a proper #{type} object to return - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel, details: caller next end cfg = { "name" => use_name, "cloud" => cloud, "credentials" => creds } if !r.nil? and !resourceclass.isGlobal? cfg["region"] = r end if !p.nil? and resourceclass.canLiveIn.include?(:Habitat) cfg["project"] = p end # If we can at least find the config from the deploy this will # belong with, use that, even if it's an ungroomed resource. if !calling_deploy.nil? and !calling_deploy.original_config.nil? and !calling_deploy.original_config[type+"s"].nil? calling_deploy.original_config[type+"s"].each { |s| if s["name"] == use_name cfg = s.dup break end } newkitten = resourceclass.new(mommacat: calling_deploy, kitten_cfg: cfg, cloud_id: kitten_cloud_id) desc_semaphore.synchronize { matches << newkitten } else if !@@dummy_cache[cfg_plural] or !@@dummy_cache[cfg_plural][cfg.to_s] MU.log "findStray: Generating dummy '#{resourceclass.to_s}' cloudobj with name: #{use_name}, cloud_id: #{kitten_cloud_id.to_s} - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel, details: cfg resourceclass.new(mu_name: use_name, kitten_cfg: cfg, cloud_id: kitten_cloud_id.to_s, from_cloud_desc: descriptor) desc_semaphore.synchronize { @@dummy_cache[cfg_plural] ||= {} @@dummy_cache[cfg_plural][cfg.to_s] = resourceclass.new(mu_name: use_name, kitten_cfg: cfg, cloud_id: kitten_cloud_id.to_s, from_cloud_desc: descriptor) MU.log "findStray: Finished generating dummy '#{resourceclass.to_s}' cloudobj - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel } end desc_semaphore.synchronize { matches << @@dummy_cache[cfg_plural][cfg.to_s] } end end } } } MU.log "findStray: tying up #{region_threads.size.to_s} region threads - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel region_threads.each { |t| t.join } } } MU.log "findStray: tying up #{habitat_threads.size.to_s} habitat threads - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel habitat_threads.each { |t| t.join } end } rescue Exception => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::ERR, details: e.backtrace end MU.log "findStray: returning #{matches ? matches.size.to_s : "0"} matches - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel matches end # Return the resource object of another member of this deployment # @param type [String,Symbol]: The type of resource # @param name [String]: The name of the resource as defined in its 'name' Basket of Kittens field # @param mu_name [String]: The fully-resolved and deployed name of the resource # @param cloud_id [String]: The cloud provider's unique identifier for this resource # @param created_only [Boolean]: Only return the littermate if its cloud_id method returns a value # @param return_all [Boolean]: Return a Hash of matching objects indexed by their mu_name, instead of a single match. Only valid for resource types where has_multiples is true. # @return [MU::Cloud] def findLitterMate(type: nil, name: nil, mu_name: nil, cloud_id: nil, created_only: false, return_all: false, credentials: nil, habitat: nil, debug: false, indent: "") shortclass, cfg_name, cfg_plural, classname, attrs = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(type) type = cfg_plural has_multiples = attrs[:has_multiples] loglevel = debug ? MU::NOTICE : MU::DEBUG argstring = [:type, :name, :mu_name, :cloud_id, :created_only, :credentials, :habitat, :has_multiples].reject { |a| binding.local_variable_get(a).nil? }.map { |v| v.to_s+": "+binding.local_variable_get(v).to_s }.join(", ") # Fun times: if we specified a habitat, which we may also have done by # its shorthand sibling name, let's... call ourselves first to make sure # we're fishing for the right thing. if habitat MU.log indent+"findLitterMate(#{argstring}): Attempting to resolve habitat name #{habitat}", loglevel realhabitat = findLitterMate(type: "habitat", name: habitat, debug: debug, credentials: credentials, indent: indent+" ") if realhabitat and realhabitat.mu_name MU.log indent+"findLitterMate: Resolved habitat name #{habitat} to #{realhabitat.mu_name}", loglevel, details: [realhabitat.mu_name, realhabitat.cloud_id, realhabitat.config.keys] habitat = realhabitat.cloud_id elsif debug MU.log indent+"findLitterMate(#{argstring}): Failed to resolve habitat name #{habitat}", MU::WARN end end @kitten_semaphore.synchronize { if !@kittens.has_key?(type) if debug MU.log indent+"NO SUCH KEY #{type} findLitterMate(#{argstring})", MU::WARN, details: @kittens.keys end return nil end MU.log indent+"START findLitterMate(#{argstring}), caller: #{caller[2]}", loglevel, details: @kittens[type].keys.map { |hab| hab.to_s+": "+@kittens[type][hab].keys.join(", ") } matches = [] @kittens[type].each { |habitat_group, sib_classes| next if habitat and habitat_group != habitat sib_classes.each_pair { |sib_class, data| virtual_name = nil if !has_multiples and data and !data.is_a?(Hash) and data.config and data.config.is_a?(Hash) and data.config['virtual_name'] and name == data.config['virtual_name'] virtual_name = data.config['virtual_name'] elsif !name.nil? and name != sib_class next end if has_multiples if !name.nil? if return_all MU.log indent+"MULTI-MATCH RETURN_ALL findLitterMate(#{argstring})", loglevel, details: data.keys return data.dup end if data.size == 1 and (cloud_id.nil? or data.values.first.cloud_id == cloud_id) return data.values.first elsif mu_name.nil? and cloud_id.nil? MU.log indent+"#{@deploy_id}: Found multiple matches in findLitterMate based on #{type}: #{name}, and not enough info to narrow down further. Returning an arbitrary result. Caller: #{caller[2]}", MU::WARN, details: data.keys return data.values.first end end data.each_pair { |sib_mu_name, obj| if (!mu_name.nil? and mu_name == sib_mu_name) or (!cloud_id.nil? and cloud_id == obj.cloud_id) or (!credentials.nil? and credentials == obj.credentials) if !created_only or !obj.cloud_id.nil? if return_all MU.log indent+"MULTI-MATCH RETURN_ALL findLitterMate(#{argstring})", loglevel, details: data.keys return data.dup else MU.log indent+"MULTI-MATCH findLitterMate(#{argstring})", loglevel, details: data.keys return obj end end end } else MU.log indent+"CHECKING AGAINST findLitterMate #{habitat_group}/#{type}/#{sib_class} data.cloud_id: #{data.cloud_id}, data.credentials: #{data.credentials}, sib_class: #{sib_class}, virtual_name: #{virtual_name}", loglevel, details: argstring data_cloud_id = data.cloud_id.nil? ? nil : data.cloud_id.to_s MU.log indent+"(name.nil? or sib_class == name or virtual_name == name)", loglevel, details: (name.nil? or sib_class == name or virtual_name == name).to_s MU.log indent+"(cloud_id.nil? or cloud_id[#{cloud_id.class.name}:#{cloud_id.to_s}] == data_cloud_id[#{data_cloud_id.class.name}:#{data_cloud_id}])", loglevel, details: (cloud_id.nil? or cloud_id == data_cloud_id).to_s MU.log indent+"(credentials.nil? or data.credentials.nil? or credentials[#{credentials.class.name}:#{credentials}] == data.credentials[#{data.credentials.class.name}:#{data.credentials}])", loglevel, details: (credentials.nil? or data.credentials.nil? or credentials == data.credentials).to_s if (name.nil? or sib_class == name.to_s or virtual_name == name.to_s) and (cloud_id.nil? or cloud_id.to_s == data_cloud_id) and (credentials.nil? or data.credentials.nil? or credentials.to_s == data.credentials.to_s) if !created_only or !data_cloud_id.nil? MU.log indent+"SINGLE MATCH findLitterMate(#{argstring})", loglevel, details: [data.mu_name, data_cloud_id, data.config.keys] matches << data end end end } } return matches.first if matches.size == 1 if return_all and matches.size > 1 return matches end } MU.log indent+"NO MATCH findLitterMate(#{argstring})", loglevel return nil end # Add or remove a resource's metadata to this deployment's structure and # flush it to disk. # @param type [String]: The type of resource (e.g. *server*, *database*). # @param key [String]: The name field of this resource. # @param data [Hash]: The resource's metadata. # @param remove [Boolean]: Remove this resource from the deploy structure, instead of adding it. # @return [void] def notify(type, key, data, mu_name: nil, remove: false, triggering_node: nil, delayed_save: false) return if @no_artifacts MU::MommaCat.lock("deployment-notification") if !