module Fb # Provides methods to interact with Facebook pages through the Graph API. # @see class Page < Resource # @option [String] the page’s unique ID. attr_reader :id # @option [String] the page’s name. attr_reader :name # @option [String] the page’s category. attr_reader :category # @param [Hash] options to initialize a Page object. # @option [String] :id The page’s unique ID. # @option [String] :name The page’s name. # @option [String] :category The page’s category. # @option [String] :access_token an access token for the page. def initialize(options = {}) @id = options[:id] @name = options[:name] @category = options[:category] @access_token = options[:access_token] end # @return [Hash] a hash of Dates mapped to their values. # @param [String] :metric the metric to fetch. # @param [] :period the aggregate period (day, week, days_28). # @option [Date] :since only return dates ahead to this date (lower bound). # @option [Date] :until only return dates previous to this day (upper bound). def metric_insights(metric, period, options = {}) insights = page_insights Array(metric), options.merge(period: period) values = insights.find{|data| data['name'] == metric}['values'] do |v| [Date.strptime(v['end_time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000'), v.fetch('value', 0)] end.to_h end # @return [Hash] a hash of metrics mapped to their values. # @param [Array] :metrics the metrics to fetch. # @option [Date] :until only sum seven days before this date. def weekly_insights(metrics, options = {}) since_date = options.fetch :until, - 1 params = {period: :week, since: since_date, until: since_date + 2} metrics = page_insights Array(metrics), params {|m| [m['name'].to_sym, m['values'].last.fetch('value', 0)]}.to_h end # @return [Integer] the number of views of the page. # @param [Hash] options the options # @option [Date] :until only count the views until this day. def view_count(options = {}) views = metric_insights 'page_views_total', 'day', since: '1652 days ago'!{|date, _| date < options[:until]} if options[:until] views.values.sum end # @return [Integer] the number of likes of the page. # @param [Hash] options the options # @option [Date] :until only count the likes until this day. def like_count(options = {}) since_date = options.fetch :until, - 1 likes = metric_insights 'page_fans', 'lifetime', since: since_date, until: since_date + 2 likes[since_date+1] end # @return [Array] the posts published on the page. # @option [Time] :since only return posts ahead of this time. # @option [Time] :until only return posts previous to this time. # @option [Boolean] :with_metrics whether to include insights for the posts. def posts(options = {}) @posts ||= begin params = posts_params.merge options request = path: "/v2.9/#{@id}/posts", params: params data =['data'] options[:with_metrics] ? posts_with_metrics_from(data) : posts_from(data) end end # @return [String] the representation of the page. def to_s %Q(#<#{} #{@id} "#{@name}">) end private def page_insights(metrics, options = {}) insights(metrics, options.merge(ids: id))[id]['data'] end def posts_from(data) do |post_data| symbolize_keys post_data end end def posts_with_metrics_from(data) data.each_slice(50).flat_map do |post_slice| post_ids ={|post| post['id']}.join ',' metrics = insights post_metrics, ids: post_ids, period: :lifetime do |post_data| insights_data = metrics[post_data['id']]['data'].map do |metric| [metric['name'], metric['values'].last.fetch('value', 0)] end.to_h symbolize_keys post_data.merge(insights_data) end end end def insights(metrics, options = {}) params = options.merge metric: metrics.join(','), access_token: @access_token request = path: "/v2.9/insights", params: params end def posts_params {}.tap do |params| params[:access_token] = @access_token params[:limit] = 100 params[:fields]= ['id', 'message', 'permalink_url', 'created_time', 'type', 'properties', 'comments.limit(0).summary(true)', 'likes.limit(0).summary(true)', 'reactions.limit(0).summary(true)'].join(',') end end def post_metrics %i(post_engaged_users post_video_views_organic post_video_views_paid post_video_views post_video_view_time) end end end