# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008-2018, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "spec_helper")) describe Mixlib::Config do before(:each) do ConfigIt.configure do |c| c[:alpha] = "omega" c[:foo] = nil end end it "loads a config file" do allow(File).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:readable?).and_return(true) allow(IO).to receive(:read).with("config.rb").and_return("alpha = 'omega'\nfoo = 'bar'") expect(lambda do ConfigIt.from_file("config.rb") end).to_not raise_error end it "doesn't raise an ArgumentError with an explanation if you try and set a non-existent variable" do expect(lambda do ConfigIt[:foobar] = "blah" end).to_not raise_error end it "raises an Errno::ENOENT if it can't find the file" do expect(lambda do ConfigIt.from_file("/tmp/timmytimmytimmy") end).to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "allows the error to bubble up when it's anything other than IOError" do allow(IO).to receive(:read).with("config.rb").and_return("@#asdf") expect(lambda do ConfigIt.from_file("config.rb") end).to raise_error(SyntaxError) end it "allows you to reference a value by index" do expect(ConfigIt[:alpha]).to eql("omega") end it "allows you to reference a value by string index" do expect(ConfigIt["alpha"]).to eql("omega") end it "allows you to set a value by index" do ConfigIt[:alpha] = "one" expect(ConfigIt[:alpha]).to eql("one") end it "allows you to set a value by string index" do ConfigIt["alpha"] = "one" expect(ConfigIt[:alpha]).to eql("one") end it "allows setting a value with attribute form" do ConfigIt.arbitrary_value = 50 expect(ConfigIt.arbitrary_value).to eql(50) expect(ConfigIt[:arbitrary_value]).to eql(50) end it "allows setting a value with method form" do ConfigIt.arbitrary_value 50 expect(ConfigIt.arbitrary_value).to eql(50) expect(ConfigIt[:arbitrary_value]).to eql(50) end describe "when strict mode is on" do class StrictClass extend ::Mixlib::Config config_strict_mode true default :x, 1 end it "allows you to get and set configured values" do StrictClass.x = StrictClass.x * 2 StrictClass[:x] = StrictClass[:x] * 2 end it "raises an error when you get an arbitrary config option with .y" do expect(lambda { StrictClass.y }).to raise_error(Mixlib::Config::UnknownConfigOptionError, "Reading unsupported config value y.") end it "raises an error when you get an arbitrary config option with [:y]" do expect(lambda { StrictClass[:y] }).to raise_error(Mixlib::Config::UnknownConfigOptionError, "Reading unsupported config value y.") end it "raises an error when you set an arbitrary config option with .y = 10" do expect(lambda { StrictClass.y = 10 }).to raise_error(Mixlib::Config::UnknownConfigOptionError, "Cannot set unsupported config value y.") end it "raises an error when you set an arbitrary config option with .y 10" do expect(lambda { StrictClass.y 10 }).to raise_error(Mixlib::Config::UnknownConfigOptionError, "Cannot set unsupported config value y.") end it "raises an error when you set an arbitrary config option with [:y] = 10" do expect(lambda { StrictClass[:y] = 10 }).to raise_error(Mixlib::Config::UnknownConfigOptionError, "Cannot set unsupported config value y.") end it "does not break config_context_list" do expect(lambda do StrictClass.class_eval do config_context_list(:lists, :list) do default :y, 20 end end end).not_to raise_error end it "does not break config_context_hash" do expect(lambda do StrictClass.class_eval do config_context_hash(:hashes, :hash) do default :z, 20 end end end).not_to raise_error end end describe "when a block has been used to set config values" do before do ConfigIt.configure { |c| c[:cookbook_path] = "monkey_rabbit"; c[:otherthing] = "boo" } end { cookbook_path: "monkey_rabbit", otherthing: "boo" }.each do |k, v| it "allows you to retrieve the config value for #{k} via []" do expect(ConfigIt[k]).to eql(v) end it "allows you to retrieve the config value for #{k} via method_missing" do expect(ConfigIt.send(k)).to eql(v) end end end it "doesn't raise an ArgumentError if you access a config option that does not exist" do expect(lambda { ConfigIt[:snob_hobbery] }).to_not raise_error end it "returns true or false with has_key?" do expect(ConfigIt.has_key?(:monkey)).to be false ConfigIt[:monkey] = "gotcha" expect(ConfigIt.has_key?(:monkey)).to be true end it "returns true or false with key?" do expect(ConfigIt.key?(:monkey2)).to be false ConfigIt[:monkey2] = "gotcha" expect(ConfigIt.key?(:monkey2)).to be true end describe "when a class method override writer exists" do before do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval do config_attr_writer :test_method do |blah| blah.is_a?