module Redcar def self.safely(text=nil) begin yield rescue => e message = "Error in: " + (text || e.message) $stderr.puts message $stderr.puts e.class.to_s + ": " + e.message $stderr.puts e.backtrace return if Redcar.no_gui_mode? Application::Dialog.message_box( message, :type => :error, :buttons => :ok) end end def self.update_gui result = nil Swt.sync_exec do safely do result = yield end end result end module Top class OpenNewEditTabCommand < Command def execute unless win.nil? tab = win.new_tab(Redcar::EditTab) else window = tab = window.new_tab(Redcar::EditTab) end tab.title = "untitled" tab.focus tab end end class GenerateWindowsMenu def self.on(builder) window = do |win| builder.item(win.title, :type => :radio, :checked => (win == window)) do end end end end class GenerateTabsMenu def self.trim(title) title = title[0,13]+'...' if title.length > 13 title end def self.on(builder) if win = and book = win.focussed_notebook and book.tabs.any? focussed_tab = book.focussed_tab builder.separator builder.item "Focussed Notebook", ShowTitle book.tabs.each_with_index do |tab,i| num = i + 1 if num < 10 @builder.item("Tab #{num}: #{trim(tab.title)}", :type => :radio, :checked => (tab == focussed_tab), :command => Redcar::Application.const_get("SelectTab#{num}Command") ) else @builder.item("Tab #{num}: #{trim(tab.title)}", :type => :radio, :checked => (tab == focussed_tab)) { tab.focus } end end if book = win.nonfocussed_notebook and book.tabs.any? builder.separator builder.item "Nonfocussed Notebook", ShowTitle book.tabs.each_with_index do |tab,i| builder.item("Tab #{i+1}: #{trim(tab.title)}") {tab.focus} end end end end end class GenerateGrammarsMenu def self.on(builder) builder.item "Ruby", AboutCommand builder.item "Java", AboutCommand builder.item "Python", AboutCommand end end class AboutCommand < Command def execute new_tab = new_tab.document.text = <<-TXT About: Redcar\nVersion: #{Redcar::VERSION} Ruby Version: #{RUBY_VERSION} Jruby version: #{JRUBY_VERSION} Redcar.environment: #{Redcar.environment} TXT new_tab.edit_view.reset_undo new_tab.document.set_modified(false) new_tab.title= 'About' end end class ChangelogCommand < Command def execute new_tab = new_tab.document.text =, "..", "..", "CHANGES")) new_tab.edit_view.reset_undo new_tab.edit_view.document.set_modified(false) new_tab.title = 'Changes' end end class PrintScopeTreeCommand < Command def execute puts tab.edit_view.controller.mate_text.parser.root.pretty(0) end end class PrintScopeCommand < DocumentCommand def execute Application::Dialog.tool_tip(tab.edit_view.document.cursor_scope.gsub(" ", "\n"), :cursor) end end class UndoCommand < EditTabCommand sensitize :undoable def execute tab.edit_view.undo end end class RedoCommand < EditTabCommand sensitize :redoable def execute tab.edit_view.redo end end class MoveHomeCommand < DocumentCommand def execute if doc.mirror.is_a?(Redcar::REPL::ReplMirror) # do not do the default home command on a line with a prompt return unless tab.go_to_home? end line_ix = doc.line_at_offset(doc.cursor_offset) line = doc.get_line(line_ix) prefix = line[0...doc.cursor_line_offset] if prefix =~ /^\s*$/ # move to start of line new_offset = doc.offset_at_line(line_ix) else # move to start of text new_offset = doc.offset_at_line(line_ix) prefix =~ /^(\s*)[^\s].*$/ whitespace_prefix_length = $1 ? $1.length : 0 new_offset += whitespace_prefix_length end doc.cursor_offset = new_offset doc.ensure_visible(doc.cursor_offset) end end class MoveTopCommand < DocumentCommand def execute doc.cursor_offset = 0 doc.ensure_visible(0) end end class MoveEndCommand < DocumentCommand def execute line_ix = doc.line_at_offset(doc.cursor_offset) if line_ix == doc.line_count - 1 doc.cursor_offset = doc.length else doc.cursor_offset = doc.offset_at_line(line_ix + 1) - doc.delim.length end doc.ensure_visible(doc.cursor_offset) end end class MoveNextLineCommand < DocumentCommand def execute doc = tab.edit_view.document line_ix = doc.line_at_offset(doc.cursor_offset) if line_ix == doc.line_count - 1 doc.cursor_offset = doc.length else doc.cursor_offset = doc.offset_at_line(line_ix + 1) - doc.delim.length end doc.ensure_visible(doc.cursor_offset) doc.insert(doc.cursor_offset, "\n") end end class MoveBottomCommand < DocumentCommand def execute doc.cursor_offset = doc.length doc.ensure_visible(doc.length) end end class MoveUpCommand < EditTabCommand def execute tab.edit_view.invoke_action(:LINE_UP) end end class MoveDownCommand < EditTabCommand def execute tab.edit_view.invoke_action(:LINE_DOWN) end end class ForwardCharCommand < DocumentCommand def execute doc.cursor_offset = [doc.cursor_offset + 1, doc.length].min end end class BackwardCharCommand < DocumentCommand def execute doc.cursor_offset = [doc.cursor_offset - 1, 0].max end end class OpenLineCommand < DocumentCommand def execute prev = doc.cursor_offset doc.insert_at_cursor("\n") doc.cursor_offset = prev end end class DeleteCharCommand < DocumentCommand def execute if doc.cursor_offset < doc.length doc.delete(doc.cursor_offset, 1) end end end class BackspaceCommand < DocumentCommand def execute if doc.cursor_offset > 0 doc.delete(doc.cursor_offset - 1, 1) end end end class BackwardNavigationCommand < Command def execute end end class ForwardNavigationCommand < Command def execute end end class ChangeIndentCommand < DocumentCommand def execute doc.compound do doc.edit_view.delay_parsing do indenters = edit_view.document.controllers(Redcar::AutoIndenter::DocumentController).first indenters.disable do if doc.selection? first_line_ix = doc.line_at_offset(doc.selection_range.begin) last_line_ix = doc.line_at_offset(doc.selection_range.end) if doc.selection_range.end == doc.offset_at_line(last_line_ix) last_line_ix -= 1 end first_line_ix.upto(last_line_ix) do |line_ix| indent_line(doc, line_ix) end start_selection = doc.offset_at_line(first_line_ix) if last_line_ix == doc.line_count - 1 end_selection = doc.length else end_selection = doc.offset_at_line(last_line_ix + 1) end doc.set_selection_range(start_selection, end_selection) else indent_line(doc, doc.cursor_line) end end end end end end class DecreaseIndentCommand < ChangeIndentCommand def indent_line(doc, line_ix) use_spaces = true num_spaces = 2 line = doc.get_line(line_ix) if doc.edit_view.soft_tabs? line_start = doc.offset_at_line(line_ix) re = /^ {0,#{doc.edit_view.tab_width}}/ if md = line.match(re) to = line_start + md[0].length else to = line_start end else line_start = doc.offset_at_line(line_ix) if line =~ /^\t/ to = line_start + 1 else to = line_start end end doc.delete(line_start, to - line_start) unless line_start == to end end class IncreaseIndentCommand < ChangeIndentCommand def indent_line(doc, line_ix) line = doc.get_line(line_ix) if doc.edit_view.soft_tabs? whitespace = " "*doc.edit_view.tab_width else whitespace = "\t" end doc.insert(doc.offset_at_line(line_ix), whitespace) end end class SelectAllCommand < Redcar::DocumentCommand def execute doc.select_all end end class SelectLineCommand < Redcar::DocumentCommand def execute doc.set_selection_range( doc.cursor_line_start_offset, doc.cursor_line_end_offset) end end class SelectWordCommand < Redcar::DocumentCommand def execute range = doc.current_word_range doc.set_selection_range(range.first, range.last) end end class CutCommand < Redcar::DocumentCommand def execute if doc.selection? text = do |range| doc.get_range(range.begin, range.count) end << text diff = 0 doc.selection_ranges.each do |range| doc.delete(range.begin - diff, range.count) diff += range.count end else << doc.get_line(doc.cursor_line) doc.delete(doc.cursor_line_start_offset, doc.cursor_line_end_offset - doc.cursor_line_start_offset) end end end class CopyCommand < Redcar::DocumentCommand def execute if doc.selection? text = do |range| doc.get_range(range.begin, range.count) end << text else << doc.get_line(doc.cursor_line) end end end class PasteCommand < Redcar::DocumentCommand sensitize :clipboard_not_empty