module Sqlite module Pervasive module DatabaseMethods def dataset(opts = nil) ds = super ds.extend(DatasetMethods) ds end def select_fields(table, *fields) dataset.select_fields(table, *fields) end end module DatasetMethods def get_column_type(column_name) if model and model.respond_to?(:datatypes) and model.datatypes and model.datatypes[column_name] return model.datatypes[column_name][:type] end nil end def quoted_identifier(name, convert=true) convert ? "\"#{convert_aliased_col_to_real_col(name)}\"" : "\"#{name}\"" end # Take a table name and write out the field names for that table in this style: # "`DUDES`.`KID - DATE`".lit where the table name is :dudes, # and fields are [:kid_date] def select_fields(hash) new_hash ={|k, v| k[v]= {}} hash.each do |association, fields| new_hash[association][:fields] = fields if association == :self new_hash[association][:model] = self.model new_hash[association][:association_name] = self.model.table_name elsif association.to_s.match /(\w+)__(\w+)/ # crew_legs__position_code # not an assocation on the current model .. but another one new_hash[association][:association_name] = $2.to_s.upcase new_hash[association][:model] = model.association_reflection($1.to_sym)[:class].association_reflection($2.to_sym)[:class] else raise(Sequel::Error, "Invalid #{model} association: #{association}") unless model.association_reflection(association) new_hash[association][:association_name] = association.to_s.upcase new_hash[association][:model] = model.association_reflection(association)[:class] end fields = fields + new_hash[association][:model].primary_key unless fields[0] == :* new_hash[association][:fields] = fields end s = [] new_hash.each do |association, hash| if hash[:fields].size == 1 and hash[:fields][0] == :* s << "#{quoted_identifier(hash[:association_name], false)}.*".lit else s << hash[:fields].collect do |field| raw_field_name = convert_aliased_col_to_real_col_with_model(field, hash[:model]) as_alias = '' raw_field_name if association != :self and ( hash[:model].primary_key.include? field or field_duplicate(new_hash, association, field) ) as_field_name = "#{hash[:association_name]}_#{raw_field_name}" as_alias = "AS #{quoted_identifier(as_field_name, false)}" end "#{quoted_identifier(hash[:association_name], false)}.#{quoted_identifier(raw_field_name, false)} #{as_alias}".lit end end end clone(:select => s.flatten) end private # is the field name found in the fields of any other association besides the one you passed in def field_duplicate(hash, association, field) hash.each do |association_key, hash_values| next if association_key == association return true if hash_values[:fields].include? field end return false end def convert_aliased_col_to_real_col(col_name) if respond_to?(:model) and model.respond_to?(:aliases) and model.aliases sym_name = col_name.to_s.downcase.to_sym col_name = model.aliases[sym_name].to_s.upcase if model.aliases.include? sym_name end col_name end def convert_aliased_col_to_real_col_with_model(col_name, model) if model.respond_to?(:aliases) and model.aliases sym_name = col_name.to_s.downcase.to_sym col_name = model.aliases[sym_name].to_s.upcase if model.aliases.include? sym_name end col_name end end end end