# Tamber Ruby bindings # API spec at https://tamber.com/docs/api require 'cgi' require 'openssl' require 'rbconfig' require 'set' require 'socket' require 'base64' require 'rest-client' require 'json' require 'tamber/version' require 'tamber/api_operations/create' require 'tamber/api_operations/update' require 'tamber/api_operations/remove' require 'tamber/api_operations/retrieve' require 'tamber/api_operations/list' require 'tamber/api_operations/request' require 'tamber/tamber_object' require 'tamber/util' require 'tamber/api_resource' require 'tamber/discover' require 'tamber/event' require 'tamber/user' require 'tamber/item' require 'tamber/behavior' require 'tamber/tamber_error' module Tamber DEFAULT_CA_BUNDLE_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/security/ca-bundle.crt' @ca_bundle_path = DEFAULT_CA_BUNDLE_PATH @verify_ssl_certs = true @api_url = 'https://api.tamber.com/v1' @open_timeout = 30 @read_timeout = 80 class << self attr_accessor :project_key, :engine_key, :api_version, :verify_ssl_certs, :open_timeout, :read_timeout end def self.api_url(api_base_url=nil, url='') (api_base_url || @api_url) + url end def self.ca_bundle_path @ca_bundle_path end def self.ca_bundle_path=(path) @ca_bundle_path = path end def self.request(method, url, params={}) if project_key =~ /\s/ raise TamberError.new('Your project key is invalid, as it contains ' \ 'whitespace. (HINT: You can double-check your project key from the ' \ 'Tamber dashboard. See https://dashboard.tamber.com to get your engine\'s key, or ' \ 'email support@tamber.com if you have any questions.)') end if engine_key =~ /\s/ raise TamberError.new('Your engine key is invalid, as it contains ' \ 'whitespace. (HINT: You can double-check your project key from the ' \ 'Tamber dashboard. See https://dashboard.tamber.com to get your engine\'s key, or ' \ 'email support@tamber.com if you have any questions.)') end if verify_ssl_certs request_opts = {:verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER, :ssl_ca_file => @ca_bundle_path} else request_opts = {:verify_ssl => false} unless @verify_ssl_warned @verify_ssl_warned = true $stderr.puts("WARNING: Running without SSL cert verification. " \ "You should never do this in production. " \ "Execute 'Tamber.verify_ssl_certs = true' to enable verification.") end end url = @api_url + url case method.to_s.downcase.to_sym when :get, :head, :delete # Make params into GET parameters url += "#{URI.parse(url).query ? '&' : '?'}#{Util.encode_parameters(params)}" if params && params.any? payload = nil else payload = Util.encode_parameters(params) end request_opts.update(:headers => request_headers(project_key, engine_key, method), :method => method, :open_timeout => open_timeout, :payload => payload, :url => url, :timeout => read_timeout) response = execute_request_with_rescues(request_opts) [parse(response)] end def self.request_headers(pkey, ekey, method) pkey ||= '' ekey ||= '' encoded_key = Base64.encode64(pkey + ':' + ekey) headers = { :user_agent => "Tamber/v1 RubyBindings/#{Tamber::VERSION}", :authorization => "Basic "+encoded_key, :content_type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } headers[:tamber_version] = api_version if api_version begin headers.update(:x_tamber_client_user_agent => JSON.generate(user_agent)) rescue => e headers.update(:x_tamber_client_raw_user_agent => user_agent.inspect, :error => "#{e} (#{e.class})") end end def self.user_agent lang_version = "#{RUBY_VERSION} p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE})" { :bindings_version => Tamber::VERSION, :lang => 'ruby', :lang_version => lang_version, :platform => RUBY_PLATFORM, :engine => defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) ? RUBY_ENGINE : '', :publisher => 'tamber', :hostname => Socket.gethostname, } end def self.general_api_error(rbody) TamberError.new("Invalid response object from API: "+rbody.inspect) end def self.handle_restclient_error(e, request_opts) case e when Errno::ECONNREFUSED message = "Could not connect to Tamber at #{api_url}. " \ "Please check that your internet connection and DNS are working by running " \ "'host tamber.com' from the command line and try again. " \ "Still borked? Email us at support@tamber.com and we'll get to the bottom of it." when RestClient::RequestTimeout message = "Could not connect to Tamber at #{api_url}. " \ "Please check your internet connection and try again. " \ "Still borked? Email us at support@tamber.com and we'll get to the bottom of it." when RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified message = "Could not establish a secure connection to Tamber, you may " \ "need to upgrade your OpenSSL version. To check, try running " \ "'openssl s_client -connect api.tamber.com:443' from the " \ "command line." when RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection message = "Connection was broken before the request could complete (either by " \ "the Tamber server or a network failure)." else message = "Unexpected request error. If this problem persists, please let us know by " \ "emailing us at support@tamber.com." end raise NetworkError.new(message + "\n\n(#{e.message})") end def self.execute_request(opts) RestClient::Request.execute(opts) end def self.parse(response) begin response = JSON.parse(response.body) if response["success"] response = response["result"] else raise TamberError.new(response["error"]) end rescue JSON::ParserError raise general_api_error(response.body) end Util.symbolize_names(response) end private def self.execute_request_with_rescues(request_opts) # response = execute_request(request_opts) begin response = execute_request(request_opts) rescue SocketError => e response = handle_restclient_error(e, request_opts) rescue NoMethodError => e # Work around RestClient bug if e.message =~ /\WRequestFailed\W/ raise TamberError.new('Unexpected HTTP response code') else raise end rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse => e puts "ExceptionWithResponse: #{e}" if e.response puts "e.response" parse(e.response) else response = handle_restclient_error(e, request_opts) end rescue RestClient::Exception, Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e response = handle_restclient_error(e, request_opts) end response end end