def execute start_offset = doc.selection_ranges.first.begin start_line = doc.line_at_offset(start_offset) line_offset = start_offset - doc.offset_at_line(start_line) cursor_line = doc.cursor_line cursor_line_offset = doc.cursor_line_offset diff = 0 doc.controllers(AutoPairer::DocumentController).first.disable do doc.controllers(AutoIndenter::DocumentController).first.disable do doc.controllers(AutoCompleter::DocumentController).first.start_modification doc.selection_ranges.each do |range| doc.delete(range.begin - diff, range.count) diff += range.count end texts = texts.each_with_index do |text, i| line_ix = start_line + i if line_ix == doc.line_count doc.insert(doc.length, "\n" + " "*line_offset) else line = doc.get_line(line_ix).chomp if line.length < line_offset doc.insert( doc.offset_at_inner_end_of_line(line_ix), " "*(line_offset - line.length) ) end end doc.insert( doc.offset_at_line(line_ix) + line_offset, text ) doc.cursor_offset = doc.offset_at_line(line_ix) + line_offset + text.length end doc.controllers(AutoCompleter::DocumentController).first.end_modification end end end end class DuplicateCommand < Redcar::DocumentCommand def execute doc = tab.edit_view.document if doc.selection? first_line_ix = doc.line_at_offset(doc.selection_range.begin) last_line_ix = doc.line_at_offset(doc.selection_range.end) text = doc.get_slice(doc.offset_at_line(first_line_ix), doc.offset_at_line_end(last_line_ix)) else last_line_ix = doc.cursor_line text = doc.get_line(doc.cursor_line) end if last_line_ix == (doc.line_count - 1) text = "\n#{text}" end doc.insert(doc.offset_at_line_end(last_line_ix), text) doc.scroll_to_line(last_line_ix + 1) end end class TransposeCharactersCommand < Redcar::DocumentCommand def execute line = doc.get_line(doc.cursor_line) line_offset = doc.cursor_line_offset if line_offset > 0 and line.length >= 2 if line_offset < line.length - 1 first_char = line.chars[line_offset - 1].to_s second_char = line.chars[line_offset].to_s doc.replace(doc.cursor_offset - 1, 2, second_char + first_char) elsif line_offset == line.length - 1 first_char = line.chars[line_offset - 2].to_s second_char = line.chars[line_offset - 1].to_s doc.replace(doc.cursor_offset - 2, 2, second_char + first_char) end end end end class SortLinesCommand < Redcar::DocumentCommand def execute doc = tab.edit_view.document cursor_ix = doc.cursor_offset if doc.selection? start_ix = doc.selection_range.begin text = doc.selected_text sorted_text = text.split("\n").sort().join("\n") doc.replace_selection(sorted_text) doc.cursor_offset = cursor_ix end end end class GotoLineCommand < Redcar::EditTabCommand class Speedbar < Redcar::Speedbar label :goto_label, "Goto line:" textbox :line button :go, "Go", "Return" do new_line_ix = line.value.to_i - 1 if new_line_ix < @doc.line_count and new_line_ix >= 0 @doc.cursor_offset = @doc.offset_at_line(new_line_ix) @doc.scroll_to_line(new_line_ix) @win.close_speedbar end end def initialize(command, win) @command = command @doc = command.doc @win = win end end def execute @speedbar =, win) win.open_speedbar(@speedbar) end end class ToggleBlockSelectionCommand < Redcar::DocumentCommand def execute unless doc.single_line? doc.block_selection_mode = !doc.block_selection_mode? end end end class ToggleInvisibles < Redcar::EditTabCommand def execute EditView.show_invisibles = !EditView.show_invisibles? end end class ToggleLineNumbers < Redcar::EditTabCommand def execute EditView.show_line_numbers = !EditView.show_line_numbers? end end class SelectNewFont < EditTabCommand def execute end end class SelectTheme < EditTabCommand def execute end end class ShowTheme < Command def execute end end class ShowTitle < Command sensitize :always_disabled def execute; end end class SelectFontSize < EditTabCommand def execute max = Redcar::EditView::MAX_FONT_SIZE min = Redcar::EditView::MIN_FONT_SIZE result = Application::Dialog.input( "Font Size", "Please enter new font size", Redcar::EditView.font_size.to_s) if