@need_deploy_flush or @deployment.nil? or @deployment.empty? loadDeploy(true) # make sure we're saving the latest and greatest end _shortclass, _cfg_name, cfg_plural, _classname, attrs = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(type) has_multiples = false # it's not always the case that we're logging data for a legal resource # type, though that's what we're usually for if cfg_plural type = cfg_plural has_multiples = attrs[:has_multiples] end if mu_name.nil? if !data.nil? and !data["mu_name"].nil? mu_name = data["mu_name"] elsif !triggering_node.nil? and !triggering_node.mu_name.nil? mu_name = triggering_node.mu_name end if mu_name.nil? and has_multiples MU.log "MU::MommaCat.notify called to modify deployment struct for a type (#{type}) with :has_multiples, but no mu_name available to look under #{key}. Call was #{caller[0]}", MU::WARN, details: data MU::MommaCat.unlock("deployment-notification") return end end @need_deploy_flush = true if !remove if data.nil? MU.log "MU::MommaCat.notify called to modify deployment struct, but no data provided", MU::WARN MU::MommaCat.unlock("deployment-notification") return end @notify_semaphore.synchronize { @deployment[type] ||= {} } if has_multiples @notify_semaphore.synchronize { @deployment[type][key] ||= {} } # fix has_multiples classes that weren't tiered correctly if @deployment[type][key].is_a?(Hash) and @deployment[type][key].has_key?("mu_name") olddata = @deployment[type][key].dup @deployment[type][key][olddata["mu_name"]] = olddata end @deployment[type][key][mu_name] = data MU.log "Adding to @deployment[#{type}][#{key}][#{mu_name}]", MU::DEBUG, details: data else @deployment[type][key] = data MU.log "Adding to @deployment[#{type}][#{key}]", MU::DEBUG, details: data end save!(key) if !delayed_save else have_deploy = true if @deployment[type].nil? or @deployment[type][key].nil? if has_multiples MU.log "MU::MommaCat.notify called to remove #{type} #{key} #{mu_name} deployment struct, but no such data exist", MU::DEBUG else MU.log "MU::MommaCat.notify called to remove #{type} #{key} deployment struct, but no such data exist", MU::DEBUG end MU::MommaCat.unlock("deployment-notification") return end if have_deploy @notify_semaphore.synchronize { if has_multiples MU.log "Removing @deployment[#{type}][#{key}][#{mu_name}]", MU::DEBUG, details: @deployment[type][key][mu_name] @deployment[type][key].delete(mu_name) if @deployment[type][key].size == 0 @deployment[type].delete(key) end else MU.log "Removing @deployment[#{type}][#{key}]", MU::DEBUG, details: @deployment[type][key] @deployment[type].delete(key) end if @deployment[type].size == 0 @deployment.delete(type) end } end save! if !delayed_save end MU::MommaCat.unlock("deployment-notification") end # Tag a resource. Defaults to applying our MU deployment identifier, if no # arguments other than the resource identifier are given. # XXX this belongs in the cloud layer(s) # # @param resource [String]: The cloud provider identifier of the resource to tag # @param tag_name [String]: The name of the tag to create # @param tag_value [String]: The value of the tag # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @return [void] def self.createTag(resource = nil, tag_name="MU-ID", tag_value=MU.deploy_id, region: MU.curRegion, credentials: nil) attempts = 0 if !MU::Cloud::CloudFormation.emitCloudFormation begin MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(credentials: credentials, region: region).create_tags( resources: [resource], tags: [ { key: tag_name, value: tag_value } ] ) rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::ServiceError => e MU.log "Got #{e.inspect} tagging #{resource} with #{tag_name}=#{tag_value}", MU::WARN if attempts > 1 if attempts < 5 attempts = attempts + 1 sleep 15 retry else raise e end end MU.log "Created tag #{tag_name} with value #{tag_value} for resource #{resource}", MU::DEBUG else return { "Key" => tag_name, "Value" => tag_value } end end # List the name/value pairs for our mandatory standard set of resource tags, which # should be applied to all taggable cloud provider resources. # @return [Hash] def self.listStandardTags return {} if !MU.deploy_id { "MU-ID" => MU.deploy_id, "MU-APP" => MU.appname, "MU-ENV" => MU.environment, "MU-MASTER-IP" => MU.mu_public_ip } end # List the name/value pairs for our mandatory standard set of resource tags # for this deploy. # @return [Hash] def listStandardTags { "MU-ID" => @deploy_id, "MU-APP" => @appname, "MU-ENV" => @environment, "MU-MASTER-IP" => MU.mu_public_ip } end # List the name/value pairs of our optional set of resource tags which # should be applied to all taggable cloud provider resources. # @return [Hash] def self.listOptionalTags return { "MU-HANDLE" => MU.handle, "MU-MASTER-NAME" => Socket.gethostname, "MU-OWNER" => MU.mu_user } end # Clean an IP address out of ~/.ssh/known hosts # @param ip [String]: The IP to remove # @return [void] def self.removeIPFromSSHKnownHosts(ip) return if ip.nil? sshdir = "#{@myhome}/.ssh" knownhosts = "#{sshdir}/known_hosts" if File.exist?(knownhosts) and File.open(knownhosts).read.match(/^#{Regexp.quote(ip)} /) MU.log "Expunging old #{ip} entry from #{knownhosts}", MU::NOTICE if !@noop File.open(knownhosts, File::CREAT|File::RDWR, 0600) { |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) newlines = Array.new delete_block = false f.readlines.each { |line| next if line.match(/^#{Regexp.quote(ip)} /) newlines << line } f.rewind f.truncate(0) f.puts(newlines) f.flush f.flock(File::LOCK_UN) } end end end # Clean a node's entries out of ~/.ssh/config # @param nodename [String]: The node's name # @return [void] def self.removeHostFromSSHConfig(nodename) sshdir = "#{@myhome}/.ssh" sshconf = "#{sshdir}/config" if File.exist?(sshconf) and File.open(sshconf).read.match(/ #{nodename} /) MU.log "Expunging old #{nodename} entry from #{sshconf}", MU::DEBUG if !@noop File.open(sshconf, File::CREAT|File::RDWR, 0600) { |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) newlines = Array.new delete_block = false f.readlines.each { |line| if line.match(/^Host #{nodename}(\s|$)/) delete_block = true elsif line.match(/^Host /) delete_block = false end newlines << line if !delete_block } f.rewind f.truncate(0) f.puts(newlines) f.flush f.flock(File::LOCK_UN) } end end end # Make sure the given node has proper DNS entries, /etc/hosts entries, # SSH config entries, etc. # @param server [MU::Cloud::Server]: The {MU::Cloud::Server} we'll be setting up. # @param sync_wait [Boolean]: Whether to wait for DNS to fully synchronize before returning. def self.nameKitten(server, sync_wait: false) node, config, _deploydata = server.describe mu_zone = nil # XXX GCP! if MU::Cloud::AWS.hosted? and !MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud? zones = MU::Cloud::DNSZone.find(cloud_id: "platform-mu") mu_zone = zones.values.first if !zones.nil? end if !mu_zone.nil? MU::Cloud::DNSZone.genericMuDNSEntry(name: node, target: server.canonicalIP, cloudclass: MU::Cloud::Server, sync_wait: sync_wait) else MU::MommaCat.addInstanceToEtcHosts(server.canonicalIP, node) end ## TO DO: Do DNS registration of "real" records as the last stage after the groomer completes if config && config['dns_records'] && !config['dns_records'].empty? dnscfg = config['dns_records'].dup dnscfg.each { |dnsrec| if !dnsrec.has_key?