module Sufia::User extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Adds acts_as_messageable for user mailboxes include Mailboxer::Models::Messageable # Connects this user object to Blacklight's Bookmarks and Folders. include Blacklight::User include Hydra::User delegate :can?, :cannot?, :to => :ability # set this up as a messageable object acts_as_messageable # Users should be able to follow things acts_as_follower # Users should be followable acts_as_followable mount_uploader :avatar, AvatarUploader, :mount_on => :avatar_file_name validates_with AvatarValidator has_many :trophies end # Format the json for select2 which requires just an id and a field called text. # If we need an alternate format we should probably look at a json template gem def as_json(opts = nil) {id: user_key, text: display_name ? "#{display_name} (#{user_key})" : user_key} end def email_address return end def name return self.display_name.titleize || self.user_key rescue self.user_key end # Redefine this for more intuitive keys in Redis def to_param # hack because rails doesn't like periods in urls. user_key.gsub(/\./, '-dot-') end def trophy_files do |t| ::GenericFile.load_instance_from_solr(Sufia::Noid.namespaceize(t.generic_file_id)) end end # method needed for messaging def mailboxer_email(obj=nil) return nil end # The basic groups method, override or will fallback to Sufia::Ldap::User def groups @groups ||= self.group_list ? self.group_list.split(";?;") : [] end def ability @ability ||= end module ClassMethods def permitted_attributes [:email, :login, :display_name, :address, :admin_area, :department, :title, :office, :chat_id, :website, :affiliation, :telephone, :avatar, :group_list, :groups_last_update, :facebook_handle, :twitter_handle, :googleplus_handle, :linkedin_handle] end def current Thread.current[:user] end def current=(user) Thread.current[:user] = user end # Override this method if you aren't using email/password def audituser User.find_by_user_key(audituser_key) || User.create!(Devise.authentication_keys.first => audituser_key, password: Devise.friendly_token[0,20]) end # Override this method if you aren't using email as the userkey def audituser_key '' end # Override this method if you aren't using email/password def batchuser User.find_by_user_key(batchuser_key) || User.create!(Devise.authentication_keys.first => batchuser_key, password: Devise.friendly_token[0,20]) end # Override this method if you aren't using email as the userkey def batchuser_key '' end def from_url_component(component) User.find_by_user_key(component.gsub(/-dot-/, '.')) end end end