result[:button] == :ok value = result[:value].to_i if value >= min and value <= max Redcar::EditView.font_size = value else Application::Dialog.message_box( "The font size must be between #{min} and #{max}") end end end end class IncreaseFontSize < EditTabCommand def execute unless (current = Redcar::EditView.font_size) >= Redcar::EditView::MAX_FONT_SIZE Redcar::EditView.font_size = current+1 end end end class DecreaseFontSize < EditTabCommand def execute unless (current = Redcar::EditView.font_size) <= Redcar::EditView::MIN_FONT_SIZE Redcar::EditView.font_size = current-1 end end end def self.keymaps osx ="main", :osx) do link "Cmd+N", OpenNewEditTabCommand link "Cmd+Shift+N", Application::OpenNewNotebookCommand link "Cmd+Alt+N", Application::OpenNewWindowCommand link "Cmd+O", Project::OpenFileCommand link "Cmd+U", Project::FileReloadCommand link "Cmd+Shift+O", Project::DirectoryOpenCommand link "Cmd+Alt+Ctrl+P", Project::FindRecentCommand #link "Cmd+Ctrl+O", Project::OpenRemoteCommand link "Cmd+S", Project::SaveFileCommand link "Cmd+Shift+S", Project::SaveFileAsCommand link "Cmd+W", Application::CloseTabCommand link "Cmd+Shift+W", Application::CloseWindowCommand link "Alt+Shift+W", Application::CloseTreeCommand link "Cmd+Q", Application::QuitCommand #link "Cmd+Return", MoveNextLineCommand link "Cmd+Z", UndoCommand link "Cmd+Shift+Z", RedoCommand link "Cmd+X", CutCommand link "Cmd+C", CopyCommand link "Cmd+V", PasteCommand link "Cmd+D", DuplicateCommand link "Ctrl+T", TransposeCharactersCommand link "Home", MoveTopCommand link "Ctrl+A", MoveHomeCommand link "Ctrl+E", MoveEndCommand link "End", MoveBottomCommand link "Ctrl+F", ForwardCharCommand link "Ctrl+B", BackwardCharCommand link "Ctrl+P", MoveUpCommand link "Ctrl+N", MoveDownCommand link "Ctrl+B", BackwardCharCommand link "Ctrl+O", OpenLineCommand link "Ctrl+D", DeleteCharCommand link "Ctrl+H", BackspaceCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+Left", BackwardNavigationCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+Right", ForwardNavigationCommand link "Cmd+[", DecreaseIndentCommand link "Cmd+]", IncreaseIndentCommand link "Cmd+Shift+I", AutoIndenter::IndentCommand link "Cmd+L", GotoLineCommand link "Cmd+A", SelectAllCommand link "Ctrl+W", SelectWordCommand link "Ctrl+L", SelectLineCommand link "Cmd+B", ToggleBlockSelectionCommand link "Escape", AutoCompleter::AutoCompleteCommand link "Ctrl+Escape", AutoCompleter::MenuAutoCompleterCommand link "Ctrl+Space", AutoCompleter::AutoCompleteCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+Space", AutoCompleter::MenuAutoCompleterCommand link "Ctrl+U", EditView::UpcaseTextCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+U", EditView::DowncaseTextCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+U", EditView::TitlizeTextCommand link "Ctrl+G", EditView::OppositeCaseTextCommand link "Ctrl+_", EditView::CamelSnakePascalRotateTextCommand link "Ctrl+=", EditView::AlignAssignmentCommand link "Cmd+Alt+Ctrl+L", EditView::ChangeLanguageCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+^", SortLinesCommand link "Cmd+T", Project::FindFileCommand link "Cmd+Shift+Alt+O", Application::MoveTabToOtherNotebookCommand link "Cmd+Alt+O", Application::SwitchNotebookCommand link "Alt+Shift+[", Application::SwitchTreeUpCommand link "Alt+Shift+]", Application::SwitchTreeDownCommand link "Cmd+Shift+[", Application::SwitchTabDownCommand link "Cmd+Shift+]", Application::SwitchTabUpCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+[", Application::MoveTabDownCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+]", Application::MoveTabUpCommand link "Cmd+Shift++", Application::ToggleFullscreen link "Cmd+Shift+T", Application::OpenTreeFinderCommand link "Alt+Shift+J", Application::IncreaseTreebookWidthCommand link "Alt+Shift+H", Application::DecreaseTreebookWidthCommand link "Cmd+Shift+>", Application::EnlargeNotebookCommand link "Cmd+Shift+L", Application::ResetNotebookWidthsCommand link "Cmd+Shift+:", Application::RotateNotebooksCommand link "Alt+Shift+N", Application::CloseNotebookCommand link "Cmd+Alt+I", ToggleInvisibles link "Cmd++", IncreaseFontSize link "Cmd+-", DecreaseFontSize link "Ctrl+Shift+P", PrintScopeCommand link "Cmd+Shift+H", Application::ToggleTreesCommand # link "Cmd+Shift+R", PluginManagerUi::ReloadLastReloadedCommand link "Cmd+Alt+S", Snippets::OpenSnippetExplorer #Textmate.attach_keybindings(self, :osx) # map SelectTabCommand (1..9).each do |tab_num| link "Cmd+#{tab_num}", Application.const_get("SelectTab#{tab_num}Command") end end linwin ="main", [:linux, :windows]) do link "Ctrl+N", OpenNewEditTabCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+N", Application::OpenNewNotebookCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+N", Application::OpenNewWindowCommand link "Ctrl+O", Project::OpenFileCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+O", Project::DirectoryOpenCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P", Project::FindRecentCommand #link "Alt+Shift+O", Project::OpenRemoteCommand link "Ctrl+S", Project::SaveFileCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+S", Project::SaveFileAsCommand link "Ctrl+W", Application::CloseTabCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+W", Application::CloseWindowCommand link "Alt+Shift+W", Application::CloseTreeCommand link "Ctrl+Q", Application::QuitCommand link "Ctrl+Enter", MoveNextLineCommand link "Ctrl+Z", UndoCommand link "Ctrl+Y", RedoCommand link "Ctrl+X", CutCommand link "Ctrl+C", CopyCommand link "Ctrl+V", PasteCommand link "Ctrl+D", DuplicateCommand link "Ctrl+Home", MoveTopCommand link "Home", MoveHomeCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+A", MoveHomeCommand link "End", MoveEndCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+E", MoveEndCommand link "Ctrl+End", MoveBottomCommand link "Alt+[", BackwardNavigationCommand link "Alt+]", ForwardNavigationCommand link "Ctrl+[", DecreaseIndentCommand link "Ctrl+]", IncreaseIndentCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+[", AutoIndenter::IndentCommand link "Ctrl+L", GotoLineCommand link "Ctrl+A", SelectAllCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+W", SelectWordCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+L", SelectLineCommand link "Ctrl+B", ToggleBlockSelectionCommand link "Escape", AutoCompleter::AutoCompleteCommand link "Ctrl+Escape", AutoCompleter::MenuAutoCompleterCommand link "Ctrl+Space", AutoCompleter::AutoCompleteCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+Space", AutoCompleter::MenuAutoCompleterCommand link "Ctrl+U", EditView::UpcaseTextCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+U", EditView::DowncaseTextCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+U", EditView::TitlizeTextCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U", EditView::OppositeCaseTextCommand link "Ctrl+_", EditView::CamelSnakePascalRotateTextCommand link "Ctrl+=", EditView::AlignAssignmentCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L", EditView::ChangeLanguageCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+^", SortLinesCommand link "Ctrl+T", Project::FindFileCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+Alt+O", Application::MoveTabToOtherNotebookCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+P", PrintScopeCommand link "Ctrl+Alt+O", Application::SwitchNotebookCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+H", Application::ToggleTreesCommand link "Alt+Page Up", Application::SwitchTreeUpCommand link "Alt+Page Down", Application::SwitchTreeDownCommand link "Ctrl+Page Up", Application::SwitchTabDownCommand link "Ctrl+Page Down", Application::SwitchTabUpCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+Page Up", Application::MoveTabDownCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+Page Down", Application::MoveTabUpCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+T", Application::OpenTreeFinderCommand