('name') dnsrec['name'] = node.downcase dnsrec['name'] = "#{dnsrec['name']}.#{MU.environment.downcase}" if dnsrec["append_environment_name"] && !dnsrec['name'].match(/\.#{MU.environment.downcase}$/) end if !dnsrec.has_key?("target") # Default to register public endpoint public = true if dnsrec.has_key?("target_type") # See if we have a preference for pubic/private endpoint public = dnsrec["target_type"] == "private" ? false : true end dnsrec["target"] = if dnsrec["type"] == "CNAME" if public # Make sure we have a public canonical name to register. Use the private one if we don't server.cloud_desc.public_dns_name.empty? ? server.cloud_desc.private_dns_name : server.cloud_desc.public_dns_name else # If we specifically requested to register the private canonical name lets use that server.cloud_desc.private_dns_name end elsif dnsrec["type"] == "A" if public # Make sure we have a public IP address to register. Use the private one if we don't server.cloud_desc.public_ip_address ? server.cloud_desc.public_ip_address : server.cloud_desc.private_ip_address else # If we specifically requested to register the private IP lets use that server.cloud_desc.private_ip_address end end end } if !MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud? MU::Cloud::DNSZone.createRecordsFromConfig(dnscfg) end end MU::MommaCat.removeHostFromSSHConfig(node) if server and server.canonicalIP MU::MommaCat.removeIPFromSSHKnownHosts(server.canonicalIP) end # XXX add names paramater with useful stuff MU::MommaCat.addHostToSSHConfig( server, ssh_owner: server.deploy.mu_user, ssh_dir: Etc.getpwnam(server.deploy.mu_user).dir+"/.ssh" ) end @ssh_semaphore = Mutex.new # Insert a definition for a node into our SSH config. # @param server [MU::Cloud::Server]: The name of the node. # @param names [Array]: Other names that we'd like this host to be known by for SSH purposes # @param ssh_dir [String]: The configuration directory of the SSH config to emit. # @param ssh_conf [String]: A specific SSH configuration file to write entries into. # @param ssh_owner [String]: The preferred owner of the SSH configuration files. # @param timeout [Integer]: An alternate timeout value for connections to this server. # @return [void] def self.addHostToSSHConfig(server, ssh_dir: "#{@myhome}/.ssh", ssh_conf: "#{@myhome}/.ssh/config", ssh_owner: Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name, names: [], timeout: 0 ) if server.nil? MU.log "Called addHostToSSHConfig without a MU::Cloud::Server object", MU::ERR, details: caller return nil end _nat_ssh_key, nat_ssh_user, nat_ssh_host, canonical_ip, ssh_user, ssh_key_name = begin server.getSSHConfig rescue MU::MuError return end if ssh_user.nil? or ssh_user.empty? MU.log "Failed to extract ssh_user for #{server.mu_name} addHostToSSHConfig", MU::ERR return end if canonical_ip.nil? or canonical_ip.empty? MU.log "Failed to extract canonical_ip for #{server.mu_name} addHostToSSHConfig", MU::ERR return end if ssh_key_name.nil? or ssh_key_name.empty? MU.log "Failed to extract ssh_key_name for #{ssh_key_name.mu_name} in addHostToSSHConfig", MU::ERR return end @ssh_semaphore.synchronize { if File.exist?(ssh_conf) File.readlines(ssh_conf).each { |line| if line.match(/^Host #{server.mu_name} /) MU.log("Attempt to add duplicate #{ssh_conf} entry for #{server.mu_name}", MU::WARN) return end } end File.open(ssh_conf, 'a', 0600) { |ssh_config| ssh_config.flock(File::LOCK_EX) host_str = "Host #{server.mu_name} #{server.canonicalIP}" if !names.nil? and names.size > 0 host_str = host_str+" "+names.join(" ") end ssh_config.puts host_str ssh_config.puts " Hostname #{server.canonicalIP}" if !nat_ssh_host.nil? and server.canonicalIP != nat_ssh_host ssh_config.puts " ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p #{nat_ssh_user}@#{nat_ssh_host}" end if timeout > 0 ssh_config.puts " ConnectTimeout #{timeout}" end ssh_config.puts " User #{ssh_user}" # XXX I'd rather add the host key to known_hosts, but Net::SSH is a little dumb ssh_config.puts " StrictHostKeyChecking no" ssh_config.puts " ServerAliveInterval 60" ssh_config.puts " IdentityFile #{ssh_dir}/#{ssh_key_name}" if !File.exist?("#{ssh_dir}/#{ssh_key_name}") MU.log "#{server.mu_name} - ssh private key #{ssh_dir}/#{ssh_key_name} does not exist", MU::WARN end ssh_config.flock(File::LOCK_UN) ssh_config.chown(Etc.getpwnam(ssh_owner).uid, Etc.getpwnam(ssh_owner).gid) } MU.log "Wrote #{server.mu_name} ssh key to #{ssh_dir}/config", MU::DEBUG return "#{ssh_dir}/#{ssh_key_name}" } end # Clean a node's entries out of /etc/hosts # @param node [String]: The node's name # @return [void] def self.removeInstanceFromEtcHosts(node) return if MU.mu_user != "mu" hostsfile = "/etc/hosts" FileUtils.copy(hostsfile, "#{hostsfile}.bak-#{MU.deploy_id}") File.open(hostsfile, File::CREAT|File::RDWR, 0644) { |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) newlines = Array.new f.readlines.each { |line| newlines << line if !line.match(/ #{node}(\s|$)/) } f.rewind f.truncate(0) f.puts(newlines) f.flush f.flock(File::LOCK_UN) } end # Insert node names associated with a new instance into /etc/hosts so we # can treat them as if they were real DNS entries. Especially helpful when # Chef/Ohai mistake the proper hostname, e.g. when bootstrapping Windows. # @param public_ip [String]: The node's IP address # @param chef_name [String]: The node's Chef node name # @param system_name [String]: The node's local system name # @return [void] def self.addInstanceToEtcHosts(public_ip, chef_name = nil, system_name = nil) # XXX cover ipv6 case if public_ip.nil? or !public_ip.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) or (chef_name.nil? and system_name.nil?) raise MuError, "addInstanceToEtcHosts requires public_ip and one or both of chef_name and system_name!" end if chef_name == "localhost" or system_name == "localhost" raise MuError, "Can't set localhost as a name in addInstanceToEtcHosts" end if !["mu", "root"].include?(MU.mu_user) response = nil begin response = open("{MU.mommaCatPort.to_s}/rest/hosts_add/#{chef_name}/#{public_ip}").read rescue Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ECONNREFUSED end if response != "ok" MU.log "Error adding #{public_ip} to /etc/hosts via MommaCat request", MU::ERR end return end File.readlines("/etc/hosts").each { |line| if line.match(/^#{public_ip} /) or (chef_name != nil and line.match(/ #{chef_name}(\s|$)/)) or (system_name != nil and line.match(/ #{system_name}(\s|$)/)) MU.log "Ignoring attempt to add duplicate /etc/hosts entry: #{public_ip} #{chef_name} #{system_name}", MU::DEBUG return end } File.open("/etc/hosts", 'a') { |etc_hosts| etc_hosts.flock(File::LOCK_EX) etc_hosts.puts("#{public_ip} #{chef_name} #{system_name}") etc_hosts.flock(File::LOCK_UN) } MU.log("Added to /etc/hosts: #{public_ip} #{chef_name} #{system_name}") end # Send a Slack notification to a deployment's administrators. # @param subject [String]: The subject line of the message. # @param msg [String]: The message body. # @return [void] def sendAdminSlack(subject, msg: "") if $MU_CFG['slack'] and $MU_CFG['slack']['webhook'] and (!