(Integer) ? blah * 1000 : blah end end end it "multiplies an integer by 1000" do @klass[:test_method] = 53 expect(@klass[:test_method]).to eql(53000) end it "multiplies an integer by 1000 with the method_missing form" do @klass.test_method = 63 expect(@klass.test_method).to eql(63000) end it "multiplies an integer by 1000 with the instance_eval DSL form" do @klass.instance_eval("test_method 73") expect(@klass.test_method).to eql(73000) end it "multiplies an integer by 1000 via from-file, too" do allow(IO).to receive(:read).with("config.rb").and_return("test_method 99") @klass.from_file("config.rb") expect(@klass.test_method).to eql(99000) end it "receives internal_set with the method name and config value" do expect(@klass).to receive(:internal_set).with(:test_method, 53).and_return(true) @klass[:test_method] = 53 end end describe "When a configurable exists" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval do configurable :daemonizeme default :a, 1 config_attr_writer(:b) { |v| v } config_context(:c) end end it "Getter methods are created for the configurable" do expect(@klass.respond_to?(:daemonizeme)).to be true expect(@klass.respond_to?(:a)).to be true expect(@klass.respond_to?(:b)).to be true expect(@klass.respond_to?(:c)).to be true expect(@klass.respond_to?(:z)).to be false end it "Setter methods are created for the configurable" do expect(@klass.respond_to?("daemonizeme=".to_sym)).to be true expect(@klass.respond_to?("a=".to_sym)).to be true expect(@klass.respond_to?("b=".to_sym)).to be true expect(@klass.respond_to?("c=".to_sym)).to be true expect(@klass.respond_to?("z=".to_sym)).to be false end describe "and extra methods have been dumped into Object" do class NopeError < StandardError end before :each do Object.send :define_method, :daemonizeme do raise NopeError, "NOPE" end Object.send :define_method, "daemonizeme=".to_sym do raise NopeError, "NOPE" end end after do Object.send :remove_method, :daemonizeme Object.send :remove_method, :'daemonizeme=' end it "Normal classes call the extra method" do normal_class = Class.new normal_class.extend(::Mixlib::Config) expect(lambda { normal_class.daemonizeme }).to raise_error(NopeError) end it "Configurables with the same name as the extra method can be set" do @klass.daemonizeme = 10 expect(@klass[:daemonizeme]).to eql(10) end it "Configurables with the same name as the extra method can be retrieved" do @klass[:daemonizeme] = 10 expect(@klass.daemonizeme).to eql(10) end end end describe "When config has a default value" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval { default :attr, 4 } end it "defaults to that value" do expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "defaults to that value when retrieved as a hash" do expect(@klass[:attr]).to eql(4) end it "is settable to another value" do @klass.attr 5 expect(@klass.attr).to eql(5) end it "still defaults to that value after delete" do @klass.attr 5 @klass.delete(:attr) expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "still defaults to that value after reset" do @klass.attr 5 @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "save should not save anything for it" do expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) end it "save with include_defaults should save all defaults" do expect(@klass.save(true)).to eql({ attr: 4 }) end it "saves the new value if it gets set" do @klass.attr 5 expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: 5 }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.attr).to eql(5) end it "saves the new value even if it is set to its default value" do @klass.attr 4 expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: 4 }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.save).to eql({ attr: 4 }) end end describe "When config has a default value block" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval do default :x, 4 default(:attr) { x * 2 } end end it "defaults to that value" do expect(@klass.attr).to eql(8) end it "is recalculated each time it is retrieved" do expect(@klass.attr).to eql(8) @klass.x = 2 expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "defaults to that value when retrieved as a hash" do expect(@klass[:attr]).to eql(8) end it "is settable to another value" do @klass.attr 5 expect(@klass.attr).to eql(5) end it "still defaults to that value after delete" do @klass.attr 5 @klass.delete(:attr) expect(@klass.attr).to eql(8) end it "still defaults to that value after reset" do @klass.attr 5 @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql(8) end it "save should not save anything for it" do expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) end it "save with include_defaults should save all defaults" do expect(@klass.save(true)).to eql({ attr: 8, x: 4 }) end it "saves the new value if it gets set" do @klass.attr 5 expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: 5 }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql(8) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.attr).to eql(5) end it "saves the new value even if it is set to its default value" do @klass.attr 8 expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: 8 }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.save).to eql({ attr: 8 }) end end describe "When config has an array default value" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval { default :attr, [] } end it "reset clears it to its default" do @klass.attr << "x" expect(@klass.attr).to eql([ "x" ]) @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql([]) end it "save should not save anything for it" do expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) end it "save with include_defaults should save all defaults" do expect(@klass.save(true)).to eql({ attr: [] }) end it "saves the new value if it gets set" do @klass.attr << "x" expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: [ "x" ] }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql([]) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.attr).to eql([ "x" ]) end it "saves the new value even if it is set to its default value" do @klass.attr = [] expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: [] }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.save).to eql({ attr: [] }) end end describe "When config has a hash default value" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval { default :attr, {} } end it "reset clears it to its default" do @klass.attr[:x] = 10 expect(@klass.attr[:x]).to eql(10) @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr[:x]).to be_nil end it "save should not save anything for it" do expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) end it "save with include_defaults should save all defaults" do expect(@klass.save(true)).to eql({ attr: {} }) end it "saves the new value if it gets set" do @klass.attr[:hi] = "lo" expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: { hi: "lo" } }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql({}) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.save).to eql({ attr: { hi: "lo" } }) end it "saves the new value even if it is set to its default value" do @klass.attr = {} expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: {} }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.save).to eql({ attr: {} }) end end describe "When config has a string default value" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval { default :attr, "hello" } end it "reset clears it to its default" do @klass.attr << " world" expect(@klass.attr).to eql("hello world") @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql("hello") end it "save should not save anything for it" do expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) end it "save with include_defaults should save all defaults" do expect(@klass.save(true)).to eql({ attr: "hello" }) end it "saves the new value if it gets set" do @klass.attr << " world" expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: "hello world" }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql("hello") @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.attr).to eql("hello world") end it "saves the new value even if it is set to its default value" do @klass.attr "hello world" expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: "hello world" }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.save).to eql({ attr: "hello world" }) end end describe "When config has a a default value block" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval do default(:attr) { 4 } end end it "defaults to that value" do expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "defaults to that value when retrieved as a hash" do expect(@klass[:attr]).to eql(4) end it "is settable to another value" do @klass.attr 5 expect(@klass.attr).to eql(5) expect(@klass[:attr]).to eql(5) end it "still defaults to that value after delete" do @klass.attr 5 @klass.delete(:attr) expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "still defaults to that value after reset" do @klass.attr 5 @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "save should not save anything for it" do expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) end it "save with include_defaults should save all defaults" do expect(@klass.save(true)).to eql({ attr: 4 }) end it "saves the new value if it gets set" do @klass.attr 5 expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: 5 }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.attr).to eql(5) end it "saves the new value even if it is set to its default value" do @klass.attr 4 expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: 4 }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.save).to eql({ attr: 4 }) end end describe "When a configurable exists with writer and default value" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval do configurable(:attr) do |c| c.defaults_to(4) c.writes_value { |value| value * 2 } end end end it "defaults to that value" do expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "defaults to that value when retrieved as a hash" do expect(@klass[:attr]).to eql(4) end it "is settable to another value" do @klass.attr 5 expect(@klass.attr).to eql(10) expect(@klass[:attr]).to eql(10) end it "is settable to another value with attr=" do @klass.attr = 5 expect(@klass.attr).to eql(10) expect(@klass[:attr]).to eql(10) end it "is settable to another value with [:attr]=" do @klass[:attr] = 5 expect(@klass.attr).to eql(10) expect(@klass[:attr]).to eql(10) end it "still defaults to that value after delete" do @klass.attr 5 @klass.delete(:attr) expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "still defaults to that value after reset" do @klass.attr 5 @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "save should not save anything for it" do expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) end it "save with include_defaults should save all defaults" do expect(@klass.save(true)).to eql({ attr: 4 }) end it "saves the new value if it gets set" do @klass.attr 5 expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: 10 }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.attr).to eql(10) end it "saves the new value even if it is set to its default value" do @klass.attr 4 expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: 8 }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.save).to eql({ attr: 8 }) end end describe "When a configurable exists with writer and default value set in chained form" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval do configurable(:attr).defaults_to(4).writes_value { |value| value * 2 } end end it "defaults to that value" do expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "defaults to that value when retrieved as a hash" do expect(@klass[:attr]).to eql(4) end it "is settable to another value" do @klass.attr 5 expect(@klass.attr).to eql(10) expect(@klass[:attr]).to eql(10) end it "is settable to another value with attr=" do @klass.attr = 5 expect(@klass.attr).to eql(10) expect(@klass[:attr]).to eql(10) end it "is settable to another value with [:attr]=" do @klass[:attr] = 5 expect(@klass.attr).to eql(10) expect(@klass[:attr]).to eql(10) end it "still defaults to that value after delete" do @klass.attr 5 @klass.delete(:attr) expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "still defaults to that value after reset" do @klass.attr 5 @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) end it "save should not save anything for it" do expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) end it "save with include_defaults should save all defaults" do expect(@klass.save(true)).to eql({ attr: 4 }) end it "saves the new value if it gets set" do @klass.attr 5 expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: 10 }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.attr).to eql(4) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.attr).to eql(10) end it "saves the new value even if it is set to its default value" do @klass.attr 2 expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ attr: 4 }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.save).to eql({ attr: 4 }) end end describe "When a configurable exists with a context" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval do configurable :x config_context(:blah) do default :x, 5 end end end it "configurable defaults in that context work" do expect(@klass.blah.x).to eql(5) end it "after setting values in the context, the values remain set" do @klass.blah.x = 10 expect(@klass.blah.x).to eql(10) end it "setting values with the same name in the parent context do not affect the child context" do @klass.x = 10 expect(@klass.x).to eql(10) expect(@klass.blah.x).to eql(5) end it "setting the entire context to a hash with default value overridden sets the value" do @klass.blah = { x: 10 } expect(@klass.blah.x).to eql(10) end it "setting the entire context to a hash sets non-default values" do @klass.blah = { y: 10 } expect(@klass.blah.x).to eql(5) expect(@klass.blah.y).to eql(10) end it "setting the entire context to a hash deletes any non-default values and resets default values" do @klass.blah.x = 10 @klass.blah.y = 10 @klass.blah = { z: 10 } expect(@klass.blah.x).to eql(5) expect(@klass.blah.y).to be_nil expect(@klass.blah.z).to eql(10) end it "setting the context values in a block overrides the default values" do @klass.blah do x 10 y 20 end expect(@klass.blah.x).to eq 10 expect(@klass.blah.y).to eq 20 end it "setting the context values in a yielded block overrides the default values" do @klass.blah do |b| b.x = 10 b.y = 20 end expect(@klass.blah.x).to eq 10 expect(@klass.blah.y).to eq 20 end it "after reset of the parent class, children are reset" do @klass.blah.x = 10 expect(@klass.blah.x).to eql(10) @klass.reset expect(@klass.blah.x).to eql(5) end it "save should not save anything for it by default" do expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) end it "save with include_defaults should save all defaults" do expect(@klass.save(true)).to eql({ blah: { x: 5 } }) end it "saves any new values that are set in the context" do @klass.blah.x = 10 expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ blah: { x: 10 } }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.blah.x).to eql(5) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.blah.x).to eql(10) expect(@klass.save).to eql({ blah: { x: 10 } }) end # this tests existing (somewhat bizzare) behavior of mixlib-config where testing to # see if a key exists is equivalent to testing if the key has been set -- we can still # retrieve the default value if it was set. the code in chef/chef which merges # knife config values into cli values will be sensitive to this behavior. it "defaults values do not show up when querying with #has_key?" do expect(@klass.blah.has_key?