require 'guard' require 'guard/version' require 'rake' module Guard class Rake < Plugin class << self attr_accessor :rakefile_loaded end def initialize(options={}) super @options = { :run_on_start => true, :run_on_all => true, :task_args => [] }.update(options) @task = @options[:task] end def start "Starting guard-rake #{@task}" load_rakefile unless self.class.rakefile_loaded run_rake_task if @options[:run_on_start] true end def stop "Stopping guard-rake #{@task}" true end def reload stop start end def run_all run_rake_task if @options[:run_on_all] end if ::Guard::VERSION < "1.1" def run_on_change(paths) run_rake_task(paths) end else def run_on_modifications(paths) run_rake_task(paths) end end def run_rake_task(paths=[]) "running #{@task}" ::Rake::Task.tasks.each { |t| t.reenable } ::Rake::Task[@task].invoke(*@options[:task_args], paths) Notifier.notify( "watched files: #{paths}", :title => "running rake task: #{@task}", :image => :success ) rescue Exception => e UI.error "#{} failed to run rake task <#{@task}>, exception was:\n\t#{e.class}: #{e.message}" UI.debug "\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" Notifier.notify( " #{e.class}: #{e.message}", :title => "fail to run rake task: #{@task}", :image => :failed) throw :task_has_failed end def load_rakefile ARGV.clear ::Rake.application.init ::Rake.application.load_rakefile self.class.rakefile_loaded = true end end end