$MU_CFG['slack']['skip_environments'] or !$MU_CFG['slack']['skip_environments'].any?{ |s| s.casecmp(MU.environment)==0 }) require 'slack-notifier' slack = Slack::Notifier.new $MU_CFG['slack']['webhook'] if msg and !msg.empty? slack.ping "#{MU.appname} \*\"#{MU.handle}\"\* (`#{MU.deploy_id}`) - #{subject}:\n\n```#{msg}\n```", channel: $MU_CFG['slack']['channel'] else slack.ping "#{MU.appname} \*\"#{MU.handle}\"\* (`#{MU.deploy_id}`) - #{subject}", channel: $MU_CFG['slack']['channel'] end end end # Send an email notification to a deployment's administrators. # @param subject [String]: The subject line of the message. # @param msg [String]: The message body. # @param data [Array]: Supplemental data to add to the message body. # @param debug [Boolean]: If set, will include the full deployment structure and original {MU::Config}-parsed configuration. # @return [void] def sendAdminMail(subject, msg: "", kitten: nil, data: nil, debug: false) require 'net/smtp' if @deployment.nil? MU.log "Can't send admin mail without a loaded deployment", MU::ERR return end to = Array.new if !@original_config.nil? @original_config['admins'].each { |admin| to << "#{admin['name']} <#{admin['email']}>" } end message = < To: #{to.join(",")} Subject: #{subject} #{msg} MESSAGE_END if !kitten.nil? and kitten.kind_of?(MU::Cloud) message = message + "\n\n**** #{kitten}:\n" if !kitten.report.nil? kitten.report.each { |line| message = message + line } end end if !data.nil? message = message + "\n\n" + PP.pp(data, "") end if debug message = message + "\n\n**** Stack configuration:\n" + PP.pp(@original_config, "") message = message + "\n\n**** Deployment structure:\n" + PP.pp(@deployment, "") end begin Net::SMTP.start('localhost') do |smtp| smtp.send_message message, "root@localhost", to end rescue Net::SMTPFatalError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::WARN end end # Manufactures a human-readable deployment name from the random # two-character seed in MU-ID. Cat-themed when possible. # @param seed [String]: A two-character seed from which we'll generate a name. # @return [String]: Two words def self.generateHandle(seed) word_one=word_two=nil # Unless we've got two letters that don't have corresponding cat-themed # words, we'll insist that our generated handle have at least one cat # element to it. require_cat_words = true if @catwords.select { |word| word.match(/^#{seed[0]}/i) }.size == 0 and @catwords.select { |word| word.match(/^#{seed[1]}/i) }.size == 0 require_cat_words = false MU.log "Got an annoying pair of letters #{seed}, not forcing cat-theming", MU::DEBUG end allnouns = @catnouns + @jaegernouns alladjs = @catadjs + @jaegeradjs tries = 0 begin # Try to avoid picking something "nouny" for the first word source = @catadjs + @catmixed + @jaegeradjs + @jaegermixed first_ltr = source.select { |word| word.match(/^#{seed[0]}/i) } if !first_ltr or first_ltr.size == 0 first_ltr = @words.select { |word| word.match(/^#{seed[0]}/i) } end word_one = first_ltr.shuffle.first # If we got a paired set that happen to match our letters, go with it if !word_one.nil? and word_one.match(/-#{seed[1]}/i) word_one, word_two = word_one.split(/-/) else source = @words if @catwords.include?(word_one) source = @jaegerwords elsif require_cat_words source = @catwords end second_ltr = source.select { |word| word.match(/^#{seed[1]}/i) and !word.match(/-/i) } word_two = second_ltr.shuffle.first end tries = tries + 1 end while tries < 50 and (word_one.nil? or word_two.nil? or word_one.match(/-/) or word_one == word_two or (allnouns.include?(word_one) and allnouns.include?(word_two)) or (alladjs.include?(word_one) and alladjs.include?(word_two)) or (require_cat_words and !@catwords.include?(word_one) and !@catwords.include?(word_two))) if tries >= 50 and (word_one.nil? or word_two.nil?) MU.log "I failed to generated a valid handle, faking it", MU::ERR return "#{seed[0].capitalize} #{seed[1].capitalize}" end return "#{word_one.capitalize} #{word_two.capitalize}" end # Ensure that the Nagios configuration local to the MU master has been # updated, and make sure Nagios has all of the ssh keys it needs to tunnel # to client nodes. # @return [void] def self.syncMonitoringConfig(blocking = true) return if Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name != "root" or (MU.mu_user != "mu" and MU.mu_user != "root") parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id nagios_threads = [] nagios_threads << Thread.new { MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) realhome = Etc.getpwnam("nagios").dir [@nagios_home, "#{@nagios_home}/.ssh"].each { |dir| Dir.mkdir(dir, 0711) if !Dir.exist?(dir) File.chown(Etc.getpwnam("nagios").uid, Etc.getpwnam("nagios").gid, dir) } if realhome != @nagios_home and Dir.exist?(realhome) and !File.symlink?("#{realhome}/.ssh") File.rename("#{realhome}/.ssh", "#{realhome}/.ssh.#{$$}") if Dir.exist?("#{realhome}/.ssh") File.symlink("#{@nagios_home}/.ssh", Etc.getpwnam("nagios").dir+"/.ssh") end MU.log "Updating #{@nagios_home}/.ssh/config..." ssh_lock = File.new("#{@nagios_home}/.ssh/config.mu.lock", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) ssh_lock.flock(File::LOCK_EX) ssh_conf = File.new("#{@nagios_home}/.ssh/config.tmp", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) ssh_conf.puts "Host MU-MASTER localhost" ssh_conf.puts " Hostname localhost" ssh_conf.puts " User root" ssh_conf.puts " IdentityFile #{@nagios_home}/.ssh/id_rsa" ssh_conf.puts " StrictHostKeyChecking no" ssh_conf.close FileUtils.cp("#{@myhome}/.ssh/id_rsa", "#{@nagios_home}/.ssh/id_rsa") File.chown(Etc.getpwnam("nagios").uid, Etc.getpwnam("nagios").gid, "#{@nagios_home}/.ssh/id_rsa") threads = [] parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id MU::MommaCat.listDeploys.sort.each { |deploy_id| begin # We don't want to use cached litter information here because this is also called by cleanTerminatedInstances. deploy = MU::MommaCat.getLitter(deploy_id) if deploy.ssh_key_name.nil? or deploy.ssh_key_name.empty? MU.log "Failed to extract ssh key name from #{deploy_id} in syncMonitoringConfig", MU::ERR if deploy.kittens.has_key?("servers") next end FileUtils.cp("#{@myhome}/.ssh/#{deploy.ssh_key_name}", "#{@nagios_home}/.ssh/#{deploy.ssh_key_name}") File.chown(Etc.getpwnam("nagios").uid, Etc.getpwnam("nagios").gid, "#{@nagios_home}/.ssh/#{deploy.ssh_key_name}") if deploy.kittens.has_key?("servers") deploy.kittens["servers"].values.each { |nodeclasses| nodeclasses.values.each { |nodes| nodes.values.each { |server| next if !server.cloud_desc MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) threads << Thread.new { MU::MommaCat.setThreadContext(deploy) MU.log "Adding #{server.mu_name} to #{@nagios_home}/.ssh/config", MU::DEBUG MU::MommaCat.addHostToSSHConfig( server, ssh_dir: "#{@nagios_home}/.ssh", ssh_conf: "#{@nagios_home}/.ssh/config.tmp", ssh_owner: "nagios" ) MU.purgeGlobals } } } } end rescue Exception => e MU.log "#{e.inspect} while generating Nagios SSH config in #{deploy_id}", MU::ERR, details: e.backtrace end } threads.each { |t| t.join } ssh_lock.flock(File::LOCK_UN) ssh_lock.close File.chown(Etc.getpwnam("nagios").uid, Etc.getpwnam("nagios").gid, "#{@nagios_home}/.ssh/config.tmp") File.rename("#{@nagios_home}/.ssh/config.tmp", "#{@nagios_home}/.ssh/config") MU.log "Updating Nagios monitoring config, this may take a while..." output = nil if $MU_CFG and !