# 0.2.0 / 2012-02-17 * Enhancements * Digraph.new now yields self if a block is given. This allows building a graph more smoothly: graph = Digraph.new{|d| d.add_n_vertices(5) ... } * An integer is now automatically recognized as a selection predicate. This means that the following will also work: # connect 1-th and 2-th vertices graph.connect(1, 2) * Added Digraph#ith_vertex and Digraph#ith_edge * Added Digraph#vertex_count and Digraph#edge_count * Added Digraph.random to generate graph for tests and benchmarks * Bug fixes * Misused of $STDERR has been replaced by $stderr * Internals & Devel * The project structure is now handled by Noe. # 0.1.2 * Enhancements * Markable.add_marks also accepts a block to mimic add_n_vertices and ElementSet.add_marks * EdgeSet forwards source= and target= to its elements, allowing bulk reconnection * Digraph.to_dot_attributes made much more smart on typical array values * Bug fixes * Markable.has_key? is used to avoid predicate side-effects on v[:mark] when the mark is false # 0.1.1 * Bug fix in dot generation * Examples started and documentation improved * Web site index generation using wlang # 0.1.0 * Birthday!