link "Alt+Shift+J", Application::IncreaseTreebookWidthCommand link "Alt+Shift+H", Application::DecreaseTreebookWidthCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+>", Application::EnlargeNotebookCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+L", Application::ResetNotebookWidthsCommand link "Ctrl+Shift+:", Application::RotateNotebooksCommand link "Alt+Shift+N", Application::CloseNotebookCommand link "F11", Application::ToggleFullscreen link "Ctrl+Alt+I", ToggleInvisibles link "Ctrl++", IncreaseFontSize link "Ctrl+-", DecreaseFontSize link "Ctrl+Alt+S", Snippets::OpenSnippetExplorer #Textmate.attach_keybindings(self, :linux) # map SelectTabCommand (1..9).each do |tab_num| link "Alt+#{tab_num}", Application.const_get("SelectTab#{tab_num}Command") end end [linwin, osx] end def self.toolbars do item "New File", :command => OpenNewEditTabCommand, :icon => :new, :barname => :core item "Open File", :command => Project::OpenFileCommand, :icon => :open, :barname => :core item "Open Directory", :command => Project::DirectoryOpenCommand, :icon => :open_dir, :barname => :core item "Save File", :command => Project::SaveFileCommand, :icon => :save, :barname => :core item "Save File As", :command => Project::SaveFileAsCommand, :icon => :save_as, :barname => :core item "Undo", :command => UndoCommand, :icon => :undo, :barname => :core item "Redo", :command => RedoCommand, :icon => :redo, :barname => :core item "New Notebook", :command => Application::OpenNewNotebookCommand, :icon => File.join(Redcar.icons_directory, "book--plus.png"), :barname => :edit item "Close Notebook", :command => Application::CloseNotebookCommand, :icon => File.join(Redcar.icons_directory, "book--minus.png"), :barname => :edit end end def self.menus(window) do sub_menu "File", :priority => :first do group(:priority => :first) do item "New", OpenNewEditTabCommand item "New Window", Application::OpenNewWindowCommand end group(:priority => 10) do separator item "Close Tab", Application::CloseTabCommand item "Close Tree", Application::CloseTreeCommand item "Close Window", Application::CloseWindowCommand item "Close Others", Application::CloseOthers item "Close All", Application::CloseAll end group(:priority => :last) do separator item "Quit", Application::QuitCommand end end sub_menu "Edit", :priority => 5 do group(:priority => :first) do item "Undo", UndoCommand item "Redo", RedoCommand separator end group(:priority => 15) do item "Cut", CutCommand item "Copy", CopyCommand item "Paste", PasteCommand sub_menu "Line Tools", :priority => 20 do item "Duplicate Region", DuplicateCommand item "Sort Lines in Region", SortLinesCommand end separator end group(:priority => 30) do sub_menu "Selection" do item "All", SelectAllCommand item "Line", SelectLineCommand item "Current Word", SelectWordCommand item "Toggle Block Selection", ToggleBlockSelectionCommand end sub_menu "Document Navigation" do item "Goto Line", GotoLineCommand item "Top", MoveTopCommand item "Home", MoveHomeCommand item "End", MoveEndCommand item "Bottom", MoveBottomCommand separator item "Forward Character", ForwardCharCommand item "Backward Character", BackwardCharCommand item "Previous Line", MoveUpCommand item "Next Line", MoveDownCommand item "Open Line", OpenLineCommand separator item "Delete Character", DeleteCharCommand item "Backspace", BackspaceCommand item "Transpose", TransposeCharactersCommand separator item "Backward Navigation", BackwardNavigationCommand item "Forward Navigation", ForwardNavigationCommand end sub_menu "Formatting" do item "Increase Indent", IncreaseIndentCommand item "Decrease Indent", DecreaseIndentCommand end end end sub_menu "Debug", :priority => 20 do group(:priority => 10) do item "Task Manager", TaskManager::OpenCommand separator item "Print Scope Tree", PrintScopeTreeCommand item "Print Scope at Cursor", PrintScopeCommand end end sub_menu "View", :priority => 30 do sub_menu "Appearance", :priority => 5 do item "Select Theme", SelectTheme