require 'aruba/api' World(Aruba::Api) World(Berkshelf::RSpec::ChefAPI) Given /^a cookbook named "(.*?)"$/ do |name| steps %{ Given a directory named "#{name}" And an empty file named "#{name}/metadata.rb" } end Given /^I do not have a Berksfile$/ do in_current_dir { FileUtils.rm_f(Berkshelf::DEFAULT_FILENAME) } end Given /^I do not have a Berksfile\.lock$/ do in_current_dir { FileUtils.rm_f(Berkshelf::Lockfile::DEFAULT_FILENAME) } end Given /^the cookbook "(.*?)" has the file "(.*?)" with:$/ do |cookbook_name, file_name, content| write_file(File.join(cookbook_name, file_name), content) end Given /^the cookbook store has the cookbooks:$/ do |cookbooks| cookbooks.raw.each do |name, version| generate_cookbook(cookbook_store, name, version) end end Given /^the cookbook store contains a cookbook "(.*?)" "(.*?)" with dependencies:$/ do |name, version, dependencies| generate_cookbook(cookbook_store, name, version, dependencies: dependencies.raw) end Then /^the cookbook store should have the cookbooks:$/ do |cookbooks| cookbooks.raw.each do |name, version| cookbook_store.should have_structure { directory "#{name}-#{version}" do file "metadata.rb" do contains version end end } end end Then /^the cookbook store should have the git cookbooks:$/ do |cookbooks| cookbooks.raw.each do |name, version, sha1| cookbook_store.should have_structure { directory "#{name}-#{sha1}" do file "metadata.rb" do contains version end end } end end Then /^the cookbook store should not have the cookbooks:$/ do |cookbooks| cookbooks.raw.each do |name, version| cookbook_store.should_not have_structure { directory "#{name}-#{version}" } end end Then /^I should have the cookbook "(.*?)"$/ do |name| be_cookbook end Then /^I should have a new cookbook skeleton "(.*?)"$/ do |name| cb_path = cb_path.should have_structure { directory "attributes" directory "definitions" directory "files" do directory "default" end directory "libraries" directory "providers" directory "recipes" do file "default.rb" end directory "resources" directory "templates" do directory "default" end file "" file "metadata.rb" file "Berksfile" do contains "metadata" end file "chefignore" file "Berksfile" file "Gemfile" do contains "gem 'berkshelf'" end } end Then /^I should have a new cookbook skeleton "(.*?)" with Vagrant support$/ do |name| steps %Q{ Then I should have a new cookbook skeleton "#{name}" } cb_path = cb_path.should have_structure { file "Gemfile" do contains "gem 'vagrant'" end file "Vagrantfile" do contains "require 'berkshelf/vagrant'" contains "recipe[#{name}::default]" end } end Then /^I should have a new cookbook skeleton "(.*?)" with Git support$/ do |name| steps %Q{ Then I should have a new cookbook skeleton "#{name}" } cb_path = cb_path.should have_structure { file ".gitignore" } end Then /^I should have a new cookbook skeleton "(.*?)" with Foodcritic support$/ do |name| steps %Q{ Then I should have a new cookbook skeleton "#{name}" } cb_path = cb_path.should have_structure { file "Gemfile" do contains "gem 'thor-foodcritic'" end file "Thorfile" do contains "require 'thor/foodcritic'" end } end Then /^I should have a new cookbook skeleton "(.*?)" with SCMVersion support$/ do |name| steps %Q{ Then I should have a new cookbook skeleton "#{name}" } cb_path = cb_path.should have_structure { file "Gemfile" do contains "gem 'thor-scmversion'" end file "Thorfile" do contains "require 'thor/scmversion'" end } end Then /^I should have a new cookbook skeleton "(.*?)" without Bundler support$/ do |name| cb_path = cb_path.should have_structure { directory "attributes" directory "definitions" directory "files" do directory "default" end directory "libraries" directory "providers" directory "recipes" do file "default.rb" end directory "resources" directory "templates" do directory "default" end file "" file "metadata.rb" file "Berksfile" do contains "metadata" end file "chefignore" file "Berksfile" no_file "Gemfile" } end Then /^the cookbook "(.*?)" should have the following files:$/ do |name, files| check_file_presence({|file_row| File.join(name, file_row[0])}, true) end Then /^the cookbook "(.*?)" should not have the following files:$/ do |name, files| check_file_presence({|file_row| File.join(name, file_row[0])}, false) end Then /^the file "(.*?)" in the cookbook "(.*?)" should contain:$/ do |file_name, cookbook_name, content| have_structure { file "Berksfile" do contains content end file "chefignore" } end Then /^the directory "(.*?)" should have the following files:$/ do |name, files| check_file_presence({|file_row| File.join(name, file_row[0])}, true) end Then /^the directory "(.*?)" should not have the following files:$/ do |name, files| check_file_presence({|file_row| File.join(name, file_row[0])}, false) end Then /^the file "(.*?)" in the directory "(.*?)" should not contain:$/ do |file_name, directory_name, content| have_structure { file "Berksfile" do contains content end } end Then /^the current directory should have the following files:$/ do |files| check_file_presence({|file_row| file_row[0]}, true) end Then /^the current directory should not have the following files:$/ do |files| check_file_presence({|file_row| file_row[0]}, false) end