Feature: bard pull
    Given a shared rails project

  Scenario: Pulling down the latest changes from the remote integration branch
    Given on development_b, a commit
    And on development_b, I type "bard push"
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then the "integration" branch should match the "development_b:integration" branch

  Scenario: Pulling down when the latest changes include a submodule addition
    Given on development_b, a commit with a new submodule
    And on development_b, I type "bard push"
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then the "integration" branch should match the "development_b:integration" branch
    And there should be one new submodule
    And the submodule branch should match the submodule origin branch
    And the submodule working directory should be clean

  Scenario: Pulling down when the latest changes include a submodule update
    Given a submodule
    And on development_b, a commit with a submodule update
    And on development_b, I type "bard push"
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then the "integration" branch should match the "development_b:integration" branch
    And the submodule branch should match the submodule origin branch
    And the submodule working directory should be clean

  Scenario: Pulling down when the latest changes include a submodule url change
    Given a submodule
    And on development_b, a commit with a submodule url change
    And on development_b, I type "bard push"
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then the "integration" branch should match the "development_b:integration" branch
    And the submodule url should be changed
    And the submodule branch should match the submodule origin branch
    And the submodule working directory should be clean

  # TODO
  #Scenario: Pulling down when the latest changes include a submodule deletion
  #  Given a submodule
  #  And on staging, a commit with a submodule deletion
  #  When I type "bard pull"
  #  Then the "integration" branch should match the "origin/integration" branch
  #  And the submodule should be deleted

  Scenario: Pulling latest changes from the remote integration branch after committing locally
    Given on development_b, a commit
    And on development_b, I type "bard push"
    And a commit
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then I should see the warning "Someone has pushed some changes"
    And the "integration" branch should be a fast-forward from the "development_b:integration" branch

  Scenario: Bard pull from a topic branch
    Given on development_b, a commit on the "topic" branch
    And on development_b, I am on the "topic" branch
    And on development_b, I type "bard push"
    And I am on the "topic" branch
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then the "topic" branch should match the "development_b:topic" branch

  Scenario: Trying to bard pull when not in the project root
    Given I am in a subdirectory
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then I should see the fatal error "root directory"

  Scenario: Trying to bard pull with a dirty working directory
    Given on development_b, a commit
    And on development_b, I type "bard push"
    And a dirty working directory
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then I should see the fatal error "You have uncommitted changes!"
    And the "integration" branch should not match the "development_b:integration" branch

  Scenario: Trying to bard pull when on the "master" branch
    Given on development_b, a commit on the "master" branch
    And on development_b, I am on the "master" branch
    And on development_b, I type "git push origin master"
    And I am on the "master" branch
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then I should see the fatal error "on the master branch"
    And the "master" branch should not match the "development_b:master" branch

  Scenario: Pulling in a change that includes a migration on a dev machine
    Given on development_b, a commit with a new migration
    And on development_b, I type "bard push"
    And a development database
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then the development database should include that migration

  Scenario: Pulling in a change that includes a migration on a dev and testing machine
    Given on development_b, a commit with a new migration
    And on development_b, I type "bard push"
    And a development database
    And a test database
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then the development database should include that migration
    And the test database should include that migration

  Scenario: Pulling in a change that includes a gem dependency change
    Given the test gem is not installed
    And on development_b, a commit that adds the test gem as a dependency
    And on development_b, I type "bard push"
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then the test gem should be installed

  Scenario: Pulling in a change should restart the rails server
    Given on development_b, a commit
    And on development_b, I type "bard push"
    When I type "bard pull"
    Then passenger should have been restarted