(:x)).to be false expect(@klass.blah.x).to be 5 end it "if we assign the values, they show up when querying with #has_key?" do @klass.blah.x = 5 expect(@klass.blah.has_key?(:x)).to be true end end describe "When a configurable exists with a nested context" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval do config_context(:blah) do config_context(:yarr) do default :x, 5 default :y, 6 end end configurable :x end end it "configurable defaults in that context work" do expect(@klass.blah.yarr.x).to eql(5) expect(@klass.blah.yarr.y).to eql(6) end it "after setting values in the context, the values remain set" do @klass.blah.yarr.x = 10 @klass.blah.yarr.y = 11 expect(@klass.blah.yarr.x).to eql(10) expect(@klass.blah.yarr.y).to eql(11) end it "setting values with the same name in the parent context do not affect the child context" do @klass.x = 10 expect(@klass.x).to eql(10) expect(@klass.blah.yarr.x).to eql(5) end it "after reset of the parent class, children are reset" do @klass.blah.yarr.x = 10 @klass.blah.yarr.y = 11 expect(@klass.blah.yarr.x).to eql(10) expect(@klass.blah.yarr.y).to eql(11) @klass.reset expect(@klass.blah.yarr.x).to eql(5) expect(@klass.blah.yarr.y).to eql(6) end it "save should not save anything for it by default" do expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) end it "save with include_defaults should save all defaults" do expect(@klass.save(true)).to eql({ blah: { yarr: { x: 5, y: 6 } } }) end it "saves any new values that are set in the context" do @klass.blah.yarr.x = 10 @klass.blah.yarr.y = 11 expect((saved = @klass.save)).to eql({ blah: { yarr: { x: 10, y: 11 } } }) @klass.reset expect(@klass.blah.yarr.x).to eql(5) expect(@klass.blah.yarr.y).to eql(6) @klass.restore(saved) expect(@klass.blah.yarr.x).to eql(10) expect(@klass.blah.yarr.y).to eql(11) expect(@klass.save).to eql({ blah: { yarr: { x: 10, y: 11 } } }) end it "restores defaults not included in saved data" do @klass.restore( blah: { yarr: { x: 10 } } ) expect(@klass.blah.yarr.x).to eql(10) expect(@klass.blah.yarr.y).to eql(6) end it "removes added properties not included in saved state" do @klass.blah.yarr.z = 12 @klass.restore( blah: { yarr: { x: 10 } } ) expect(@klass.blah.yarr.x).to eql(10) expect(@klass.blah.yarr.z).to eql(nil) end it "can set a config context from another context" do @klass.blah.blyme = { x: 7 } blyme = @klass.blah.blyme @klass.blah.yarr.x = 12 @klass.blah.yarr = blyme expect(@klass.blah.yarr.x).to eql(7) end end describe "When a config_context with no defaulted values exists" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval do config_context(:blah) do configurable(:x) end end end it "has_key? finds the subcontext" do expect(@klass.has_key?(:blah)).to be true end it "key? finds the subcontext" do expect(@klass.key?(:blah)).to be true end it "save does not save the hash for the config_context" do expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) end it "save with defaults saves the hash for the config_context" do expect(@klass.save(true)).to eql({ blah: {} }) end end describe "When a config_context with no configurables exists" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval do config_context(:blah) end end it "save does not save the hash for the config_context" do expect(@klass.save).to eql({}) end it "save with defaults saves the hash for the config_context" do expect(@klass.save(true)).to eql({ blah: {} }) end end describe "When a nested context has strict mode on" do class StrictClass2 extend ::Mixlib::Config config_context :c do config_strict_mode true default :x, 1 end end it "The parent class allows you to set arbitrary config options" do StrictClass2.y = 10 end it "The nested class does not allow you to set arbitrary config options" do expect(lambda { StrictClass2.c.y = 10 }).to raise_error(Mixlib::Config::UnknownConfigOptionError, "Cannot set unsupported config value y.") end end describe "When strict mode is on but a nested context has strict mode unspecified" do class StrictClass3 extend ::Mixlib::Config config_strict_mode true default :x, 1 config_context :c end it "The parent class does not allow you to set arbitrary config options" do expect(lambda { StrictClass3.y = 10 }).to raise_error(Mixlib::Config::UnknownConfigOptionError, "Cannot set unsupported config value y.") end it "The nested class does not allow you to set arbitrary config options" do expect(lambda { StrictClass3.y = 10 }).to