name: Publish on: push: tags: - "v0.*" jobs: publish: runs-on: ubuntu-latest environment: maven-central-and-ruby-gems strategy: fail-fast: true steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Set up Ruby uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1 with: ruby-version: 3.3.0 # get tag variable using {{ github.ref_name }} # # References: # * # * - name: extract gem version from tag id: vars run: echo version=${{ github.ref_name }} | sed -e 's/v0/0/' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT # # From gem push documents. # # The push command will use ~/.gem/credentials to authenticate to a server, # but you can use the RubyGems environment variable GEM_HOST_API_KEY # to set the api key to authenticate. # # # - name: Publish run: | rake build gem push pkg/${EMBULK_PLUGIN_NAME}-${{ steps.vars.outputs.version }}.gem env: EMBULK_PLUGIN_NAME: embulk-output-bigquery GEM_HOST_API_KEY: "${{secrets.RUBYGEMS_API_KEY}}"