module OpenStax::Aws class SamStack < Stack attr_reader :build_directory def initialize(id: nil, name:, tags: {}, region:, enable_termination_protection: false, absolute_template_path: nil, capabilities: nil, parameter_defaults: {}, volatile_parameters_block: nil, secrets_blocks: [], secrets_context: nil, secrets_namespace: nil, shared_secrets_substitutions_block: nil, cycle_if_different_parameter: nil, build_directory:, dry_run: true) @build_directory = build_directory super(id: id, name: name, tags: tags, region: region, enable_termination_protection: enable_termination_protection, absolute_template_path: absolute_template_path, capabilities: capabilities, parameter_defaults: parameter_defaults, volatile_parameters_block: volatile_parameters_block, secrets_blocks: secrets_blocks, secrets_context: secrets_context, secrets_namespace: secrets_namespace, shared_secrets_substitutions_block: shared_secrets_substitutions_block, cycle_if_different_parameter: cycle_if_different_parameter, dry_run: dry_run) end def build # SAM doesn't have an API or SDK - we have to make calls to its CLI command = "sam build -t #{absolute_template_path} -b #{build_directory}", logger: logger, dry_run: dry_run) end def deploy(bucket_name:, params: {}) # SAM doesn't have an API or SDK - we have to make calls to its CLI check_for_required_tags params = parameter_defaults.merge(params) command = "sam deploy" \ " --template-file #{build_directory}/template.yaml" \ " --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM" \ " --s3-bucket #{bucket_name}" \ " --s3-prefix #{name}" \ " --stack-name #{name}" if params.any? command += " --parameter-overrides #{self.class.format_hash_as_cli_stack_parameters(params)}" end if tags.any? command += " --tags #{self.class.format_tags_as_cli_tags(tags)}" end, logger: logger, dry_run: dry_run) if enable_termination_protection client.update_termination_protection({ enable_termination_protection: true, stack_name: name }) end end def self.format_hash_as_cli_stack_parameters(params={}){|key, value| "ParameterKey=#{key.to_s.camelcase},ParameterValue=#{value}"} .map{|item| "'" + item + "'"} .join(" ") end def self.format_tags_as_cli_tags(tags=[]){|tag| "'#{tag.key}=#{tag.value}'"} .join(" ") end end end