raise_error(Mixlib::Config::UnknownConfigOptionError, "Cannot set unsupported config value y.") end end describe "When a config_context is opened twice" do before :each do @klass = Class.new @klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) @klass.class_eval do config_context(:blah) do default :x, 10 end config_context(:blah) do default :y, 20 end end end it "Both config_context blocks are honored" do @klass.blah.x == 10 @klass.blah.y == 20 end end it "When a config_context is opened in place of a regular configurable, an error is raised" do klass = Class.new klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) expect(lambda do klass.class_eval do default :blah, 10 config_context(:blah) do default :y, 20 end end end).to raise_error(Mixlib::Config::ReopenedConfigurableWithConfigContextError) end it "When a config_context is opened in place of a regular configurable, an error is raised" do klass = Class.new klass.extend(::Mixlib::Config) expect(lambda do klass.class_eval do config_context(:blah) do default :y, 20 end default :blah, 10 end end).to raise_error(Mixlib::Config::ReopenedConfigContextWithConfigurableError) end describe "config context lists" do let(:klass) do klass = Class.new klass.extend ::Mixlib::Config klass.instance_eval do config_context_list(:tests, :test) do default :y, 20 end end klass end it "defines list methods when declaring a config_context_list" do expect(klass.methods).to include :test expect(klass.methods).to include :tests end it "creates a new item each time the singular list is called" do klass.test do y 40 end klass.test do y 50 end expect(klass.tests.length).to be 2 expect(klass.tests.first.y).to be 40 expect(klass.tests.last.y).to be 50 end it "can save the config list" do klass.test do y 40 end klass.test do y 50 end expect(klass.save).to eq({ tests: [ { y: 40 }, { y: 50 }, ], }) end it "can restore the config list from a hash" do hash = { tests: [ { y: 40 }, { y: 50 }, ], } klass.restore(hash) expect(klass.tests.length).to be 2 expect(klass.tests.first.y).to be 40 expect(klass.tests.last.y).to be 50 end end describe "config context hashes" do let(:klass) do klass = Class.new klass.extend ::Mixlib::Config klass.instance_eval do config_context_hash(:tests, :test) do default :y, 20 end end klass end it "defines list methods when declaring a config_context_hash" do expect(klass.methods).to include :test expect(klass.methods).to include :tests end context "when called with a new key each time" do it "creates a new item each time" do klass.test :one do y 40 end klass.test :two do y 50 end expect(klass.tests.length).to be 2 expect(klass.tests[:one].y).to be 40 expect(klass.tests[:two].y).to be 50 end end context "when called with the same key" do it "modifies the existing value" do klass.test :only do y 40 end klass.test :only do y 50 end expect(klass.tests.length).to be 1 expect(klass.tests[:only].y).to be 50 end end it "can save the config hash" do klass.test :one do y 40 end klass.test :two do y 50 end expect(klass.save).to eq({ tests: { one: { y: 40 }, two: { y: 50 }, }, }) end it "can restore the config hash from a hash" do hash = { tests: { one: { y: 40 }, two: { y: 50 }, }, } klass.restore(hash) expect(klass.tests.length).to be 2 expect(klass.tests[:one].y).to be 40 expect(klass.tests[:two].y).to be 50 end end describe ".from_yaml" do let(:yaml) do <<-EOH --- foo: - bar - baz - matazz alpha: beta EOH end it "turns YAML into method-style setting" do allow(File).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:readable?).and_return(true) allow(IO).to receive(:read).with("config.yml").and_return(yaml) expect(lambda do ConfigIt.from_file("config.yml") end).to_not raise_error expect(ConfigIt.foo).to eql(%w{ bar baz matazz }) expect(ConfigIt.alpha).to eql("beta") end end describe ".from_json" do let(:json) do <<-EOH { "foo": [ "bar", "baz", "matazz" ], "alpha": "beta" } EOH end it "turns JSON into method-style setting" do allow(File).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:readable?).and_return(true) allow(IO).to receive(:read).with("config.json").and_return(json) expect(lambda do ConfigIt.from_file("config.json") end).to_not raise_error expect(ConfigIt.foo).to eql(%w{ bar baz matazz }) expect(ConfigIt.alpha).to eql("beta") end end describe ".from_toml" do let(:toml) do <<-EOH foo = ["bar", "baz", "matazz"] alpha = "beta" EOH end it "turns TOML into method-style setting" do allow(File).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:readable?).and_return(true) allow(IO).to receive(:read).with("config.toml").and_return(toml) expect(lambda do ConfigIt.from_file("config.toml") end).to_not raise_error expect(ConfigIt.foo).to eql(%w{ bar baz matazz }) expect(ConfigIt.alpha).to eql("beta") end end describe ".from_hash" do let(:hash) do { "alpha" => "beta", "foo" => %w{ bar baz matazz}, } end it "translates the Hash into method-style" do ConfigIt.from_hash(hash) expect(ConfigIt.foo).to eql(%w{ bar baz matazz }) expect(ConfigIt.alpha).to eql("beta") end end end