module HDLRuby::High::Std ## # Standard HDLRuby::High library: linear algebra functions. # # NOTE: require channel-like interface. # ######################################################################## # Controller of the linear operator. # - +num+: the number of computation cycles. # - +ev+: event to synchronize the controller on. # - +req+: the request to start the linear computation. # - +ack+: the ack signal that is set to 1 when the computation completes. # - +ruby_block+: the code of the linear computation kernel, it takes # as argument +ev+, and its own req and ack signals # (resp. +req_ker+ +ack_ker+). function :linearun do |num,ev,req,ack,ruby_block| # Ensure ev is really an event. ev = ev.posedge unless ev.is_a?(Event) # Creates the kernel. inner :req_ker, :ack_ker HDLRuby::High.top_user.instance_exec(ev,req_ker,ack_ker,&ruby_block) # The computation counter. [num.width].inner :count # Run flag inner :run par(ev) do req_ker <= 0 ack <= 0 count <= 1 run <= 0 hif(req | run) do run <= 1 req_ker <= 1 # Is one linear computation completed? hif(ack_ker) do # Yes. count <= count + 1 end # Is the full computation completed? hif(count == num) do # Yes. ack <= 1 run <= 0 req_ker <= 0 end end end end # Delcares a vector product by a scalar value. # # Can be used for scaling a vector. function :scale do |typ,ev,req,ack,left,rights,prods, mul = proc { |x,y| x*y }| # Ensure ev is really an event. ev = ev.posedge unless ev.is_a?(Event) # Ensures rights and prods are arrays. rights = rights.to_a prods = prods.to_a # Left value (the scale) and right value. typ.inner :lv rvs = { |left,i| typ.inner :"rv#{i}" } # lv and rv are valid. inner :lvok rvoks = { |left,i| inner :"rvok#{i}" } # Run flag inner :run par(ev) do ack <= 0 run <= 0 hif(req | run) do run <= 1 # Computation request. { lvok <= 1 } rights.each_with_index do |right,i|[i]) { rvoks[i] <= 1 } hif(lvok & rvoks[i]) do ack <= 1 run <= 0 prods[i].write(mul.(lv,rvs[i])) end end end helse do lvok <= 0 rights.each_with_index do |right,i| rvoks[i] <= 0 end end end end # Declares a 1-dimension vector adder. # # Can be used for the sum of two vectors. function :add_n do |typ,ev,req,ack,lefts, rights, sums, add = proc { |x,y| x+y }| # Ensure ev is really an event. ev = ev.posedge unless ev.is_a?(Event) # Ensures lefts and rights and sums are arrays. lefts = lefts.to_a rights = rights.to_a sums = sums.to_a # Left value and right value. lvs = { |left,i| typ.inner :"lv#{i}" } rvs = { |left,i| typ.inner :"rv#{i}" } # lv and rv are valid. lvoks = { |left,i| inner :"lvok#{i}" } rvoks = { |left,i| inner :"rvok#{i}" } # Run flag. inner :run par(ev) do ack <= 0 run <= 0 hif(req | run) do run <= 1 # Computation request. do |(left,right),i|[i]) { lvoks[i] <= 1 }[i]) { rvoks[i] <= 1 } hif(lvoks[i] & rvoks[i]) do run <= 0 ack <= 1 sums[i].write(add.(lvs[i],rvs[i])) end end end helse do lefts.each_with_index do |left,i| lvoks[i] <= 0 rvoks[i] <= 0 end end end end # Declares a 1-dimension vector element-wise multiplier. function :mul_n do |typ,ev,req,ack,lefts, rights, prods, mul = proc { |x,y| x*y }| add_n(typ,ev,req,ack,lefts,rights,prods,mul) end # Declares a simple multiplier accumulator. # # Can be used for the scalar product of two vectors. function :mac do |typ,ev,req,ack,left, right, acc, mul = proc { |x,y| x*y }, add = proc { |x,y| x+y }| # Ensure ev is really an event. ev = ev.posedge unless ev.is_a?