amp = Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand delegateEventSplitter = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ class ViewBase @extended_properties = ['ui'] # Custom datatypes for views dataTypes: element: compare: (a, b)-> a is b set: (newVal)-> val: newVal type: (if newVal instanceof Element then "element" else typeof newVal) collection: compare: (currentVal, newVal)-> currentVal is newVal set: (newVal)-> val: newVal type: (if newVal and newVal.isCollection then "collection" else typeof newVal) session: el : "element" model : "state" collection : "collection" pubSub : "boolean" parent : "object" subviewId : { type: "string", setOnce: true } derived: '$el': deps: ['el'], cached: false fn: -> Lanes.$(this.el) root_view: deps: ['parent'], fn: -> view = this while view.parent view = view.parent if view == this then null else view rendered: deps: ["el"], fn: -> !!@el hasModels: deps: ["model"], fn: -> !!@model viewport: deps: ['parent'], fn:-> this.root_view?.viewport constructor: (attrs={})-> this.cid = _.uniqueId('view'); attrs || (attrs = {}); parent = attrs.parent; delete attrs.parent; this._substituteEventUI(), attrs, {init: false, parent: parent}) this.on('change:$el', this._onElementChange, this) this.on('change:model', this._onModelChange, this) this.on('change:collection', this._onCollectionChange, this) this._onModelChange() if @model this._onCollectionChange() if @collection this._parsedBindings = Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.Bindings(this.bindings, this) this._initializeBindings(); if attrs.el && !this.autoRender this._onElementChange(); this._initializeSubviews(); this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.set(_.pick(attrs, 'model', 'collection', 'el')) this.render() if this.autoRender && this.template if !this.pubSub? # if it's unset, not true/false; default to parent or true this.pubSub = if this.parent?.pubSub? then this.parent.pubSub else true this.initializeFormBindings() if @form_bindings if @keyBindings Lanes.Views.Keys.add(this, @keyBindings, @keyScope) if @pubSub this._pubSub = new Lanes.Views.PubSub(this) _normalizeUIString: (uiString, ui)-> uiString.replace(/@ui\.[a-zA-Z_$0-9]*/g, (r)-> return ui[r.slice(4)] ) _substituteEventUI: -> return unless @ui if @events for selector in _.keys(@events) replaced_selector = this._normalizeUIString(selector,@ui) if replaced_selector != selector @events[replaced_selector] = @events[selector] delete @events[selector] # TODO - also apply ui to binding keys # Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own # initialization logic. initialize: Lanes.emptyFn # **render** is the core function that your view can override, its job is # to populate its element (`this.el`), with the appropriate HTML. render: -> this.withRenderContext( this.renderWithTemplate ) return this; withRenderContext: (fn, args...)-> Lanes.Views.RenderContext.push( @subviewId, @model ) returned = fn.apply(this,args) Lanes.Views.RenderContext.pop() this.onRender?() returned renderContextFree: -> this.renderWithTemplate(); this # ## listenToAndRun # Shortcut for registering a listener for a model # and also triggering it right away. listenToAndRun: (object, events, handler)-> bound = _.bind(handler, this) this.listenTo(object, events, bound) bound(); # Replaces the current root element with a newly created dom element # # Either define a `template` property of your view # or pass in a template directly. # The template can either be a string or a function. # If it's a function it will be passed the `context` # argument. renderWithTemplate: (templateArg)-> template = templateArg || this.resultsFor('template') throw new Error('Template string or function needed.') unless template template_fn = Lanes.Templates.find(template, this.FILE.extension) newDom = if template_fn then template_fn( _.result(this,'templateModels')) else template newDom = Lanes.Vendor.domify(newDom) if _.isString(newDom); parent = this.el && this.el.parentNode; parent.replaceChild(newDom, this.el) if parent if newDom.nodeName == '#document-fragment' throw new Error('Views can only have one root element.') if newDom.nodeName == '#text' throw new Error('Views must have a root