#- Ruby source code #- service.rb ~~ # # This file is derived from the original "teaching version" of QMachine, # which used Sinatra and SQLite in a self-contained way. Where that version # sought to abbreviate the original Node.js codebase as succinctly as # possible, this version attempts to provide a more similar interface and # level of configurability. Performance will *never* be a priority in the # Ruby port. # # NOTE: Using a "%" character incorrectly in a URL will cause you great # anguish, and there isn't a good way for me to handle this problem "softly" # because it is the expected behavior (http://git.io/bmKr2w). Thus, you will # tend to see "Bad Request" on your screen if you insist on using "%" as part # of a 'box', 'key', or 'status' value. # # ~~ (c) SRW, 24 Apr 2013 # ~~ last updated 23 Jan 2015 require 'qm/defs-mongo' require 'sinatra/base' require 'sinatra/cross_origin' class QMachineService < Sinatra::Base register Sinatra::CrossOrigin register Sinatra::MongoConnect configure do # Helper methods helpers Sinatra::MongoAPIDefs, Sinatra::MongoLogDefs # QMachine options set avar_ttl: 86400, # seconds (24 * 60 * 60 = 1 day) enable_api_server: false, enable_cors: false, enable_web_server: false, hostname: '', max_body_size: 65536, # bytes (64 * 1024 = 64 KB) persistent_storage: {}, port: 8177, public_folder: 'public', trafficlog_storage: {}, worker_procs: 1 # Sinatra mappings and options needed by QMachine mime_type webapp: 'application/x-web-app-manifest+json' set api_db: lambda { connect_api_store }, bind: lambda { settings.hostname }, log_db: lambda { connect_log_store }, logging: lambda { settings.log_db.nil? }, raise_errors: false, run: false, show_exceptions: false, static: lambda { settings.enable_web_server }, x_cascade: false # See also: http://www.sinatrarb.com/configuration.html end error do # This "route" handles errors that occur as part of the server-side code. hang_up end helpers do # This block defines "subfunctions" for use inside the route definitions. # The most important ones are the three functions for interacting with # persistent storage: `get_avar`, `get_list`, and `set_avar`. Those three # functions are not defined here -- they are defined separately in modules # that are loaded at runtime by `QM::launch_service`. def hang_up # This helper literally "hangs up" on the request by immediately # halting further processing, responding with a nondescript 444 # status code and an empty body, and then closing the connection. # Unfortunately, closing the connection in this way caused problems # in the Node.js implementation, which suggests that this is not the # correct solution for all concurrency models ... argh. headers = {'Connection' => 'close', 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'} halt [444, headers, ['']] end end not_found do # This "route" handles requests that didn't match. hang_up end # Filter definitions after do log_to_db unless response.status === 444 or settings.logging == true end before '/:version/:box' do # When any request matches the pattern given, this block will execute # before the route that corresponds to its HTTP method. The code here # will validate the request's parameters and store them as instance # variables that will be available to the corresponding route's code. @box, @key, @status = params[:box], params[:key], params[:status] hang_up unless settings.enable_api_server? and ((params[:version] == 'box') or (params[:version] == 'v1')) and (@key.is_a?(String) ^ @status.is_a?(String)) and (@box + @key.to_s + @status.to_s).match(/^[\w\-]+$/) and (request.content_length.to_s.to_i(10) < settings.max_body_size) cross_origin if settings.enable_cors? end # Route definitions get '/:version/:box' do # This route responds to API calls that "read" from persistent storage, # such as when checking for new tasks to run or downloading results. if @key.is_a?(String) then # This arm runs when a client requests the value of a specific avar. y = get_avar([@box, @key]) else # This arm runs when a client requests a task queue. y = get_list([@box, @status]) end return [200, {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}, [y]] end post '/:version/:box' do # This route responds to API calls that "write" to persistent storage, # such as when uploading results or submitting new tasks. hang_up unless @key.is_a?(String) body = request.body.read begin x = JSON.parse(body) rescue JSON::ParserError hang_up end hang_up unless (@box == x['box']) and (@key == x['key']) if x['status'].is_a?(String) then # This arm runs only when a client writes an avar which represents a # task description. hang_up unless x['status'].match(/^[\w\-]+$/) set_avar([@box, @key, x['status'], body]) else # This arm runs when a client is writing a "regular avar". set_avar([@box, @key, body]) end return [201, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, ['']] end get '/robots.txt' do # This route delegates to the web server, if it was enabled at launch and # if the appropriate file exists; otherwise, it returns a message to web # crawlers instructing them to keep out. robots_file = File.join(settings.public_folder, 'robots.txt') if settings.enable_web_server? then pass if File.exists?(robots_file) y = "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /box/\nDisallow: /v1/\n" else y = "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n" end return [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, [y]] end get '/' do # This route enables a static index page to be served from the public # folder, if and only if QM's web server has been enabled. hang_up unless settings.enable_web_server? send_file(File.join(settings.public_folder, 'index.html')) end end #- vim:set syntax=ruby: