var __slice = Array.prototype.slice, __bind = function(func, obj, args) { return function() { return func.apply(obj || {}, args ? args.concat(, 0)) : arguments); }; }; (function() { var Shuriken, base, makeNS, scopedClosure; // First off, add our dataAttr extensions. (typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && jQuery !== null) ? (function($) { var stringToDataKey; stringToDataKey = function(key) { return ("data-" + key).replace(/_/g, '-'); }; $.fn.dataAttr = function(key, value) { return this.attr(stringToDataKey(key), value); }; $.fn.removeDataAttr = function(key) { return this.removeAttr(stringToDataKey(key)); }; $.fn.hasDataAttr = function(key) { return"[" + (stringToDataKey(key)) + "]")); }; $.metaAttr = function(key) { return $(("meta[name='" + key + "']")).attr("content"); }; return $.metaAttr; })(jQuery) : null; Shuriken = { Base: {}, Util: {}, jsPathPrefix: "/javascripts/", jsPathSuffix: "", namespaces: {}, extensions: [] }; Shuriken.Util.underscoreize = function(s) { return s.replace(/\./g, '/').replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2').replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2').replace(/-/g, '_').toLowerCase(); }; scopedClosure = function(closure, scope) { if ($.isFunction(closure)) { return, scope); } }; // Base is the prototype for all namespaces. base = Shuriken.Base; base.hasChildNamespace = function(child) { return this.children.push(child); }; base.toNSName = function() { var children, current, parts; var _a = arguments.length, _b = _a >= 1; children =, 0, _a - 0); parts = children; current = this; while ((typeof current !== "undefined" && current !== null)) { parts.unshift(; current = current.parent; } return parts.join("."); }; base.getNS = function(namespace) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, currentNS, name, parts; parts = namespace.split("."); currentNS = this; _b = parts; for (_a = 0, _c = _b.length; _a < _c; _a++) { name = _b[_a]; if (!((typeof (_d = currentNS[name]) !== "undefined" && _d !== null))) { return null; } currentNS = currentNS[name]; } return currentNS; }; base.getRootNS = function() { var _a, current; current = this; while ((typeof (_a = current.parent) !== "undefined" && _a !== null)) { current = current.parent; } return current; }; base.hasNS = function(namespace) { var _a; return (typeof (_a = this.getNS(namespace)) !== "undefined" && _a !== null); }; base.withNS = function(key, initializer) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, currentNS, hadSetup, name, parts; parts = key.split("."); currentNS = this; _b = parts; for (_a = 0, _c = _b.length; _a < _c; _a++) { name = _b[_a]; if (!(typeof (_d = currentNS[name]) !== "undefined" && _d !== null)) { currentNS[name] = makeNS(name, currentNS, this.baseNS); } currentNS = currentNS[name]; } hadSetup = $.isFunction(currentNS.setup); scopedClosure(initializer, currentNS); if (!hadSetup && $.isFunction(currentNS.setup)) { currentNS.setupVia(currentNS.setup); } return currentNS; }; base.withBase = function(closure) { return scopedClosure(closure, this.baseNS); }; base.extend = function(closure) { return scopedClosure(closure, this); }; base.isRoot = function() { var _a; return !(typeof (_a = this.parent) !== "undefined" && _a !== null); }; base.log = function() { var args; var _a = arguments.length, _b = _a >= 1; args =, 0, _a - 0); return console.log.apply(console, [("[" + (this.toNSName()) + "]")].concat(args)); }; base.debug = function() { var args; var _a = arguments.length, _b = _a >= 1; args =, 0, _a - 0); return console.log.apply(console, [("[Debug - " + (this.toNSName()) + "]")].concat(args)); }; base.setupVia = function(f) { return $(document).ready(__bind(function() { var _a; if ((typeof (_a = this.autosetup) !== "undefined" && _a !== null)) { return scopedClosure(f, this); } }, this)); }; base.require = function(key, callback) { var ns, path, script, url; ns = this.getNS(key); if ((typeof ns !== "undefined" && ns !== null)) { return scopedClosure(callback, ns); } else { path = Shuriken.Util.underscoreize(("" + (this.toNSName()) + "." + key)); url = ("" + (Shuriken.jsPathPrefix) + (path) + ".js" + (Shuriken.jsPathSuffix)); script = $("<script />", { type: "text/javascript", src: url }); script.load(function() { return scopedClosure(callback, this.getNS(key)); }); return script.appendTo($("head")); } }; base.autosetup = true; // Used as a part of the prototype chain. Shuriken.Namespace = function() { }; Shuriken.Namespace.prototype = Shuriken.Base; makeNS = function(name, parent, sharedPrototype) { var namespace; sharedPrototype = (typeof sharedPrototype !== "undefined" && sharedPrototype !== null) ? sharedPrototype : new Shuriken.Namespace(); namespace = function() { = name; this.parent = parent; this.baseNS = sharedPrototype; this.children = []; if ((typeof parent !== "undefined" && parent !== null)) { parent.hasChildNamespace(this); } return this; }; namespace.prototype = sharedPrototype; return new namespace(name, parent); }; Shuriken.defineExtension = function(closure) { var _a, _b, _c, namespace; _b = Shuriken.namespaces; for (_a = 0, _c = _b.length; _a < _c; _a++) { namespace = _b[_a]; scopedClosure(closure, namespace); } return Shuriken.extensions.push(closure); }; = function(name) { var _a, _b, _c, extension, ns; ns = makeNS(name); Shuriken.namespaces[name] = ns; Shuriken.root[name] = ns; _b = Shuriken.extensions; for (_a = 0, _c = _b.length; _a < _c; _a++) { extension = _b[_a]; scopedClosure(extension, ns); } return ns; }; Shuriken.root = this; this['Shuriken'] = Shuriken; return this['Shuriken']; })();