2016-07-14 Jason Rogers * lib/schedulability/parser.rb, spec/schedulability/schedule_spec.rb: [PATCH] bug fixes for the 0th second or minute, and the 59th second From bc2864a832fa60bc39958b9aaa26e6f546936539 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 or minute --- lib/schedulability/parser.rb | 8 +++--- spec/schedulability/schedule_spec.rb | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) [0f59486cf040] [github/master, tip] 2016-07-15 Michael Granger * README.md, Rakefile, lib/schedulability/schedule.rb, schedulability.gemspec, spec/schedulability/schedule_spec.rb: Fix some README discrepancies and implement some missing stuff [b99801aa4e3f] * lib/schedulability.rb, lib/schedulability/mixins.rb, lib/schedulability/parser.rb, lib/schedulability/schedule.rb, spec/schedulability/mixins_spec.rb, spec/schedulability/parser_spec.rb, spec/schedulability/schedule_spec.rb: Implement a simplistic Schedule#to_s, add some missing specs. [eda686d951b7] 2015-12-30 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag v0.1.0 for changeset 45f35fbd585b [3e26b7e59243] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset 0f46dc0d8056 [45f35fbd585b] [v0.1.0] * cert/ged.pem, cert/mahlon.pem: Add gem certs. [0f46dc0d8056] * .hgtags: Backed out tag for v0.1.0; trying again [342ac3d0b6db] * Rakefile, schedulability.gemspec: Explicitly set urls in the Hoespec, since Hoe can't read Markdown. [19eb06e85937] * .hgtags: Added tag v0.1.0 for changeset 99d3bb8480ac [c509bc778115] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset 39de155fb60f [99d3bb8480ac] * History.md, lib/schedulability.rb, lib/schedulability/schedule.rb: Fix the version, history file, and some comments. [39de155fb60f] * .hgtags: Backed out changeset 9def227667f5 Fixing the version and some little aesthetic things. [c75030b1d915] * .hgtags: Added tag v0.11.0 for changeset efc2ba3917c1 [9def227667f5] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset 9a401a820265 [efc2ba3917c1] * README.md, lib/schedulability/parser.rb, lib/schedulability/schedule.rb, spec/schedulability/schedule_spec.rb: Implement negated periods; invert the meaning of empty schedule. [9a401a820265] * lib/schedulability/parser.rb, lib/schedulability/schedule.rb, spec/schedulability/schedule_spec.rb: Implement boolean operations for the Schedule object. [aaa0d5f6ed3f] * lib/schedulability/parser.rb, spec/schedulability/schedule_spec.rb: Fix the 12pm edge case for time parsing [8687eaead89b] * Manifest.txt, README.md, lib/schedulability.rb, lib/schedulability/parser.rb, lib/schedulability/schedule.rb: Break out schedule-parsing functions into a module. [6ae39f6f0e6d] * Manifest.txt, README.md, lib/schedulability/schedule.rb, spec/schedulability/schedule_spec.rb: Use counted week of month for `week` scale. [bdf32f4fb2ef] 2015-12-28 Michael Granger * README.md, lib/schedulability.rb, lib/schedulability/mixins.rb, lib/schedulability/schedule.rb, spec/helpers.rb, spec/schedulability/schedule_spec.rb: Finished up initial work on period parsing [19fcd47d5dbc] * Rakefile, schedulability.gemspec: Add missing loggability dependency. [8054ca4ee4a2] * Manifest.txt, schedulability.gemspec: Update build files, switch docs to Markdown. [2b12bb7ae802] 2015-12-26 Michael Granger * .editorconfig, .gems, .hgignore, .hgsigs, .hgtags, .pryrc, .rvmrc, .simplecov, .tm_properties, .travis.yml, Gemfile, History.md, Manifest.txt, README.md, Rakefile, lib/schedulability.rb, lib/schedulability/exceptions.rb, lib/schedulability/schedule.rb, spec/helpers.rb, spec/schedulability/schedule_spec.rb, spec/schedulability_spec.rb: Initial commit [eb1dd1197f1e]