# typed: true
# frozen_string_literal: true

module CLI
  module UI
    module Frame
      module FrameStyle
        module Box
          extend FrameStyle

          VERTICAL    = '┃'
          HORIZONTAL  = '━'
          DIVIDER     = '┣'
          TOP_LEFT    = '┏'
          BOTTOM_LEFT = '┗'

          class << self
            extend T::Sig

            sig { override.returns(Symbol) }
            def style_name

            sig { override.returns(String) }
            def prefix

            # Draws the "Open" line for this frame style
            # ==== Attributes
            # * +text+ - (required) the text/title to output in the frame
            # ==== Options
            # * +:color+ - (required) The color of the frame.
            # ==== Output:
            #   ┏━━ Open ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
            sig { override.params(text: String, color: CLI::UI::Color).returns(String) }
            def start(text, color:)
              edge(text, color: color, first: TOP_LEFT)

            # Draws a "divider" line for the current frame style
            # ==== Attributes
            # * +text+ - (required) the text/title to output in the frame
            # ==== Options
            # * +:color+ - (required) The color of the frame.
            # ==== Output:
            #   ┣━━ Divider ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
            sig { override.params(text: String, color: CLI::UI::Color).returns(String) }
            def divider(text, color:)
              edge(text, color: color, first: DIVIDER)

            # Draws the "Close" line for this frame style
            # ==== Attributes
            # * +text+ - (required) the text/title to output in the frame
            # ==== Options
            # * +:color+ - (required) The color of the frame.
            # * +:right_text+ - Text to print at the right of the line. Defaults to nil
            # ==== Output:
            #   ┗━━ Close ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
            sig { override.params(text: String, color: CLI::UI::Color, right_text: T.nilable(String)).returns(String) }
            def close(text, color:, right_text: nil)
              edge(text, color: color, right_text: right_text, first: BOTTOM_LEFT)


            sig do
              params(text: String, color: CLI::UI::Color, first: String, right_text: T.nilable(String)).returns(String)
            def edge(text, color:, first:, right_text: nil)
              color = CLI::UI.resolve_color(color)

              preamble = +''

              preamble << color.code if CLI::UI.enable_color?
              preamble << first << (HORIZONTAL * 2)

              unless text.empty?
                preamble << ' ' << CLI::UI.resolve_text("{{#{color.name}:#{text}}}") << ' '

              termwidth = CLI::UI::Terminal.width

              suffix = +''

              if right_text
                suffix << ' ' << right_text << ' '

              preamble_width = CLI::UI::ANSI.printing_width(preamble)
              preamble_start = Frame.prefix_width
              # If prefix_width is non-zero, we need to subtract the width of
              # the final space, since we're going to write over it.
              preamble_start -= 1 if preamble_start.nonzero?
              preamble_end = preamble_start + preamble_width

              suffix_width = CLI::UI::ANSI.printing_width(suffix)
              suffix_end   = termwidth - 2
              suffix_start = suffix_end - suffix_width

              if preamble_end > suffix_start
                suffix = ''
                # if preamble_end > termwidth
                # we *could* truncate it, but let's just let it overflow to the
                # next line and call it poor usage of this API.

              o = +''

              unless CLI::UI.enable_cursor?
                linewidth = [0, termwidth - (preamble_end + suffix_width + 1)].max

                o << color.code if CLI::UI.enable_color?
                o << preamble
                o << color.code if CLI::UI.enable_color?
                o << (HORIZONTAL * linewidth)
                o << color.code if CLI::UI.enable_color?
                o << suffix
                o << CLI::UI::Color::RESET.code if CLI::UI.enable_color?
                o << "\n"
                return o

              # Jumping around the line can cause some unwanted flashes
              o << CLI::UI::ANSI.hide_cursor

              # reset to column 1 so that things like ^C don't ruin formatting
              o << "\r"

              # This code will print out a full line with the given preamble and
              # suffix, as exemplified below.
              # preamble_start                         suffix_start
              # |                 preamble_end         |            suffix_end
              # |                 |                    |            | termwidth
              # |                 |                    |            | |
              # V                 V                    V            V V
              # --- Preamble text --------------------- suffix text --
              o << color.code if CLI::UI.enable_color?
              o << print_at_x(preamble_start, HORIZONTAL * (termwidth - preamble_start)) # draw a full line
              o << print_at_x(preamble_start, preamble)
              o << color.code if CLI::UI.enable_color?
              o << print_at_x(suffix_start, suffix)
              o << CLI::UI::Color::RESET.code if CLI::UI.enable_color?
              o << CLI::UI::ANSI.show_cursor
              o << "\n"
