module Blather class Stanza # # Capabilities Stanza # # [XEP-0115 Entity Capabilities]( # # XMPP protocol extension for broadcasting and dynamically discovering client, device, or generic entity capabilities. # class Capabilities < Blather::Stanza::DiscoInfo def super :result end # A string that is used to verify the identity and supported features of the entity. # # @return [String] def ver generate_ver identities, features end # A URI that uniquely identifies a software application, typically a URL at the # website of the project or company that produces the software. # # @param [String] node the node URI def node=(node) @bare_node = node super "#{node}##{ver}" end # Add an array of identities # @param identities the array of identities, passed directly to def identities=(identities) super identities regenerate_full_node end # Add an array of features # @param features the array of features, passed directly to def features=(features) super features regenerate_full_node end # The generated Presence::C node # # @return [Blather::Stanza::Presence::C] def c @bare_node, ver end private def regenerate_full_node self.node = @bare_node end def generate_ver_str(identities, features, forms = []) # 1. Initialize an empty string S. s = '' # 2. Sort the service discovery identities by category and # then by type (if it exists) and then by xml:lang (if it # exists), formatted as CATEGORY '/' [TYPE] '/' [LANG] '/' # [NAME]. Note that each slash is included even if the TYPE, # LANG, or NAME is not included. identities.sort! do |identity1, identity2| cmp_result = nil [:category, :type, :xml_lang, :name].each do |field| value1 = identity1.send(field) value2 = identity2.send(field) if value1 != value2 cmp_result = value1 <=> value2 break end end cmp_result end # 3. For each identity, append the 'category/type/lang/name' to # S, followed by the '<' character. s += identities.collect do |identity| [:category, :type, :xml_lang, :name].collect do |field| identity.send(field).to_s end.join('/') + '<' end.join # 4. Sort the supported service discovery features. features.sort! { |feature1, feature2| feature1.var <=> feature2.var } # 5. For each feature, append the feature to S, followed by the # '<' character. s += features.collect { |feature| feature.var.to_s + '<' }.join # 6. If the service discovery information response includes # XEP-0128 data forms, sort the forms by the FORM_TYPE (i.e., by # the XML character data of the element). forms.sort! do |form1, form2| fform_type1 = form1.field 'FORM_TYPE' fform_type2 = form2.field 'FORM_TYPE' form_type1 = fform_type1 ? fform_type1.values.to_s : nil form_type2 = fform_type2 ? fform_type2.values.to_s : nil form_type1 <=> form_type2 end # 7. For each extended service discovery information form: forms.each do |form| # 7.1. Append the XML character data of the FORM_TYPE field's # element, followed by the '<' character. fform_type = form.field 'FORM_TYPE' form_type = fform_type ? fform_type.values.to_s : nil s += "#{form_type}<" # 7.2. Sort the fields by the value of the "var" attribute fields = form.fields.sort { |field1, field2| field1.var <=> field2.var } # 7.3. For each field: fields.each do |field| # 7.3.1. Append the value of the "var" attribute, followed by # the '<' character. s += "#{field.var}<" # 7.3.2. Sort values by the XML character data of the element # values = field.values.sort { |value1, value2| value1 <=> value2 } # 7.3.3. For each element, append the XML character # data, followed by the '<' character. # s += values.collect { |value| "#{value}<" }.join s += "#{field.value}<" end end s end def generate_ver(identities, features, forms = [], hash = 'sha-1') s = generate_ver_str identities, features, forms # 9. Compute the verification string by hashing S using the # algorithm specified in the 'hash' attribute (e.g., SHA-1 as # defined in RFC 3174). The hashed data MUST be generated # with binary output and encoded using Base64 as specified in # Section 4 of RFC 4648 (note: the Base64 output MUST NOT # include whitespace and MUST set padding bits to zero). # See hash_klass = case hash when 'md2' then nil when 'md5' then Digest::MD5 when 'sha-1' then Digest::SHA1 when 'sha-224' then nil when 'sha-256' then Digest::SHA256 when 'sha-384' then Digest::SHA384 when 'sha-512' then Digest::SHA512 end hash_klass ? [hash_klass::digest(s)].pack('m').strip : nil end end # Caps end # Stanza end # Blather