$MU_CFG['master_runlist_extras'].nil? output = %x{#{MU::Groomer::Chef.chefclient} -o 'role[mu-master-nagios-only],#{$MU_CFG['master_runlist_extras'].join(",")}' 2>&1} else output = %x{#{MU::Groomer::Chef.chefclient} -o 'role[mu-master-nagios-only]' 2>&1} end if $?.exitstatus != 0 MU.log "Nagios monitoring config update returned a non-zero exit code!", MU::ERR, details: output else MU.log "Nagios monitoring config update complete." end } if blocking nagios_threads.each { |t| t.join } end end # Return a list of all currently active deploy identifiers. # @return [Array] def self.listDeploys return [] if !Dir.exist?("#{MU.dataDir}/deployments") deploys = [] Dir.entries("#{MU.dataDir}/deployments").reverse_each { |muid| next if !Dir.exist?("#{MU.dataDir}/deployments/#{muid}") or muid == "." or muid == ".." deploys << muid } return deploys end # Return a list of all nodes in all deployments. Does so without loading # deployments fully. # @return [Hash] def self.listAllNodes nodes = Hash.new MU::MommaCat.deploy_struct_semaphore.synchronize { MU::MommaCat.listDeploys.each { |deploy| if !Dir.exist?(MU::MommaCat.deploy_dir(deploy)) or !File.size?("#{MU::MommaCat.deploy_dir(deploy)}/deployment.json") MU.log "Didn't see deployment metadata for '#{deploy}'", MU::WARN next end data = File.open("#{MU::MommaCat.deploy_dir(deploy)}/deployment.json", File::RDONLY) MU.log "Getting lock to read #{MU::MommaCat.deploy_dir(deploy)}/deployment.json", MU::DEBUG data.flock(File::LOCK_EX) begin deployment = JSON.parse(File.read("#{MU::MommaCat.deploy_dir(deploy)}/deployment.json")) deployment["deploy_id"] = deploy if deployment.has_key?("servers") deployment["servers"].each_key { |nodeclass| deployment["servers"][nodeclass].each_pair { |mu_name, metadata| nodes[mu_name] = metadata } } end rescue JSON::ParserError => e MU.log "JSON parse failed on #{MU::MommaCat.deploy_dir(deploy)}/deployment.json", MU::ERR, details: e.message end data.flock(File::LOCK_UN) data.close } } return nodes end # Return a list of all nodes associated with the current deployment. # @return [Hash] def listNodes nodes = Hash.new if !@deployment['servers'].nil? @deployment['servers'].each_pair { |nodetype, node| node.each_pair { |name, metadata| if name.nil? or metadata.nil? or !metadata.is_a?(Hash) MU.log "Original config of deploy #{MU.deploy_id} looks funny. It's probably very old.", MU::WARN next end metadata['deploy_id'] = MU.deploy_id nodes[name] = metadata ['servers', 'server_pools'].each { |res_type| if !@original_config[res_type].nil? @original_config[res_type].each { |srv_conf| if srv_conf['name'] == nodetype nodes[name]['conf'] = srv_conf.dup end } end } } } end return nodes end # For a given (Windows) server, return it's administrator user and password. # This is generally for requests made to MommaCat from said server, which # we can assume have been authenticated with the deploy secret. # @param server [MU::Cloud::Server]: The Server object whose credentials we're fetching. def retrieveWindowsAdminCreds(server) if server.nil? raise MuError, "retrieveWindowsAdminCreds must be called with a Server object" elsif !server.is_a?(MU::Cloud::Server) raise MuError, "retrieveWindowsAdminCreds must be called with a Server object (got #{server.class.name})" end if server.config['use_cloud_provider_windows_password'] return [server.config["windows_admin_username"], server.getWindowsAdminPassword] elsif server.config['windows_auth_vault'] && !server.config['windows_auth_vault'].empty? if server.config["windows_auth_vault"].has_key?("password_field") return [server.config["windows_admin_username"], server.groomer.getSecret( vault: server.config['windows_auth_vault']['vault'], item: server.config['windows_auth_vault']['item'], field: server.config["windows_auth_vault"]["password_field"] )] else return [server.config["windows_admin_username"], server.getWindowsAdminPassword] end end [] end # Given a Certificate Signing Request, sign it with our internal CA and # write the resulting signed certificate. Only works on local files. # @param csr_path [String]: The CSR to sign, as a file. def signSSLCert(csr_path, sans = []) MU::Master::SSL.sign(csr_path, sans, for_user: MU.mu_user) end # Make sure deployment data is synchronized to/from each node in the # currently-loaded deployment. def syncLitter(nodeclasses = [], triggering_node: nil, save_only: false) # XXX take some config logic to decide what nodeclasses to hit? like, make # inferences from dependencies or something? return if MU.syncLitterThread return if !Dir.exist?(deploy_dir) svrs = MU::Cloud.resource_types[:Server][:cfg_plural] # legibility shorthand if !triggering_node.nil? and nodeclasses.size > 0 nodeclasses.reject! { |n| n == triggering_node.to_s } return if nodeclasses.size == 0 end @kitten_semaphore.synchronize { if @kittens.nil? or @kittens[svrs].nil? MU.log "No #{svrs} as yet available in #{@deploy_id}", MU::DEBUG, details: @kittens return end MU.log "Updating these node classes in #{@deploy_id}", MU::DEBUG, details: nodeclasses } update_servers = [] if nodeclasses.nil? or nodeclasses.size == 0 litter = findLitterMate(type: "server", return_all: true) return if litter.nil? litter.each_pair { |mu_name, node| if !triggering_node.nil? and ( (triggering_node.is_a?(MU::Cloud::Server) and mu_name == triggering_node.mu_name) or (triggering_node.is_a?(String) and mu_name == triggering_node) ) next end if !node.groomer.nil? update_servers << node end } else litter = {} nodeclasses.each { |nodeclass| mates = findLitterMate(type: "server", name: nodeclass, return_all: true) litter.merge!(mates) if mates } litter.each_pair { |mu_name, node| if !triggering_node.nil? and ( (triggering_node.is_a?(MU::Cloud::Server) and mu_name == triggering_node.mu_name) or (triggering_node.is_a?(String) and mu_name == triggering_node) ) next end if !node.deploydata or !node.deploydata.keys.include?('nodename') details = node.deploydata ? node.deploydata.keys : nil MU.log "#{mu_name} deploy data is missing (possibly retired or mid-bootstrap), so not syncing it", MU::WARN, details: details else update_servers << node end } end return if update_servers.size == 0 MU.log "Updating these nodes in #{@deploy_id}", MU::DEBUG, details: update_servers.map { |n| n.mu_name } update_servers.each { |node| # Not clear where this pollution comes from, but let's stick a temp # fix in here. if node.deploydata['nodename'] != node.mu_name and !node.deploydata['nodename'].nil? and !node.deploydata['nodename'].emty? MU.log "Node #{node.mu_name} had wrong or missing nodename (#{node.deploydata['nodename']}), correcting", MU::WARN node.deploydata['nodename'] = node.mu_name if @deployment[svrs] and @deployment[svrs][node.config['name']] and @deployment[svrs][node.config['name']][node.mu_name] @deployment[svrs][node.config['name']][node.mu_name]['nodename'] = node.mu_name end save! end } # Merge everyone's deploydata together if !save_only skip = [] update_servers.each { |node| if node.mu_name.nil? or node.deploydata.nil? or node.config.nil? MU.log "Missing mu_name #{node.mu_name}, deploydata, or config from #{node} in syncLitter", MU::ERR, details: node.deploydata next end if !@deployment[svrs][node.config['name']].has_key?