# WebSocket Rack - [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/imanel/websocket-rack.png)](http://travis-ci.org/imanel/websocket-rack) - [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/imanel/websocket-rack.png)](http://gemnasium.com/imanel/websocket-rack) - [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/imanel/websocket-rack.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/imanel/websocket-rack) Rack-based WebSocket server ## Usage Create sample rack config file, and inside build app basing on Rack::WebSocket::Application. ``` ruby require 'rack/websocket' class MyApp < Rack::WebSocket::Application end map '/' do run MyApp.new end ``` After that just run Rack config from Rack server: ``` bash thin -R config.ru start ``` Done. ## Configuration Rack::WebSocket::Application make following methods available: ### initialize Called once after server is started. This is place for application configuration so each instance variables from here will be available in whole application. Example: ``` ruby class MyApp < Rack::WebSocket::Application def initialize(options = {}) super @myvar = 4 end end ``` It is important to include 'super' in initialize function, so application will be properly configured. Please notice that in some servers, when 'initialize' is called, EventMachine reactor is not running yet. If you would like to configure EventMachine-based software, then you need to put it inside 'EM.next_tick' block, so this function will be called in first cycle of reactor. Example: ``` ruby class MyWebSocket < Rack::WebSocket::Application def initialize EM.next_tick { @redis = EM::Hiredis.connect } end end ``` ### on_open(env) Called after client is connected. Rack env of client is passed as attribute. Example: ``` ruby class MyApp < Rack::WebSocket::Application def on_open(env) puts "Client connected" end end ``` ### on_close(env) Called after client is disconnected. Rack env of client is passed as attribute. Example: ``` ruby class MyApp < Rack::WebSocket::Application def on_close(env) puts "Client disconnected" end end ``` ### on_message(env, msg) Called after server receive message. Rack env of client is passed as attribute. Example: ``` ruby class MyApp < Rack::WebSocket::Application def on_message(env, msg) puts "Received message: " + msg end end ``` ### on_error(env, error) Called after server catch error. Variable passed is instance of Ruby Exception class. Example: ``` ruby class MyApp < Rack::WebSocket::Application def on_error(env, error) puts "Error occured: " + error.message end end ``` ### send_data(data) Sends data do client. Example: ``` ruby class MyApp < Rack::WebSocket::Application def on_open(env) send_data "Hello to you!" end end ``` ### close_websocket Closes connection. Example: ``` ruby class MyApp < Rack::WebSocket::Application def on_open(env) close_websocket if env['REQUEST_PATH'] != '/websocket' end end ``` ## Available variables: ### @options Options passed to app on initialize. Example: ``` ruby # In config.ru map '/' do run MyApp.new :some => :variable end # In application instance @options # => { :some => :variable } ``` ## FAQ ### Which WebSocket drafts are supported: Currently we support drafts -75 and -76 form old(hixie) numeration and all drafts from -00 to -13 from current(ietf-hybi) numeration. Please note that ietf-hybi-13 is currently proposed as final standard. ### Which Rack servers are supported? Currently we are supporting following servers: - Thin ### How to enable debugging? Just use :backend => { :debug => true } option when initializing your app. ### How to enable wss/SSL support? Thin v1.2.8 has an --ssl option - just use that! :) ### How to use function xxx? Check [Thin](http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/) config - any option supported by Thin(like demonizing, SSL etc.) is supported by WebSocket-Rack. ## About Author: Bernard Potocki Released under MIT license.