class ActiveRecord::Base class << self def teradata_connection(config) begin require 'jdbc/teradata' ::Jdbc::Teradata.load_driver(:require) if defined?(::Jdbc::Teradata.load_driver) rescue LoadError # assuming driver.jar is on the class-path end if config[:jndi] jndi = config[:jndi].to_s ctx = ds = nil # Taken from oracle-enhanced ( # tomcat needs first lookup method, oc4j (and maybe other application servers) need second method begin env = ctx.lookup('java:/comp/env') ds = env.lookup(jndi) rescue ds = ctx.lookup(jndi) end # For ARJDBC we only need the URL, username, and password # We set the database config entry because it's used by the adapter to determine database_name if ds.respond_to?('getJdbcUrl') config[:url] = ds.getJdbcUrl else config[:url] = ds.getUrl end config[:username] ||= ds.getUsername config[:database] ||= config[:url][/DATABASE=(.*?),/m, 1] unless config[:url].nil? config[:password] ||= ds.getPassword else config[:username] ||= Java::JavaLang::System.get_property('') config[:host] ||= 'localhost' config[:port] ||= 1025 config[:tmode] ||= 'ANSI' # ANSI, Teradata, DEFAULT config[:charset] ||= 'UTF8' config[:cop] ||= 'OFF' config[:log_level] ||= 'ERROR' config[:xviews] ||= 'OFF' config[:url] ||= "jdbc:teradata://#{config[:host]}/DATABASE=#{config[:database]},DBS_PORT=#{config[:port]},COP=#{config[:cop]},tmode=#{config[:tmode]},charset=#{config[:charset]},LOG=#{config[:log_level]},USEXVIEWS=#{config[:xviews]}" end config[:driver] ||= 'com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver' config[:adapter_class] = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::TeradataAdapter config[:adapter_spec] = ::ArJdbc::Teradata jdbc_connection(config) end alias_method :jdbcteradata_connection, :teradata_connection end end