begin require 'dropbox_sdk' rescue LoadError require 'rubygems' require 'dropbox_sdk' end require 'ostruct' require 'mime/types' GIGA_SIZE = 1073741824.0 MEGA_SIZE = 1048576.0 KILO_SIZE = 1024.0 # Return the file size with a readable style. def readable_file_size(size, precision) case when size == 1 : "1 Byte" when size < KILO_SIZE : "%d Bytes" % size when size < MEGA_SIZE : "%.#{precision}f KB" % (size / KILO_SIZE) when size < GIGA_SIZE : "%.#{precision}f MB" % (size / MEGA_SIZE) else "%.#{precision}f GB" % (size / GIGA_SIZE) end end module DummyDropbox @@root_path = File.expand_path( "./test/fixtures/dropbox" ) def self.root_path=(path) @@root_path = path end def self.root_path @@root_path end end class DropboxSession def initialize(oauth_key, oauth_secret, options={}) @ssl = false @consumer = :key => "dummy key consumer" ) @request_token = "dummy request token" end def self.deserialize(data) return 'dummy_key', 'dummy_secret' ) end def get_authorize_url(*args) return '' end def serialize return 'dummy serial'.to_yaml end def authorized? return true end def dummy? return true end end class DropboxClient def initialize(session, root="app_folder", locale=nil) @session = session end def file_create_folder(path, options={}) file_path = File.join(DummyDropbox::root_path, path) raise"Folder exists!") if File.exists?(file_path) FileUtils.mkdir(file_path) # intercepted result: # {"modified"=>"Wed, 23 Nov 2011 10:24:37 +0000", "bytes"=>0, "size"=>"0 # bytes", "is_dir"=>true, "rev"=>"2f04dc6147", "icon"=>"folder", # "root"=>"app_folder", "path"=>"/test_from_console", "thumb_exists"=>false, # "revision"=>47} return self.metadata(path) end def metadata(path, options={}) dummy_path = File.join(DummyDropbox::root_path, path) raise"File not found") unless File.exists?(dummy_path) list_hash_files = [] if Dir.entries(dummy_path).each do |file_name| file_path = File.join(dummy_path, file_name) unless list_hash_files << {"size" => readable_file_size(File.size(file_path), 2), "bytes" => File.size(file_path), "is_dir" => false, "modified" => File.mtime(file_path), "mime_type" => MIME::Types.type_for(file_path)[0].content_type, "path" => File.join(path, file_name)} end end end response = { "thumb_exists" => false, "bytes" => File.size(dummy_path), "modified" => "Tue, 04 Nov 2008 02:52:28 +0000", "path" => path, "is_dir" => "#{DummyDropbox::root_path}/#{path}" ), "size" => readable_file_size(File.size(dummy_path), 2), "root" => "dropbox", "icon" => "page_white_acrobat", "hash" => "theHash", "contents" => list_hash_files } return response end def put_file(to_path, file_obj, overwrite=false, parent_rev=nil) file_path = File.join(DummyDropbox::root_path, to_path) # FileUtils.copy_file(file_obj.path, File.join(DummyDropbox::root_path, to_path)), "w") do |f| f.write(file_obj) end return self.metadata(to_path) end def account_info() { 'display_name' => 'Dummy Dropbox SDK', 'email' => '' } end def get_file(path) dummy_file_path = File.join(DummyDropbox::root_path, path) raise"File not found") unless File.exists?(dummy_file_path) end def file_delete(path) dummy_file_path = File.join(DummyDropbox::root_path, path) raise"File not found") unless File.exists?(dummy_file_path) metadata = self.metadata(path) FileUtils.rm_rf(dummy_file_path) return metadata end # TODO these methods I don't used yet. They are commented out because they # have to be checked against the api if the signature match # def download(path, options={}) # "#{Dropbox.files_root_path}/#{path}" ) # end # # def delete(path, options={}) # FileUtils.rm_rf( "#{Dropbox.files_root_path}/#{path}" ) # # return true # end # # def upload(local_file_path, remote_folder_path, options={}) # end # # # def list(path, options={}) # result = [] # # Dir["#{Dropbox.files_root_path}/#{path}/**"].each do |element_path| # element_path.gsub!( "#{Dropbox.files_root_path}/", '' ) # # element = # # :icon => 'folder', # :'directory?' => "#{Dropbox.files_root_path}/#{element_path}" ), # :path => element_path, # :thumb_exists => false, # :modified => Time.parse( '2010-01-01 10:10:10' ), # :revision => 1, # :bytes => 0, # :is_dir => "#{Dropbox.files_root_path}/#{element_path}" ), # :size => '0 bytes' # ) # # result << element # end # # return result # end # # def account # response = <<-RESPONSE # { # "country": "", # "display_name": "John Q. User", # "email": "", # "quota_info": { # "shared": 37378890, # "quota": 62277025792, # "normal": 263758550 # }, # "uid": "174" # } # RESPONSE # # return JSON.parse(response).symbolize_keys_recursively.to_struct_recursively # end end