(node.mu_name) or @deployment[svrs][node.config['name']][node.mu_name] != node.deploydata @deployment[svrs][node.config['name']][node.mu_name] = node.deploydata else skip << node end } update_servers = update_servers - skip end return if MU.inGem? || update_servers.size < 1 threads = [] parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id update_servers.each { |sibling| threads << Thread.new { Thread.abort_on_exception = true MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) Thread.current.thread_variable_set("name", "sync-"+sibling.mu_name.downcase) MU.setVar("syncLitterThread", true) begin if sibling.config['groom'].nil? or sibling.config['groom'] sibling.groomer.saveDeployData sibling.groomer.run(purpose: "Synchronizing sibling kittens") if !save_only end rescue MU::Groomer::RunError => e MU.log "Sync of #{sibling.mu_name} failed: #{e.inspect}", MU::WARN end MU.purgeGlobals } } threads.each { |t| t.join } MU.log "Synchronization of #{@deploy_id} complete", MU::DEBUG, details: update_servers end @node_cert_semaphore = nil # Given a MU::Cloud object, return the generic self-signed SSL # certficate we made for it. If one doesn't exist yet, generate it first. # If it's a Windows node, also generate a certificate for WinRM client auth. # @param resource [MU::Cloud]: The server or other MU::Cloud resource object for which to generate or return the cert # @param poolname [Boolean]: If true, generate certificates for the base name of the server pool of which this node is a member, rather than for the individual node # @param keysize [Integer]: The size of the private key to use when generating this certificate def nodeSSLCerts(resource, poolname = false, keysize = 4096) _nat_ssh_key, _nat_ssh_user, _nat_ssh_host, canonical_ip, _ssh_user, _ssh_key_name = resource.getSSHConfig if resource.respond_to?(:getSSHConfig) deploy_id = resource.deploy_id || @deploy_id || resource.deploy.deploy_id cert_cn = poolname ? deploy_id + "-" + resource.config['name'].upcase : resource.mu_name results = {} is_windows = (resource.respond_to?(:windows?) and resource.windows?) @node_cert_semaphore.synchronize { MU::Master::SSL.bootstrap sans = [] sans << canonical_ip if canonical_ip # XXX were there other names we wanted to include? key = MU::Master::SSL.getKey(cert_cn, keysize: keysize) cert, pfx_cert = MU::Master::SSL.getCert(cert_cn, "/CN=#{cert_cn}/O=Mu/C=US", sans: sans, pfx: is_windows) results[cert_cn] = [key, cert] winrm_cert = nil if is_windows winrm_key = MU::Master::SSL.getKey(cert_cn+"-winrm", keysize: keysize) winrm_cert = MU::Master::SSL.getCert(cert_cn+"-winrm", "/CN=#{resource.config['windows_admin_username']}/O=Mu/C=US", sans: ["otherName:;UTF8:#{resource.config['windows_admin_username']}@localhost"], pfx: true)[0] results[cert_cn+"-winrm"] = [winrm_key, winrm_cert] end if resource and resource.config and resource.config['cloud'] cloudclass = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(resource.config['cloud']) cloudclass.writeDeploySecret(@deploy_id, cert.to_pem, cert_cn+".crt", credentials: resource.config['credentials']) cloudclass.writeDeploySecret(@deploy_id, key.to_pem, cert_cn+".key", credentials: resource.config['credentials']) if pfx_cert cloudclass.writeDeploySecret(@deploy_id, pfx_cert.to_der, cert_cn+".pfx", credentials: resource.config['credentials']) end if winrm_cert cloudclass.writeDeploySecret(@deploy_id, winrm_cert.to_pem, cert_cn+"-winrm.crt", credentials: resource.config['credentials']) end end } results[cert_cn] end # @return [String]: The Mu Master filesystem directory holding metadata for the current deployment def deploy_dir MU::MommaCat.deploy_dir(@deploy_id) end # Path to the log file used by the Momma Cat daemon # @return [String] def self.daemonLogFile base = (Process.uid == 0 and !MU.localOnly) ? "/var" : MU.dataDir "#{base}/log/mu-momma-cat.log" end # Path to the PID file used by the Momma Cat daemon # @return [String] def self.daemonPidFile base = (Process.uid == 0 and !MU.localOnly) ? "/var" : MU.dataDir "#{base}/run/mommacat.pid" end # Start the Momma Cat daemon and return the exit status of the command used # @return [Integer] def self.start if MU.inGem? and MU.muCfg['disable_mommacat'] return end base = (Process.uid == 0 and !MU.localOnly) ? "/var" : MU.dataDir [base, "#{base}/log", "#{base}/run"].each { |dir| if !Dir.exist?(dir) MU.log "Creating #{dir}" Dir.mkdir(dir) end } return 0 if status MU.log "Starting Momma Cat on port #{MU.mommaCatPort}, logging to #{daemonLogFile}, PID file #{daemonPidFile}" origdir = Dir.getwd Dir.chdir(MU.myRoot+"/modules") # XXX what's the safest way to find the 'bundle' executable in both gem and non-gem installs? if MU.inGem? cmd = %Q{thin --threaded --daemonize --port #{MU.mommaCatPort} --pid #{daemonPidFile} --log #{daemonLogFile} --ssl --ssl-key-file #{MU.muCfg['ssl']['key']} --ssl-cert-file #{MU.muCfg['ssl']['cert']} --ssl-disable-verify --tag mu-momma-cat -R mommacat.ru start} else cmd = %Q{bundle exec thin --threaded --daemonize --port #{MU.mommaCatPort} --pid #{daemonPidFile} --log #{daemonLogFile} --ssl --ssl-key-file #{MU.muCfg['ssl']['key']} --ssl-cert-file #{MU.muCfg['ssl']['cert']} --ssl-disable-verify --tag mu-momma-cat -R mommacat.ru start} end MU.log cmd, MU::NOTICE retries = 0 begin output = %x{#{cmd}} sleep 1 retries += 1 if retries >= 10 MU.log "MommaCat failed to start (command was #{cmd}, working directory #{MU.myRoot}/modules)", MU::WARN, details: output pp caller return $?.exitstatus end end while !status Dir.chdir(origdir) if $?.exitstatus != 0 exit 1 end return $?.exitstatus end # Return true if the Momma Cat daemon appears to be running # @return [Boolean] def self.status if MU.inGem? and MU.muCfg['disable_mommacat'] return true end if File.exist?(daemonPidFile) pid = File.read(daemonPidFile).chomp.to_i begin Process.getpgid(pid) MU.log "Momma Cat running with pid #{pid.to_s}" return true rescue Errno::ESRCH end end MU.log "Momma Cat daemon not running", MU::NOTICE, details: daemonPidFile false end # Stop the Momma Cat daemon, if it's running def self.stop if File.exist?(daemonPidFile) pid = File.read(daemonPidFile).chomp.to_i MU.log "Stopping Momma Cat with pid #{pid.to_s}" Process.kill("INT", pid) killed = false begin Process.getpgid(pid) sleep 1 rescue Errno::ESRCH killed = true end while killed MU.log "Momma Cat with pid #{pid.to_s} stopped", MU::DEBUG, details: daemonPidFile begin File.unlink(daemonPidFile) rescue Errno::ENOENT end end end # (Re)start the Momma Cat daemon and return the exit status of the start command # @return [Integer] def self.restart stop start end # Locate and return the deploy, if any, which matches the provided origin # description # @param origin [Hash] def self.findMatchingDeploy(origin) MU::MommaCat.listDeploys.each { |deploy_id| o_path = deploy_dir(deploy_id)+"/origin.json" next if !File.exist?(o_path) this_origin = JSON.parse(File.read(o_path)) if origin == this_origin MU.log "Deploy #{deploy_id} matches origin hash, loading", details: origin return MU::MommaCat.new(deploy_id) end } nil end # Synchronize all in-memory information related to this to deployment to # disk. # @param triggering_node [MU::Cloud::Server]: If we're being triggered by the addition/removal/update of a node, this allows us to notify any sibling or dependent nodes of changes # @param force [Boolean]: Save even if +no_artifacts+ is set # @param origin [Hash]: Optional blob of data indicating how this deploy was created def save!(triggering_node = nil, force: false, origin: nil) return if @no_artifacts and !force MU::MommaCat.deploy_struct_semaphore.synchronize { MU.log "Saving deployment #{MU.deploy_id}", MU::DEBUG if !Dir.exist?(deploy_dir) MU.log "Creating #{deploy_dir}", MU::DEBUG Dir.mkdir(deploy_dir, 0700) end if !origin.nil? o_file = File.new("#{deploy_dir}/origin.json", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) o_file.puts JSON.pretty_generate(origin) o_file.close end if !