require "bundler" require "rake" require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rspec/core/rake_task" require 'quandl/command' require 'pry' task :default => :spec Dir[File.expand_path("../tasks/*.rake", __FILE__)].each do |task| puts task load task end task :console do |t,args| binding.pry end desc "Run all specs" do |task| task.pattern = "spec/**/*_spec.rb" end def checkout_master! raise "You have unstaged commits." if %x{git status} =~ /Changes not staged for commit/ sh "git checkout master" raise "Unable to checkout master" unless %x{git branch | grep '*'} =~ /master/ end def verify_version!(version) raise ArgumentError, "Expected version format is: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, got: #{version}" unless version =~ /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ raise "Version '#{version}' has already been documented in" if file_contains_matching("", /## #{version}/) end def file_contains_matching(file_path, matching) matched = false f = f.each_line do |line| if line =~ matching matched = true break end end f.close matched end namespace :quandl do desc "bump version and generate UPGRADE documentation" task :bump, :version do |t,args| version = args['version'] checkout_master! verify_version!(version) # update with commits Rake::Task["quandl:generate:documentation"].execute args.to_hash.stringify_keys! Rake::Task["quandl:version:bump"].execute args.to_hash.stringify_keys! end desc "build and push gem & distros" task :release do |t,args| checkout_master! # tag git revision with version, build quandl.gem, push to rubygems Rake::Task["release"].execute # build windows exe, mac pkg, tarball Rake::Task["toolbelt:release:all"].execute end namespace :version do task :bump, :version do |t,args| version_file = 'lib/quandl/command/version.rb' IO.write(version_file, do |f|, args['version']) end ) sh(%Q{git commit -am "Bump version to: #{args['version']}"}) end end namespace :generate do task :documentation, :version do |t,args| version = args['version'] verify_version!(version) # collect commits that match JIRA syntax commits = %x{ git --no-pager log --since="v#{Quandl::Command::VERSION}" --pretty=oneline --grep='^QUGC' } # split newlines and exclude reference, select uniq commits = commits.split("\n").collect{|c| "* #{c[41..-1]}" }.uniq # compose prepend string commits = "## #{version} \n\n" + commits.join("\n") + "\n\n\n\n" # prepend to File.write( '', commits +'') ) end end end namespace :rubies do rubies = [ 'ruby-1.9.3-p194', 'ruby-1.9.3-p484', 'ruby-2.0.0-p353', ] desc "rspec all the rubies" task :spec do |t, args| rubies.each do |ruby| cmd = "rvm #{ruby} do bundle exec rspec" puts(cmd) system(cmd) end end end