# Developing the plugin # Getting started * Install JRuby: `rbenv install jruby-` * Use that JRuby: `rbenv local jruby-` * Install Bundler gem: `jruby -S gem install bundler` # Developing * Install dependencies: `jruby -S bundle install` * Write tests and production code! * Bump version: edit version file `version.rb` * Run tests: `jruby -S bundle exec rspec` * Build the gem: `jruby -S gem build logstash-output-newrelic.gemspec` ## Pushing changes to the public repo After updating the New Relic repo with changes, changes will need to be pushed to the public GitHub repo at: https://github.com/newrelic/logstash-output-plugin * `git remote add public git@github.com:newrelic/logstash-output-plugin.git` * `git push public master:name-of-branch-to-create` * Create a PR from that branch in https://github.com/newrelic/logstash-output-plugin * Get the PR reviewed, merged, and delete the branch! # Testing it with a local Logstash install Note: you may need to run the following commands outside of your checkout, since these should not be run with the JRuby version that you've configured your checkout to use (by using rbenv). * Remove previous version: `logstash-plugin remove logstash-output-newrelic` * Add new version: `logstash-plugin install logstash-output-newrelic-.gem` * Restart logstash: For Homebrew: `brew services restart logstash` * Cause a change that you've configured Logstash to pick up (for instance, append to a file you're having it monitor) * Look in `https://staging-one.newrelic.com/launcher/logger.log-launcher` for your log message # Push changes to RubyGems After updating the source code and gem version in `version.rb`, push the changes to RubyGems. There is an older version of the gem that we do not want to overwrite — `version 0.9.1`. Please be sure you are publishing changes to the correct gem i.e. `version 1.0.0` or higher. Note, you must be a gem owner to publish changes on [RubyGems.org](https://rubygems.org/profiles/NR-LOGGING). Once you've created the account, you will need to run `gem signin` to login to RubyGems via the command line. * Build the gem: `gem build logstash-output-newrelic.gemspec` * Publish the gem: `gem push logstash-output-newrelic-.gem` with the updated version (ex: `gem push logstash-output-newrelic-1.0.0.gem`)