@private_key.nil? privkey = File.new("#{deploy_dir}/private_key", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) privkey.puts @private_key privkey.close end if !@public_key.nil? pubkey = File.new("#{deploy_dir}/public_key", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) pubkey.puts @public_key pubkey.close end if !@deployment.nil? and @deployment.size > 0 @deployment['handle'] = MU.handle if @deployment['handle'].nil? and !MU.handle.nil? @deployment['public_key'] = @public_key @deployment['timestamp'] ||= @timestamp @deployment['seed'] ||= @seed @deployment['appname'] ||= @appname @deployment['handle'] ||= @handle @deployment['ssh_public_key'] ||= @ssh_public_key if @ssh_public_key begin # XXX doing this to trigger JSON errors before stomping the stored # file... JSON.pretty_generate(@deployment, max_nesting: false) deploy = File.new("#{deploy_dir}/deployment.json", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) MU.log "Getting lock to write #{deploy_dir}/deployment.json", MU::DEBUG deploy.flock(File::LOCK_EX) deploy.puts JSON.pretty_generate(@deployment, max_nesting: false) rescue JSON::NestingError => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::ERR, details: @deployment raise MuError, "Got #{e.message} trying to save deployment" rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::ERR, details: @deployment raise MuError, "Got #{e.message} at #{e.error_char.dump} (#{e.source_encoding_name} => #{e.destination_encoding_name}) trying to save deployment" end deploy.flock(File::LOCK_UN) deploy.close @need_deploy_flush = false MU::MommaCat.updateLitter(@deploy_id, self) end if !@original_config.nil? and @original_config.is_a?(Hash) config = File.new("#{deploy_dir}/basket_of_kittens.json", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) config.puts JSON.pretty_generate(MU::Config.manxify(@original_config)) config.close end if !@ssh_private_key.nil? key = File.new("#{deploy_dir}/node_ssh.key", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) key.puts @ssh_private_key key.close end if !@ssh_public_key.nil? key = File.new("#{deploy_dir}/node_ssh.pub", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) key.puts @ssh_public_key key.close end if !@ssh_key_name.nil? key = File.new("#{deploy_dir}/ssh_key_name", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) key.puts @ssh_key_name key.close end if !@environment.nil? env = File.new("#{deploy_dir}/environment_name", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) env.puts @environment env.close end if !@deploy_secret.nil? secret = File.new("#{deploy_dir}/deploy_secret", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) secret.print @deploy_secret secret.close end if !@secrets.nil? secretdir = "#{deploy_dir}/secrets" if !Dir.exist?(secretdir) MU.log "Creating #{secretdir}", MU::DEBUG Dir.mkdir(secretdir, 0700) end @secrets.each_pair { |type, servers| servers.each_pair { |server, svr_secret| key = File.new("#{secretdir}/#{type}.#{server}", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0600) key.puts svr_secret key.close } } end } # Update groomer copies of this metadata syncLitter(@deployment['servers'].keys, triggering_node: triggering_node, save_only: true) if @deployment.has_key?("servers") end # Find one or more resources by their Mu resource name, and return # MommaCat objects for their containing deploys, their BoK config data, # and their deployment data. # # @param type [String]: The type of resource, e.g. "vpc" or "server." # @param name [String]: The Mu resource class, typically the name field of a Basket of Kittens resource declaration. # @param mu_name [String]: The fully-expanded Mu resource name, e.g. MGMT-PROD-2015040115-FR-ADMGMT2 private # Check to see whether a given resource name is unique across all # deployments on this Mu server. We only enforce this for certain classes # of names. If the name in question is available, add it to our cache of # said names. See #{MU::MommaCat.getResourceName} # @param name [String]: The name to attempt to allocate. # @return [Boolean]: True if allocation was successful. def allocateUniqueResourceName(name) raise MuError, "Cannot call allocateUniqueResourceName without an active deployment" if @deploy_id.nil? path = File.expand_path(MU.dataDir+"/deployments") File.open(path+"/unique_ids", File::CREAT|File::RDWR, 0600) { |f| existing = [] f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) f.readlines.each { |line| existing << line.chomp } begin existing.each { |used| if used.match(/^#{name}:/) if !used.match(/^#{name}:#{@deploy_id}$/) MU.log "#{name} is already reserved by another resource on this Mu server.", MU::WARN, details: caller return false else return true end end } f.puts name+":"+@deploy_id return true ensure f.flock(File::LOCK_UN) end } end ########################################################################### ########################################################################### def self.deploy_dir(deploy_id) raise MuError, "deploy_dir must get a deploy_id if called as class method (from #{caller[0]}; #{caller[1]})" if deploy_id.nil? # XXX this will blow up if someone sticks MU in / path = File.expand_path(MU.dataDir+"/deployments") if !Dir.exist?(path) MU.log "Creating #{path}", MU::DEBUG Dir.mkdir(path, 0700) end path = path+"/"+deploy_id return path end def self.deploy_exists?(deploy_id) if deploy_id.nil? or deploy_id.empty? MU.log "Got nil deploy_id in MU::MommaCat.deploy_exists?", MU::WARN return end path = File.expand_path(MU.dataDir+"/deployments") if !Dir.exist?(path) Dir.mkdir(path, 0700) end deploy_path = File.expand_path(path+"/"+deploy_id) return Dir.exist?(deploy_path) end def createDeployKey key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(4096) MU.log "Generated deploy key for #{MU.deploy_id}", MU::DEBUG, details: key.public_key.export return [key.export, key.public_key.export] end # @param deploy_id [String]: The deployment to search. Will search all deployments if not specified. # @return [Hash,Array] def self.getResourceMetadata(type, name: nil, deploy_id: nil, use_cache: true, mu_name: nil) if type.nil? raise MuError, "Can't call getResourceMetadata without a type argument" end _shortclass, _cfg_name, type, _classname = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(type) # first, check our in-memory deploys, which may or may not have been # written to disk yet. littercache = nil begin @@litter_semaphore.synchronize { littercache = @@litters.dup } rescue ThreadError => e # already locked by a parent caller and this is a read op, so this is ok raise e if !e.message.match(/recursive locking/) littercache = @@litters.dup end littercache.each_pair { |deploy, momma| @@deploy_struct_semaphore.synchronize { @deploy_cache[deploy] = { "mtime" => Time.now, "data" => momma.deployment } } } deploy_root = File.expand_path(MU.dataDir+"/deployments") MU::MommaCat.deploy_struct_semaphore.synchronize { if Dir.exist?(deploy_root) Dir.entries(deploy_root).each { |deploy| this_deploy_dir = deploy_root+"/"+deploy next if deploy == "." or deploy == ".." or !Dir.exist?(this_deploy_dir) next if deploy_id and deploy_id != deploy if !File.size?(this_deploy_dir+"/deployment.json") MU.log "#{this_deploy_dir}/deployment.json doesn't exist, skipping when loading cache", MU::DEBUG next end if @deploy_cache[deploy].nil? or !use_cache @deploy_cache[deploy] = Hash.new elsif @deploy_cache[deploy]['mtime'] == File.mtime("#{this_deploy_dir}/deployment.json") MU.log "Using cached copy of deploy #{deploy} from #{@deploy_cache[deploy]['mtime']}", MU::DEBUG next end @deploy_cache[deploy] = Hash.new if !@deploy_cache.has_key?