Rag, a project helper ===================== **Homepage**: [https://github.com/GutenYe/rag](https://github.com/GutenYe/rag) <br/> **Author**: Guten <br/> **License**: MIT-LICENSE <br/> **Documentation**: [http://rubydoc.info/gems/rag/frames](http://rubydoc.info/gems/rag/frames) <br/> **Issue Tracker**: [https://github.com/GutenYe/rag/issues](https://github.com/GutenYe/rag/issues) <br/> Overview -------- a project helper, include create, develop, test, release. depends Gemfile. Usage ----- rag new # when first time run. create ~/.ragrc file, edit this file, than goto next step rag new foo # create a foo project in current directory rag new -l # list templates rag -T # list tasks rag release # build gem and push to Ruygems Features -------- * easy to extend. * use thor as default task DSL. * with vim support. see resources Configuration ------------- there are two places you can set up settings, ~/.ragrc, APP/.ragrc .ragrc # a yaml file author: foo email: foo@bar.com Extension --------- you can write your own task in Ragfile, APP/tasks/\*.rag class Rag < Thor desc "hello", "it says hello" def hello puts 'hello' end end or you can write a plugin. lib/rag/foo.rb class Rag < Thor ... end in Ragfile require 'rag/foo' avaliable variable for writing extension. they are read from .gemspec file Rc.o.project # project name Rc.o.version Template -------- from system-level: GEM(rag)/template and user-level: ~/.rag/template template/foo/a.erb <%=project%> local variables in erb file are from ~/.ragrc and APP/.ragrc default template see {file:template/default.readme} Contributing ------------- * report bugs/featues to issue tracker. * fork it and pull a request. * improve documentation. * feel free to post any ideas. Install ---------- gem install --no-wrappers rag gem update --no-wrappers rag or you can write `gem: --no-wrappers` into ~/.gemrc file, then gem install rag gem update rag Resources --------- * [gem.vim](https://github.com/GutenYe/gem.vim): a project helper for ruby gem/library development * [Hoe](https://github.com/seattlerb/hoe): a rake/rubygems helper for project Copyright --------- Copyright © 2011 by Guten. this library released under MIT-LICENSE, See {file:LICENSE} for futher details.