element.') this.el = newDom; return this; templateName: -> _.underscore( this.FILE.file ) template: -> this.FILE.extension.toLowerCase() + "/views/" + _.result(this,'templateName') FILE: FILE templateModels: -> { model: this.model, collection: this.collection } renderTemplate:(name,data={})-> template = Lanes.Templates.find(name, if template template(data) else Lanes.fatal( "Template #{name} doesn't exist!" ) '' renderTemplateMethod: (method)-> return null unless name = _.result(this, method) this.renderTemplate(name, _.result(this, "#{method}Models") || @model) # Remove this view by taking the element out of the DOM, and removing any # applicable events listeners. remove: -> parsedBindings = this._parsedBindings; if this.el && this.el.parentNode then this.el.parentNode.removeChild(this.el); if this._subviews then _.chain(this._subviews).flatten().invoke('remove'); this.stopListening(); # TODO: Not sure if this is actually necessary. # Just trying to de-reference this potentially large # amount of generated functions to avoid memory leaks. _.each(parsedBindings, (properties, modelName)-> _.each(properties, (value, key)-> delete parsedBindings[modelName][key]; ); delete parsedBindings[modelName]; ); this._unbindFromObject(@model, @modelEvents) if @model and @modelEvents this._unbindFromObject(@collection, @collectionEvents) if @collection and @collectionEvents Lanes.Views.Keys.remove(this, @key_bindings, @key_scope) if @key_bindings this.trigger('remove', this); return this; # Change the view's element (`this.el` property), including event re-delegation. _onElementChange: (element, delegate) -> if changes = this.changedAttributes() Lanes.$(changes['el']).off('.delegateEvents' + this.cid) if changes['el'] this.bindEvents() this._cacheUI() this._applyBindingsForKey(); _cacheUI:-> return unless this.ui # store the ui hash in _uiBindings so they can be reset later # and so re-rendering the view will be able to find the bindings this._uiBindings = this.ui unless this._uiBindings # get the bindings result, as a function or otherwise bindings = _.result(this, '_uiBindings') # empty the ui so we don't have anything to start with this.ui = {}; # bind each of the selectors for key, selector of bindings this.ui[key] = this.$(selector) # Sets callbacks, where `` is a hash of # # *{"event selector": "callback"}* # # { # 'mousedown .title': 'edit', # 'click .button': 'save', # 'click .open': function (e) { ... } # } # # pairs. Callbacks will be bound to the view, with `this` set properly. # Uses event delegation for efficiency. # Omitting the selector binds the event to `this.el`. # This only works for delegate-able events: not `focus`, `blur`, and # not `change`, `submit`, and `reset` in Internet Explorer. bindEvents: (events)-> return this if (!(events || (events = _.result(this, 'events')))) this.unbindEvents(); for key, method of events method = this[ method ] unless _.isFunction(method); continue unless method match = key.match( delegateEventSplitter ) this.bindEvent(match[1], match[2], _.bind(method, this)) return this; # Add a single event listener to the view's element (or a child element # using `selector`). This only works for delegate-able events: not `focus`, # `blur`, and not `change`, `submit`, and `reset` in Internet Explorer. bindEvent: (eventName, selector, listener)-> this.$el.on(eventName + '.delegateEvents' + this.cid, selector, listener) # Clears all callbacks previously bound to the view with `delegateEvents`. # You usually don't need to use this, but may wish to if you have multiple # views attached to the same DOM element. unbindEvents: -> this.$'.delegateEvents' + this.cid) if this.el return this; # A finer-grained `unbind` for removing a single delegated event. # `selector` and `listener` are both optional. unbind: (eventName, selector, listener)-> this.