require 'fileutils' require 'pathname' module Alchemy::Custom::Model::ElFinder class PathName attr_reader :root, :path # def initialize(root, path = '.') @root = root.is_a?(PathName) ? root.root : @path = @path = path.is_a?(PathName) ? path.path : if absolute? if @path.cleanpath.to_s.start_with?(@root.to_s) @path = @path.to_s.slice((@root.to_s.length + 1)..-1) elsif @path.cleanpath.to_s.start_with?(@root.realpath.to_s) @path = @path.to_s.slice((@root.realpath.to_s.length + 1)..-1) else raise SecurityError, "Absolute paths are not allowed" end end raise SecurityError, "Paths outside the root are not allowed" if outside_of_root? end # of initialize # def +(other) if other.is_a? PathN ame other = other.path end, (@path + other).to_s) end # of + # def is_root? @path.to_s == '.' end # def absolute? @path.absolute? end # of absolute? # def relative? @path.relative? end # of relative? # def outside_of_root? !cleanpath.to_s.start_with?(@root.to_s) end # of outside_of_root? # def fullpath @path.nil? ? @root : @root + @path end # of fullpath # def cleanpath fullpath.cleanpath end # of cleanpath # def realpath fullpath.realpath end # of realpath # def basename(*args) @path.basename(*args) end # of basename # def basename_sans_extension @path.basename(@path.extname) end # of basename # def basename(*args) @path.basename(*args) end # of basename # def dirname, @path.dirname) end # of basename # def extname @path.nil? ? '' : @path.extname end # of extname # def to_s cleanpath.to_s end # of to_s alias_method :to_str, :to_s # def child_directories(with_directory = true) realpath.children(with_directory).select {|child|}.map {|e|, e)} end # def children(with_directory = true) realpath.children(with_directory).map {|e|, e)} end # def touch(options = {}) FileUtils.touch(cleanpath, options) end # def relative_to(other) @path.relative_path_from(other) end # def unique return self.dup unless self.file? copy = 1 begin new_file =, dirname + "#{basename_sans_extension} #{copy}#{extname}") copy += 1 end while new_file.exist? new_file end # of unique # def duplicate _basename = basename_sans_extension copy = 1 if _basename.to_s =~ /^(.*) copy (\d+)$/ _basename = $1 copy = $2.to_i end begin new_file =, dirname + "#{_basename} copy #{copy}#{extname}") copy += 1 end while new_file.exist? new_file end # of duplicate # def rename(to) to =, to.to_s) realpath.rename(to.fullpath.to_s) rescue Errno::EXDEV FileUtils.move(realpath.to_s, to.fullpath.to_s) ensure @path = to.path end # of rename { 'directory?' => {:path => 'realpath', :rescue => true}, 'exist?' => {:path => 'realpath', :rescue => true}, 'file?' => {:path => 'realpath', :rescue => true}, 'ftype' => {:path => 'realpath', }, 'mkdir' => {:path => 'fullpath', :args => '(*args)'}, 'mtime' => {:path => 'realpath', }, 'open' => {:path => 'fullpath', :args => '(*args, &block)'}, 'read' => {:path => 'fullpath', :args => '(*args)'}, 'readlink' => {:path => 'fullpath', }, 'readable?' => {:path => 'realpath', :rescue => true}, 'size' => {:path => 'realpath', }, 'symlink?' => {:path => 'fullpath', }, 'unlink' => {:path => 'realpath', }, 'writable?' => {:path => 'realpath', :rescue => true}, }.each_pair do |meth, opts| class_eval <<-METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{meth}#{opts[:args]} #{opts[:path]}.#{meth}#{opts[:args]} #{"rescue Errno::ENOENT\nfalse" if opts[:rescue]} end METHOD end end # of class Pathname end # of module ElFinder