/** * Simple rating script * * Visit http://rightjs.org/ui/rater for details * * Copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ if (!self.RightJS) throw "Gimme RightJS"; /** * The Rating widget * * Copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ var Rater = new Class(Observer, { extend: { EVENTS: $w('change hover send'), Options: { size: 5, // number of stars in the line value: null, // default value update: null, // an element to update disabled: false, // if it should be disabled disableOnVote: false, // if it should be disabled when user clicks a value url: null, // an url to send results with AJAX param: 'rate', // the value param name Xhr: null // additional Xhr options }, // searches and initializes rating units rescan: function(scope) { ($(scope)||document).select('div.right-rater').each(function(element) { if (!element._rater) new Rater(element); }); } }, /** * basic constructor * * @param mixed element reference or an options hash * @param Object options hash */ initialize: function() { var args = $A(arguments); this.element = (args[0] && !isHash(args[0])) ? $(args[0]) : null; this.$super(isHash(args.last()) ? args.last() : this.element ? eval('('+this.element.get('data-rater-options')+')') : null); if (!this.element) this.element = this.build(); this.element._rater = this.init(); }, /** * Sets the element value * * @param Number or String value * @return Rater this */ setValue: function(value) { if (!this.disabled()) { // converting the type and rounding the value value = isString(value) ? value.toInt() : value; value = isNumber(value) ? value.round() : 0; // checking constraints if (value > this.options.size) value = this.options.size; else if (value < 0) value = 0; this.highlight(value); if (this.value != value) { this.fire('change', this.value = value, this); } } return this; }, /** * Returns the current value of the rater * * @return Number value */ getValue: function() { return this.value; }, /** * Inserts the rater into the given element * * @param mixed element reference * @param String optional position * @return Rater this */ insertTo: function(element, position) { this.element.insertTo(element, position); return this; }, /** * Assigns the unit to work with an input element * * @param mixed element reference * @return Rater this */ assignTo: function(element) { var assign = function(element, value) { if (element = $(element)) { if (value === undefined || value === null) value = ''; element[element.setValue ? 'setValue' : 'update'](''+value); } }.curry(element); var connect = function(element, object) { var element = $(element); if (element && element.onChange) { element.onChange(function() { this.setValue(element.value); }.bind(object)); } }.curry(element); if ($(element)) { assign(this.value); connect(this); } else { document.onReady(function() { assign(this.value); connect(this); }.bind(this)); } return this.onChange(assign); }, /** * Sends an Xhr request with the current value to the options.url address * * @return Rater this */ send: function() { if (this.options.url) { new Xhr(this.options.url, this.options.Xhr).send(this.options.param+"="+this.value); this.fire('send', this.value, this); } return this; }, /** * Disables the instance * * @return Rater this */ disable: function() { this.element.addClass('right-rater-disabled'); return this; }, /** * Enables this instance * * @return Rater this */ enable: function() { this.element.removeClass('right-rater-disabled'); return this; }, /** * Checks if the instance is disabled * * @return boolean */ disabled: function() { return this.element.hasClass('right-rater-disabled'); }, // protected // callback for 'hover' event hovered: function(index) { if (!this.disabled()) { this.highlight(index + 1); this.fire('hover', index + 1, this); } }, // callback for user-click clicked: function(index) { this.setValue(index + 1); if (this.options.disableOnVote) this.disable(); this.send(); }, // callback when user moves the mouse out leaved: function() { this.setValue(this.value); }, // highlights the stars highlight: function(number) { this.stars.each(function(element, i) { element[number - 1 < i ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('right-rater-glow'); }); }, // initializes the script init: function() { this.stars = this.element.subNodes(); this.stars.each(function(element, index) { element.onMouseover(this.hovered.bind(this, index)) .onClick(this.clicked.bind(this, index)); }, this); this.element.onMouseout(this.leaved.bind(this)); this.setValue(this.options.value); if (this.options.disabled) this.disable(); if (this.options.update) this.assignTo(this.options.update); return this; }, // builds the elements structure build: function() { var element = $E('div', {'class': 'right-rater'}); this.options.size.times(function() { element.insert($E('div', {html: '★'})); }); return element; } }); /** * Document on-load trigger for units auto-discovery * * Copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St. */ document.onReady(function() { Rater.rescan(); }); document.write("");