=== 2.0.0.b4 / 2012-12-12

* 4 bug fixes:
  * Properly check #syswrite's value for variable sized buffers. Fixes #170
  * Shutdown status server properly
  * Handle char vs byte and mixing syswrite with write properly
  * made MiniSSL validate key/cert file existence

=== 2.0.0.b3 / 2012-11-22

* 1 bug fix:
  * Package right files in gem

=== 2.0.0.b2 / 2012-11-18
* 5 minor feature:
  * Now Puma is bundled with an capistrano recipe. Just require
     'puma/capistrano' in you deploy.rb
  * Only inject CommonLogger in development mode
  * Add -p option to pumactl
  * Add ability to use pumactl to start a server
  * Add options to daemonize puma

* 7 bug fixes:
  * Reset the IOBuffer properly. Fixes #148
  * Shutdown gracefully on JRuby with Ctrl-C
  * Various methods to get newrelic to start. Fixes #128
  * fixing syntax error at capistrano recipe
  * Force ECONNRESET when read returns nil
  * Be sure to empty the drain the todo before shutting down. Fixes #155
  * allow for alternate locations for status app

=== 2.0.0.b1 / 2012-09-11

* 1 major feature:
  * Optional worker process mode (-w) to allow for process scaling in
    addition to thread scaling

* 1 bug fix:
  * Introduce Puma::MiniSSL to be able to properly control doing
    nonblocking SSL

NOTE: SSL support in JRuby is not supported at present. Support will
be added back in a future date when a java Puma::MiniSSL is added.

=== 1.6.3 / 2012-09-04

* 1 bug fix:
  * Close sockets waiting in the reactor when a hot restart is performed
    so that browsers reconnect on the next request

=== 1.6.2 / 2012-08-27

* 1 bug fix:
  * Rescue StandardError instead of IOError to handle SystemCallErrors
    as well as other application exceptions inside the reactor.

=== 1.6.1 / 2012-07-23

* 1 packaging bug fixed:
  * Include missing files

=== 1.6.0 / 2012-07-23

* 1 major bug fix:
  * Prevent slow clients from starving the server by introducing a
    dedicated IO reactor thread. Credit for reporting goes to @meh.

=== 1.5.0 / 2012-07-19

* 7 contributers to this release:
  * Christian Mayer
  * DarĂ­o Javier Cravero
  * Dirkjan Bussink
  * Gianluca Padovani
  * Santiago Pastorino
  * Thibault Jouan
  * tomykaira

* 6 bug fixes:
  * Define RSTRING_NOT_MODIFIED for Rubinius
  * Convert status to integer. Fixes #123
  * Delete pidfile when stopping the server
  * Allow compilation with -Werror=format-security option
  * Fix wrong HTTP version for a HTTP/1.0 request
  * Use String#bytesize instead of String#length

* 3 minor features:
  * Added support for setting RACK_ENV via the CLI, config file, and rack app
  * Allow Server#run to run sync. Fixes #111
  * Puma can now run on windows

=== 1.4.0 / 2012-06-04

* 1 bug fix:
  * SCRIPT_NAME should be passed from env to allow mounting apps

* 1 experimental feature:
  * Add puma.socket key for direct socket access

=== 1.3.1 / 2012-05-15

* 2 bug fixes:
  * use #bytesize instead of #length for Content-Length header
  * Use StringIO properly. Fixes #98

=== 1.3.0 / 2012-05-08

* 2 minor features:
  * Return valid Rack responses (passes Lint) from status server
  * Add -I option to specify $LOAD_PATH directories

* 4 bug fixes:
  * Don't join the server thread inside the signal handle. Fixes #94
  * Make NullIO#read mimic IO#read
  * Only stop the status server if it's started. Fixes #84
  * Set RACK_ENV early in cli also. Fixes #78

* 1 new contributer:
  * Jesse Cooke

=== 1.2.2 / 2012-04-28

* 4 bug fixes:

  * Report a lowlevel error to stderr
  * Set a fallback SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT
  * Keep the encoding of the body correct. Fixes #79
  * show error.to_s along with backtrace for low-level error

=== 1.2.1 / 2012-04-11

 1 bug fix:

   * Fix rack.url_scheme for SSL servers. Fixes #65

=== 1.2.0 / 2012-04-11

 1 major feature:

   * When possible, the internal restart does a "hot restart" meaning
     the server sockets remains open, so no connections are lost.

 1 minor feature:

    * More helpful fallback error message

 6 bug fixes:

    * Pass the proper args to unknown_error. Fixes #54, #58
    * Stop the control server before restarting. Fixes #61
    * Fix reporting https only on a true SSL connection
    * Set the default content type to 'text/plain'. Fixes #63
    * Use REUSEADDR. Fixes #60
    * Shutdown gracefull on SIGTERM. Fixes #53

 2 new contributers:

   * Seamus Abshere
   * Steve Richert

=== 1.1.1 / 2012-03-30

 1 bugfix:

   * Include puma/compat.rb in the gem (oops!)

=== 1.1.0 / 2012-03-30

 1 bugfix:

   * Make sure that the unix socket has the perms 0777 by default

 1 minor feature:

   * Add umask param to the unix:// bind to set the umask

=== 1.0.0 / 2012-03-29

* Released!