module Vanity # A metric is an object that implements two methods: +name+ and +values+. It # can also respond to addition methods (+track!+, +bounds+, etc), these are # optional. # # This class implements a basic metric that tracks data and stores it in # Redis. You can use this as the basis for your metric, or as reference for # the methods your metric must and can implement. # # @since 1.1.0 class Metric # These methods are available when defining a metric in a file loaded # from the +experiments/metrics+ directory. # # For example: # $ cat experiments/metrics/yawn_sec # metric "Yawns/sec" do # description "Most boring metric ever" # end module Definition attr_reader :playground # Defines a new metric, using the class Vanity::Metric. def metric(name, &block) id = File.basename(caller.first.split(":").first, ".rb").downcase.gsub(/\W/, "_").to_sym fail "Metric #{id} already defined in playground" if playground.metrics[id] metric =, name.to_s, id) metric.instance_eval &block playground.metrics[id] = metric end def binding_with(playground) @playground = playground binding end end # Startup metrics for pirates. AARRR stands for: # * Acquisition # * Activation # * Retention # * Referral # * Revenue # Read more: class << self # Helper method to return description for a metric. # # A metric object may have a +description+ method that returns a detailed # description. It may also have no description, or no +description+ # method, in which case return +nil+. # # @example # puts Vanity::Metric.description(metric) def description(metric) metric.description if metric.respond_to?(:description) end # Helper method to return bounds for a metric. # # A metric object may have a +bounds+ method that returns lower and upper # bounds. It may also have no bounds, or no +bounds+ # method, in which # case we return +[nil, nil]+. # # @example # upper = Vanity::Metric.bounds(metric).last def bounds(metric) metric.respond_to?(:bounds) && metric.bounds || [nil, nil] end # Returns data set for a given date range. The data set is an array of # date, value pairs. # # First argument is the metric. Second argument is the start date, or # number of days to go back in history, defaults to 90 days. Third # argument is end date, defaults to today. # # @example These are all equivalent: # #, 90) #, - 89) #, - 89, def data(metric, *args) first = args.shift || 90 to = args.shift || from = first.respond_to?(:to_date) ? first.to_date : to - (first - 1) (, to)) end # Playground uses this to load metric definitions. def load(playground, stack, file) fail "Circular dependency detected: #{stack.join('=>')}=>#{file}" if stack.include?(file) source = stack.push file id = File.basename(file, ".rb").downcase.gsub(/\W/, "_").to_sym context = context.instance_eval do extend Definition metric = eval(source, context.binding_with(playground), file) fail"Expected #{file} to define metric #{id}", id) unless playground.metrics[id] metric end rescue error = NameError.exception($!.message, id) error.set_backtrace $!.backtrace raise error ensure stack.pop end end # Takes playground (need this to access Redis), friendly name and optional # id (can infer from name). def initialize(playground, name, id = nil) @playground, @name = playground, name.to_s @id = (id || name.to_s.downcase.gsub(/\W+/, '_')).to_sym @hooks = [] redis.setnx key(:created_at), @created_at =[key(:created_at)].to_i) end # -- Tracking -- # Called to track an action associated with this metric. def track!(count = 1) count ||= 1 if count > 0 timestamp = redis.incrby key(timestamp.to_date, "count"), count "vanity: #{@id} with count #{count}" call_hooks timestamp, count end end # Metric definitions use this to introduce tracking hook. The hook is # called with metric identifier, timestamp, count and possibly additional # arguments. # # For example: # hook do |metric_id, timestamp, count| # metric_id # end def hook(&block) @hooks << block end # This method returns the acceptable bounds of a metric as an array with # two values: low and high. Use nil for unbounded. # # Alerts are created when metric values exceed their bounds. For example, # a metric of user registration can use historical data to calculate # expected range of new registration for the next day. If actual metric # falls below the expected range, it could indicate registration process is # broken. Going above higher bound could trigger opening a Champagne # bottle. # # The default implementation returns +nil+. def bounds end # -- Reporting -- # Human readable metric name. All metrics must implement this method. attr_reader :name alias :to_s :name # Time stamp when metric was created. attr_reader :created_at # Human readable description. Use two newlines to break paragraphs. attr_accessor :description # Sets or returns description. For example # metric "Yawns/sec" do # description "Most boring metric ever" # end # # puts "Just defined: " + metric(:boring).description def description(text = nil) @description = text if text @description end # Given two arguments, a start date and an end date (inclusive), returns an # array of measurements. All metrics must implement this method. def values(from, to) redis.mget(( { |date| key(date, "count") }).map(&:to_i) end # -- ActiveRecord support -- AGGREGATES = [:average, :minimum, :maximum, :sum] # Use an ActiveRecord model to get metric data from database table. Also # forwards @after_create@ callbacks to hooks (updating experiments). # # Supported options: # :conditions -- Only select records that match this condition # :average -- Metric value is average of this column # :minimum -- Metric value is minimum of this column # :maximum -- Metric value is maximum of this column # :sum -- Metric value is sum of this column # :timestamp -- Use this column to filter/group records (defaults to # +created_at+) # # @example Track sign ups using User model # metric "Signups" do # model Account # end # @example Track satisfaction using Survey model # metric "Satisfaction" do # model Survey, :average=>:rating # end # @example Track only high ratings # metric "High ratings" do # model Rating, :conditions=>["stars >= 4"] # end # @example Track only high ratings (using scope) # metric "High ratings" do # model Rating.high # end # # @since 1.2.0 def model(class_or_scope, options = nil) options = (options || {}).clone conditions = options.delete(:conditions) scoped = conditions ? class_or_scope.scoped(:conditions=>conditions) : class_or_scope aggregate = AGGREGATES.find { |key| options.has_key?(key) } column = options.delete(aggregate) fail "Cannot use multiple aggregates in a single metric" if AGGREGATES.find { |key| options.has_key?(key) } timestamp = options.delete(:timestamp) || :created_at fail "Unrecognized options: #{options.keys * ", "}" unless options.empty? # Hook into model's after_create scoped.after_create do |record| count = column ? (record.send(column) || 0) : 1 call_hooks record.send(timestamp), count if count > 0 && scoped.exists?(record) end # Redefine values method to perform query eigenclass = class << self ; self ; end eigenclass.send :define_method, :values do |sdate, edate| query = { :conditions=>{ timestamp=>(sdate.to_time...(edate + 1).to_time) }, :group=>"date(#{scoped.connection.quote_column_name timestamp})" } grouped = column ? scoped.calculate(aggregate, column, query) : scoped.count(query) (sdate..edate).inject([]) { |ordered, date| ordered << (grouped[date.to_s] || 0) } end # Redefine track! method to call on hooks eigenclass.send :define_method, :track! do |*args| count = args.first || 1 call_hooks, count if count > 0 end end # -- Storage -- def destroy! redis.del redis.keys(key("*")) end def redis @playground.redis end def key(*args) "metrics:#{@id}:#{args.join(':')}" end def call_hooks(timestamp, count) count ||= 1 @hooks.each do |hook| @id, timestamp, count end end end end