separator item "Select Font" , SelectNewFont item "Select Font Size" , SelectFontSize item "Increase Font Size", IncreaseFontSize item "Decrease Font Size", DecreaseFontSize end group(:priority => 10) do separator item "Toggle Fullscreen", :command => Application::ToggleFullscreen, :type => :check, :checked => window ? window.fullscreen : false end group(:priority => 15) do separator sub_menu "Trees" do item "Open Tree Finder", Application::OpenTreeFinderCommand item "Toggle Tree Visibility", Application::ToggleTreesCommand item "Increase Tree Width", Application::IncreaseTreebookWidthCommand item "Decrease Tree Width", Application::DecreaseTreebookWidthCommand separator item "Previous Tree", Application::SwitchTreeUpCommand item "Next Tree", Application::SwitchTreeDownCommand end lazy_sub_menu "Windows" do GenerateWindowsMenu.on(self) end sub_menu "Notebooks" do item "New Notebook", Application::OpenNewNotebookCommand item "Close Notebook", Application::CloseNotebookCommand item "Rotate Notebooks", Application::RotateNotebooksCommand item "Move Tab To Other Notebook", Application::MoveTabToOtherNotebookCommand item "Switch Notebooks", Application::SwitchNotebookCommand separator item "Enlarge First Notebook", Application::EnlargeNotebookCommand item "Reset Notebook Widths", Application::ResetNotebookWidthsCommand end sub_menu "Tabs" do item "Previous Tab", Application::SwitchTabDownCommand item "Next Tab", Application::SwitchTabUpCommand item "Move Tab Left", Application::MoveTabDownCommand item "Move Tab Right", Application::MoveTabUpCommand separator # # TODO: find a way to maintain keybindings with lazy menus item "Focussed Notebook", ShowTitle (1..9).each do |num| item "Tab #{num}", Application.const_get("SelectTab#{num}Command") end end end group(:priority => :last) do separator item "Show Toolbar", :command => Application::ToggleToolbar, :type => :check, :checked => lambda { } item "Show Invisibles", :command => ToggleInvisibles, :type => :check, :checked => lambda { EditView.show_invisibles? } item "Show Line Numbers", :command => ToggleLineNumbers, :type => :check, :checked => lambda { EditView.show_line_numbers? } end end sub_menu "Bundles", :priority => 45 do group(:priority => :first) do item "Find Snippet", Snippets::OpenSnippetExplorer item "Installed Bundles", Textmate::InstalledBundles item "Browse Snippets", Textmate::ShowSnippetTree end group(:priority => 15) do separator Textmate.attach_menus(self) end end sub_menu "Help", :priority => :last do group(:priority => :last) do item "About", AboutCommand item "New In This Version", ChangelogCommand separator item "Check for Updates", :command => Application::ToggleCheckForUpdatesCommand, :type => :check, :checked => lambda { Application::Updates.check_for_updates? } item "Update Available", Application::OpenUpdateCommand end end end end class ApplicationEventHandler def tab_focus(tab) tab.focus end def tab_close(tab) end def window_close(win) end def application_close(app) end def window_focus(win) end end def self.application_event_handler end def self.start(args=[]) begin"startup milestone: loading plugins took #{ - Redcar.process_start_time}") Redcar.update_gui do Application.start ApplicationSWT.start EditViewSWT.start if SplashScreen.splash_screen s = if Redcar.gui = end!"initializing gui took #{ - s}s") end Redcar.update_gui do SplashScreen.splash_screen.close if SplashScreen.splash_screen win ="startup milestone: window open #{ - Redcar.process_start_time}") Redcar::Project::Manager.start(args)"startup milestone: project open #{ - Redcar.process_start_time}") if win and !args.include?("--no-window") end"startup milestone: complete: #{ - Redcar.process_start_time}") if args.include?("--compute-textmate-cache-and-quit") Redcar::Textmate.all_bundles exit end do Application.check_for_new_version end rescue => e Redcar.log.error("error in startup: #{e.inspect}") e.backtrace.each do |line| Redcar.log.error(line) end end end end end