Para.config do |config|
# Configure authentication method to be called when accessing the admin panel
# config.authenticate_admin_method = :authenticate_admin!
# Configure the method to retrieve current admin user from
# config.current_admin_method = :current_admin_user
# Configure the default Kaminari pagination theme to use
# config.pagination_theme = 'twitter-bootstrap-3'
# Configure the default admin HTML page
# config.admin_title = ::I18n.t('para.admin.title')
# Configure the default max depth for trees
# config.default_tree_max_depth = 3
# Configure the methods which Para will try to call on resources to fetch
# their name.
# Default is [:name, :title]
# config.resource_name_methods += [:full_name]
# Set if the Para::Breadcrumb::Controller module should be included into the
# app, allowing easy breadcrumbs management in the app.
# Default is true
# config.enable_app_breadcrumbs = false
# Para plugins to load
# config.plugins = []