$doc: name: Release History (ReleaseHx) desc: Template for parsing version history into Release Notes and/or Changelog args: rn: desc: Settings for release-notes listings. cl: desc: Settings for changelog listings. parts: desc: | Product components or aspects -- sub-subjects. `name`:: A label for this part. `slug`:: A key for this part. `icon`:: Font icon to represent this part. types: desc: | The kinds of changes recorded. `name`:: A label for this type. `slug`:: A key for this type. `verb`:: An action word for this type. `icon`:: Font icon to represent this type. `text`:: A brief explainer for this type. tags: desc: Special attributes about recorded changes deserving of being flagged. roles: desc: User types affected by recorded changes. cats: desc: General categories for search/filtering, not for flagging. policy: patches: flatten # flatten* or merged (shown with next minor/major revision) rn: empty-group: show cl: empty-group: hide parts: - name: Layout/Styles slug: frontend icon: paint-brush - name: Content Management slug: content icon: map-o - name: Back-end slug: backend icon: server - name: Documentation slug: docs icon: file-text-o types: - name: addition verb: added slug: new-feature text: for new features icon: plus-circle - name: improvement verb: improved slug: improvement text: for changes in existing functionality icon: magic - name: deprecation verb: deprecated slug: deprecation text: for soon-to-be removed features icon: exclamation-circle - name: removal verb: removed slug: removal text: for now-removed features icon: minus-circle - name: bugfix verb: fixed slug: bugfix text: for any bug fixes icon: wrench tags: - name: Security slug: security text: for changes made to secure a component icon: lock tone: danger - name: Privacy slug: privacy icon: user-secret tone: dark - name: Experimental slug: experimental text: for possibly unstable or temporary features icon: flask tone: warning - name: Compliance slug: compliance text: for changes made to conform to regulations icon: balance-scale tone: success - name: Breaking slug: breaking text: for changes that violate backward compatibility icon: unlink tone: warning - name: Deprication slug: deprecation text: announces future cancelation/removal of feature/capability icon: warning tone: warning roles: - name: Admin slug: admin text: Maintainer of a product instance. - name: Designer slug: designer text: Shapes an application of the product for a user instance. - name: Author slug: author text: End user, documentation contributor. cats: - name: User experience slug: ux text: Enhances the UX of an interface/procedure. - name: Code refactor slug: refactor text: Involves radical improvement of the code; may carry bug risks. - name: User-authored slug: user-author text: Derived from a user contribution of code or documentation. - name: Free and open-source slug: foss text: This component is openly authored and permissively licensed. defaults: # default values for properties, organized by block revision: # establish default values for properties down: true # whether to show download link item: note: both: patterns: # value patterns for properties, organized by block revision: # value patterns for the revision block vcode: "v{{ rvsn.code }}" heading: "Version {{ rvsn.code }}, {{ rvsn.date }}" download-url: "{{ site.source_www }}/releases/tag/v{{ rvsn.code }}" download-label: standard: "Get {{ rvsn.code }}" latest: "Get v{{rvsn.code}} -- Latest release! icon:flag-checkered[]" go-to-latest: "Get {{ latest_release.code }} icon:flag-checkered[]" admonition: |- The following flag{% if flags.size > 1 %}s{% endif %} appear{% unless flags.size > 1 %}s{% endunless %} in this release. item: # changelog-item-specific settings note: # release-note-specific settings both: # release-note- and changelog-specific settings ticket-link: # vars: tick href: "{{ site.subject_tickets_www }}/{{ item.tick }}" text: "Issue #{{ item.tick }}" icon: github