(deploy) MU.log "Caching deploy #{deploy}", MU::DEBUG lock = File.open("#{this_deploy_dir}/deployment.json", File::RDONLY) lock.flock(File::LOCK_EX) @deploy_cache[deploy]['mtime'] = File.mtime("#{this_deploy_dir}/deployment.json") begin @deploy_cache[deploy]['data'] = JSON.parse(File.read("#{this_deploy_dir}/deployment.json")) lock.flock(File::LOCK_UN) next if @deploy_cache[deploy].nil? or @deploy_cache[deploy]['data'].nil? # Populate some generable entries that should be in the deploy # data. Also, bounce out if we realize we've found exactly what # we needed already. MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |attrs| next if @deploy_cache[deploy]['data'][attrs[:cfg_plural]].nil? if !attrs[:has_multiples] @deploy_cache[deploy]['data'][attrs[:cfg_plural]].each_pair { |nodename, data| # XXX we don't actually store node names for some resources, need to farm them # and fix metadata # if !mu_name.nil? and nodename == mu_name # return { deploy => [data] } # end } else @deploy_cache[deploy]['data'][attrs[:cfg_plural]].each_pair { |node_class, nodes| next if nodes.nil? or !nodes.is_a?(Hash) nodes.each_pair { |nodename, data| next if !data.is_a?(Hash) data['#MU_NODE_CLASS'] = node_class if !data.has_key?("cloud") # XXX kludge until old metadata gets fixed data["cloud"] = MU::Config.defaultCloud end data['#MU_NAME'] = nodename if !mu_name.nil? and nodename == mu_name return {deploy => [data]} if deploy_id && deploy == deploy_id end } } end } rescue JSON::ParserError => e raise MuError, "JSON parse failed on #{this_deploy_dir}/deployment.json\n\n"+File.read("#{this_deploy_dir}/deployment.json") end lock.flock(File::LOCK_UN) lock.close } end } matches = {} if deploy_id.nil? @deploy_cache.each_key { |deploy| next if !@deploy_cache[deploy].has_key?('data') next if !@deploy_cache[deploy]['data'].has_key?(type) if !name.nil? next if @deploy_cache[deploy]['data'][type][name].nil? matches[deploy] ||= [] matches[deploy] << @deploy_cache[deploy]['data'][type][name].dup else matches[deploy] ||= [] matches[deploy].concat(@deploy_cache[deploy]['data'][type].values) end } return matches elsif !@deploy_cache[deploy_id].nil? if !@deploy_cache[deploy_id]['data'].nil? and !@deploy_cache[deploy_id]['data'][type].nil? if !name.nil? if !@deploy_cache[deploy_id]['data'][type][name].nil? matches[deploy_id] ||= [] matches[deploy_id] << @deploy_cache[deploy_id]['data'][type][name].dup else return matches # nothing, actually end else matches[deploy_id] = @deploy_cache[deploy_id]['data'][type].values end end end return matches end ########################################################################### ########################################################################### def loadDeploy(deployment_json_only = false, set_context_to_me: true) MU::MommaCat.deploy_struct_semaphore.synchronize { if File.size?(deploy_dir+"/deployment.json") deploy = File.open("#{deploy_dir}/deployment.json", File::RDONLY) MU.log "Getting lock to read #{deploy_dir}/deployment.json", MU::DEBUG # deploy.flock(File::LOCK_EX) begin Timeout::timeout(90) {deploy.flock(File::LOCK_EX)} rescue Timeout::Error raise MuError, "Timed out trying to get an exclusive lock on #{deploy_dir}/deployment.json" end begin @deployment = JSON.parse(File.read("#{deploy_dir}/deployment.json")) rescue JSON::ParserError => e MU.log "JSON parse failed on #{deploy_dir}/deployment.json", MU::ERR, details: e.message end deploy.flock(File::LOCK_UN) deploy.close if set_context_to_me ["appname", "environment", "timestamp", "seed", "handle"].each { |var| @deployment[var] ||= instance_variable_get("@#{var}".to_sym) if @deployment[var] if var != "handle" MU.setVar(var, @deployment[var].upcase) else MU.setVar(var, @deployment[var]) end else MU.log "Missing global variable #{var} for #{MU.deploy_id}", MU::ERR end } end @timestamp = @deployment['timestamp'] @seed = @deployment['seed'] @appname = @deployment['appname'] @handle = @deployment['handle'] return if deployment_json_only end if File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/private_key") @private_key = File.read("#{deploy_dir}/private_key") @public_key = File.read("#{deploy_dir}/public_key") end if File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/basket_of_kittens.json") begin @original_config = JSON.parse(File.read("#{deploy_dir}/basket_of_kittens.json")) rescue JSON::ParserError => e MU.log "JSON parse failed on #{deploy_dir}/basket_of_kittens.json", MU::ERR, details: e.message end end if File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/ssh_key_name") @ssh_key_name = File.read("#{deploy_dir}/ssh_key_name").chomp! end if File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/node_ssh.key") @ssh_private_key = File.read("#{deploy_dir}/node_ssh.key") end if File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/node_ssh.pub") @ssh_public_key = File.read("#{deploy_dir}/node_ssh.pub") end if File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/environment_name") @environment = File.read("#{deploy_dir}/environment_name").chomp! end if File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/deploy_secret") @deploy_secret = File.read("#{deploy_dir}/deploy_secret") end if Dir.exist?("#{deploy_dir}/secrets") @secrets.each_key { |type| Dir.glob("#{deploy_dir}/secrets/#{type}.*") { |filename| server = File.basename(filename).split(/\./)[1] @secrets[type][server] = File.read(filename).chomp! } } end } end # 2019-06-03 adding things from https://aiweirdness.com/post/185339301987/once-again-a-neural-net-tries-to-name-cats @catadjs = %w{fuzzy ginger lilac chocolate xanthic wiggly itty chonky norty slonky floofy} @catnouns = %w{bastet biscuits bobcat catnip cheetah chonk dot felix hamb jaguar kitty leopard lion lynx maru mittens moggy neko nip ocelot panther patches paws phoebe purr queen roar saber sekhmet skogkatt socks sphinx spot tail tiger tom whiskers wildcat yowl floof beans ailurophile dander dewclaw grimalkin kibble quick tuft misty simba slonk mew quat eek ziggy whiskeridoo cromch monch screm} @catmixed = %w{abyssinian angora bengal birman bobtail bombay burmese calico chartreux cheshire cornish-rex curl devon egyptian-mau feline furever fumbs havana himilayan japanese-bobtail javanese khao-manee maine-coon manx marmalade mau munchkin norwegian pallas persian peterbald polydactyl ragdoll russian-blue savannah scottish-fold serengeti shorthair siamese siberian singapura snowshoe stray tabby tonkinese tortoiseshell turkish-van tuxedo uncia caterwaul lilac-point chocolate-point mackerel maltese knead whitenose vorpal chewie-bean chicken-whiskey fish-especially thelonious-monsieur tom-glitter serendipitous-kill sparky-buttons} @catwords = @catadjs + @catnouns + @catmixed @jaegeradjs = %w{azure fearless lucky olive vivid electric grey yarely violet ivory jade cinnamon crimson tacit umber mammoth ultra iron zodiac} @jaegernouns = %w{horizon hulk ultimatum yardarm watchman whilrwind wright rhythm ocean enigma eruption typhoon jaeger brawler blaze vandal excalibur paladin juliet kaleidoscope romeo} @jaegermixed = %w{alpha ajax amber avenger brave bravo charlie chocolate chrome corinthian dancer danger dash delta duet echo edge elite eureka foxtrot guardian gold hyperion illusion imperative india intercept kilo lancer night nova november oscar omega pacer quickstrike rogue ronin striker tango titan valor victor vulcan warder xenomorph xenon xray xylem yankee yell yukon zeal zero zoner zodiac} @jaegerwords = @jaegeradjs + @jaegernouns + @jaegermixed @words = @catwords + @jaegerwords end #class end #module