# Kitchen::Vz A Virtuozzo driver for Test Kitchen ## Requirements This driver works via ssh or directly executes command. So you need to have ssh access via keys on the server, where container will be started. Also you need to have sudo permissions for your user to run `prlctl` and `vzctl` commands. This driver tested only on Virtuozzo 7. ## Installation and Setup Please read the Test Kitchen [docs](http://kitchen.ci/docs/getting-started/) for more details. Example `.kitchen.local.yml`: ```yaml --- driver: name: vz platforms: - name: centos-7 driver: socket: ssh://user@virtuozzo.domain.loc suites: - name: default ``` ## Configuration |Attribute|Description|Default value| |---------|-----------|-------------| |:socket|Connection string to virtuozzo server. Supports ssh uri or `local`. `local` means what `prlctl` and `vzctl` will be started locally.|'local'| |:username|User with this name will be created in virtuozzo container. Test kitchen uses this user to connect to the container.|'kitchen'| |:arch|Container architecture. This attribute shows how architecture container will be created.|'x86_64'| |:network|Hash with network configuration. See section Network configuration.|'Bridged' => {dhcp: true}| |:customize|Hash with container settings. It may contain :memory, :disk and :cpus options.|memory: '512M', disk: '10G', cpus: 2| |:private_key|Path to private key. This key pair used by the kitchen to login into container.|.kitchen/kitchen_id_rsa| |:public_key|Path to public key. This key pair used by the kitchen to login into container.|.kitchen/kitchen_id_rsa.pub| |:use_agent_forwarding| Set agent forwarding option into container.|'False'| |:ostemplate|Virtuozzo template which will be used for container creating.|| |:use_sudo|It shows will sudo be used or not.|true| |:additional_options|Array with `prlctl set` options, which will be pass as is. Example: ["--features nfs:on"]|[]| |:ct_hostname|Container hostname.|It is formed from platform name and suite name.| ### Network configuration Example of network settings: ```ruby { 'Bridged' => { dhcp: true }, 'Host-Only' => { ip: '' }, 'PUB' => { ip: '' gw: '' } } ``` The key of hash is a name of Virtuozzo network. Container interface will be bridged with this network. Value is a hash, which may contains next keys: * dhcp - If this parameter is true, then network settings will be get from dhcp server. * ip - IP-address which will be set to container. The address must be specified with the mask. Ex: * gw - Gateway which will be set to container. ## Development * Source hosted at [GitHub][repo] * Report issues/questions/feature requests on [GitHub Issues][issues] Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make. For example: 1. Fork the repo 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request ## Authors Created and maintained by [Pavel Yudin][author] () ## License Apache 2.0 (see [LICENSE][license]) [author]: https://github.com/Kasen [issues]: https://github.com/Kasen/kitchen-vz/issues [license]: https://github.com/Kasen/kitchen-vz/blob/master/LICENSE [repo]: https://github.com/Kasen/kitchen-vz