(Event) # Left value, right value and computation temp value. typ.inner :lv, :rv, :av # lv and rv are valid. inner :lvok, :rvok # Run flag inner :run par(ev) do ack <= 0 run <= 0 hif(req | run) do run <= 1 # Computation request. { lvok <= 1 } { rvok <= 1 } hif(lvok & rvok) do ack <= 1 run <= 0 # acc.write(add.(av,mul.(lv,rv))) seq do av <= add.(av,mul.(lv,rv)) acc.write(av) end end end helse do lvok <= 0 rvok <= 0 # acc.write(0) av <= 0 end end end # Declares a simple multiple mac with single right data. # # Can be used for the product of a martix-vector product. function :mac_n1 do |typ,ev,req,ack,lefts, right, accs, mul = proc { |x,y| x*y }, add = proc { |x,y| x+y }| # Ensure ev is really an event. ev = ev.posedge unless ev.is_a?(Event) # Ensures lefts is an array. lefts = lefts.to_a # Ensures accs is an array. accs = accs.to_a # Left value and right value. lvs = { |left,i| typ.inner :"lv#{i}" } # Accumutated values. avs = { |left,i| typ.inner :"av#{i}" } typ.inner :rv # lv and rv are valid. lvoks = { |left,i| inner :"lvok#{i}" } inner :rvok woks = { |left,i| inner :"wok#{i}" } # Run flag inner :run par(ev) do ack <= 0 run <= 0 hif(~run) do rvok <= 0 lefts.each_with_index do |left,i| lvoks[i] <= 0 # avs[i] <= 0 woks[i] <= 0 end end hif(req | run) do run <= 1 # Computation request. hif(~rvok) { { rvok <= 1 } } lefts.each_with_index do |left,i| hif(~lvoks[i]) {[i]) { lvoks[i] <= 1 } } # accs[i].read(avs[i]) hif(lvoks[i] & rvok & ~woks[i]) do ack <= 1 run <= 0 seq do avs[i] <= add.(avs[i],mul.(lvs[i],rv)) accs[i].write(avs[i]) do woks[i] <= 1 # seq do # lvoks[i] <= 0 # rvok <= lvoks.reduce(:|) # end end end end hif (woks.reduce(:&)) do woks.each { |wok| wok <= 0 } lvoks.each { | lvok| lvok <=0 } rvok <= 0 end end end helse { avs.each {|av| av <= 0 } } # helse do # rvok <= 0 # lefts.each_with_index do |left,i| # lvoks[i] <= 0 # # accs[i].write(0) # avs[i] <= 0 # end # end end end # Declares a simple pipelined multiple mac with single right data. # # Can be used for the product of a martix-vector product. function :mac_np do |typ,ev,req,ack,lefts, rights, last, mul = proc { |x,y| x*y }, add = proc { |x,y| x+y }| # Ensure ev is really an event. ev = ev.posedge unless ev.is_a?(Event) # Ensures lefts is an array. lefts = lefts.to_a # Ensures rights is an array. rights = rights.to_a # Get the size of the pipeline and ensure lefts and rights have the # same. size = lefts.size if (rights.size != size) then raise "Incompatible lefts and rights sizes: lefts size is #{size} and rights size is #{rights.size}" end # Declares the accumulators. accs = { |i| typ.inner :"acc#{i}" } # Left value and right value. lvs = { |left,i| typ.inner :"lv#{i}" } rvs = { |right,i| typ.inner :"rv#{i}" } # typ.inner :rv # lv and rv are valid. lvoks = { |left,i| inner :"lvok#{i}" } # inner :rvok rvoks = { |right,i| inner :"rvok#{i}" } # Run flag inner :run par(ev) do ack <= 0 run <= 0 hif(req | run) do run <= 1 # Computation request. do |(left,right),i|[i]) { lvoks[i] <= 1 }[i]) { rvoks[i] <= 1 } hif(lvoks[i] & rvoks[i]) do ack <= 1 run <= 0 if (i < lefts.size-1) then if (i>0) then accs[i] <= add.(accs[i],mul.(lvs[i],rvs[i])) + accs[i-1] else accs[i] <= add.(accs[i],mul.(lvs[i],rvs[i])) end else # The last is reached seq do accs[i] <= add.(accs[i],mul.(lvs[i],rvs[i])) last.write(accs[i]) end end end end end helse do lefts.each_with_index do |left,i| lvoks[i] <= 0 rvoks[i] <= 0 accs[i] <= 0 end end end end end