$ + '.delegateEvents' + this.cid, selector, listener) _applyBindingsForKey: (name)-> return unless this.el for item, fns of this._parsedBindings.getGrouped(name) for fn in fns fn(this.el, _.getPath(this, item), _.last(item.split('.'))) _initializeBindings: -> return unless this.bindings this.on('all', (eventName)-> if eventName.slice(0, 7) == 'change:' this._applyBindingsForKey(eventName.split(':')[1]); ,this); # ## _initializeSubviews # this is called at setup and grabs declared subviews _initializeSubviews: -> return unless this.subviews for name, definition of this.subviews this._parseSubview(definition, name) # ## _subviewClass # helper to detect the class for a given subviev _subviewClass: (subview)-> klass = if subview.component Lanes.getPath(subview.component, Lanes.Components) else if subview.view if _.isString(subview.view) Lanes.getPath(subview.view, this.FILE.namespace['Views'] ) else subview.view Lanes.warn( "Unable to obtain view for %o", subview) if ! klass klass # ## _parseSubview # helper for parsing out the subview declaration and registering # the `waitFor` if need be. _parseSubview: (subview, name)-> self = this; opts = { selector: subview.container || "[data-hook='#{subview.hook||name}']" waitFor: subview.waitFor || '', prepareView: subview.prepareView || (el,options)-> klass = self._subviewClass(subview) if subview.collection new Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.CollectionView({ el: el, parent: self, viewOptions: options, view: klass, collection: _.getPath(this,subview.collection) }) else new klass(_.extend(options,{ el: el, parent: self })) } action = -> return if (!this.el || !(el = this.query(opts.selector))) if (!opts.waitFor || _.getPath(this, opts.waitFor)) options = this.subviewOptions(name,subview) options.subviewId = name subview = this[name] =, el, options); subview.render();'change', action); # we listen for main `change` items this.on('change', action, this); # ## subviewOptions # Options to initailize a subview with when it's created # Subviews will always be passed the parent (this) and the el. # Additional options can be given by specifying "options" on the definition # The options can be a method name to call or an object # This method can also be overridden to specify the same options to all subviews subviewOptions: (name,definition)-> this.resultsFor(definition.options, name, definition) || {} # ## query # Get an single element based on CSS selector scoped to this.el # if you pass an empty string it return `this.el`. # If you pass an element we just return it back. # This lets us use `get` to handle cases where users # can pass a selector or an already selected element. query: (selector)-> return this el unless selector if typeof selector == 'string' return this.el if this.$ return this.el.querySelector(selector) || undefined; return selector; # Called when a different model is set _onModelChange: -> for name, definition of this.subviews continue unless ( view = this[name] ) view.model = Lanes.getPath(definition.model, this) if definition.model view.collection = Lanes.getPath(definition.collection, this) if definition.collection prev = this.previous('model') return if prev == @model this._unbindFromObject(prev, @modelEvents) if prev this._bindToObject(@model, @modelEvents) _onCollectionChange: -> prev = this.previous('collection') return if prev == @collection this._unbindFromObject(prev, @collectionEvents) if prev this._bindToObject(@collection, @collectionEvents) _bindToObject: (state_object,events)-> for event, fn of events fn = this[fn] unless _.isFunction(fn) this.listenTo(state_object, event, fn, this) _unbindFromObject: (state_object,events)-> for event, fn of events fn = this[fn] unless _.isFunction(fn) this.stopListening(state_object, event, fn, this) initializeKeyBindings: Lanes.emptyFn initializeFormBindings: -> @_form_bindings = {} for data, selector of @form_bindings @_form_bindings[data] = new Lanes.Views.FormBindings(this, data, selector) setFieldsFromBindings: -> binding.setAllFields() for name, binding of @_form_bindings viewpath: '' detach: -> this.el.parentNode.removeChild(this.el) if this.el.parentNode $: (selector)-> this.$el.find(selector) parentScreen: -> view = this while view and ! ( view instanceof Lanes.Views.Screen ) view = view.parent view @extended: (klass)-> # perhaps we should merge 'events','bindings'? Lanes.lib.ModuleSupport.includeInto(@) @include Lanes.lib.defer @include Lanes.lib.debounce @include Lanes.lib.results Lanes.Views.Base = Lanes.lib.MakeBaseClass( Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.State, ViewBase )