require 'erb' require 'json' module Lono class Template include ERB::Util attr_reader :name def initialize(name, block, options={}) @name = name @block = block @options = options end def build instance_eval(&@block) template = end def source(path) @source = path[0..0] == '/' ? path : "#{@options[:project_root]}/templates/#{path}" end def variables(vars={}) vars.each do |var,value| instance_variable_set("@#{var}", value) end end def partial(path,vars={}) path = "#{@options[:project_root]}/templates/partial/#{path}" template = variables(vars) end def user_data(path, vars={}) path = "#{@options[:project_root]}/templates/user_data/#{path}" template = variables(vars) result = output = [] result.split("\n").each do |line| output += transform(line) end json = output.to_json json[0] = '' # remove first char: [ json.chop! # remove last char: ] end def ref(name) %Q|{"Ref"=>"#{name}"}| end def find_in_map(*args) %Q|{"Fn::FindInMap" => [ #{transform_array(args)} ]}| end def base64(value) %Q|{"Fn::Base64"=>"#{value}"}| end def get_att(*args) %Q|{"Fn::GetAtt" => [ #{transform_array(args)} ]}| end def get_azs(region="AWS::Region") %Q|{"Fn::GetAZs"=>"#{region}"}| end def join(delimiter, values) %Q|{"Fn::Join" => ["#{delimiter}", [ #{transform_array(values)} ]]}| end def select(index, list) %Q|{"Fn::Select" => ["#{index}", [ #{transform_array(list)} ]]}| end def transform_array(arr)! {|x| x =~ /=>/ ? x : x.inspect } arr.join(',') end # transform each line of bash script to array with cloudformation template objects def transform(data) data = evaluate(data) if data[-1].is_a?(String) data[0..-2] + ["#{data[-1]}\n"] else data + ["\n"] end end # Input: # String # Output: # Array of parse positions # # The positions of tokens taking into account when brackets start and close, # handles nested brackets. def bracket_positions(line) positions,pair,count = [],[],0 line.split('').each_with_index do |char,i| pair << i if pair.empty? first_pair_char = line[pair[0]] if first_pair_char == '{' # object logic if char == '{' count += 1 end if char == '}' count -= 1 if count == 0 pair << i positions << pair pair = [] end end else # string logic lookahead = line[i+1] if lookahead == '{' pair << i positions << pair pair = [] end end end # end of loop # for string logic when lookahead does not contain a object token # need to clear out what's left to match the final pair if !pair.empty? pair << line.size - 1 positions << pair end positions end # Input: # Array - bracket_positions # Ouput: # Array - positions that can be use to determine what to parse def parse_positions(line) positions = bracket_positions(line) positions.flatten end # Input # String line of code to decompose into chunks, some can be transformed into objects # Output # Array of strings, some can be transformed into objects # # Example: # line = 'a{b}c{d{d}d}e' # nested brackets # template.decompose(line).should == ['a','{b}','c','{d{d}d}','e'] def decompose(line) positions = parse_positions(line) return [line] if positions.empty? result = [] str = '' until positions.empty? left = positions.shift right = positions.shift token = line[left..right] # if cfn object, add to the result set but after clearing out # the temp str that is being built up when the token is just a string if cfn_object?(token) unless str.empty? # first token might be a object result << str str = '' end result << token else str << token # keeps building up the string end end # at the of the loop there's a leftover string, unless the last token # is an object result << str unless str.empty? result end def cfn_object?(s) exact = %w[Ref] pattern = %w[Fn::] exact_match = !!exact.detect {|word| s.include?(word)} pattern_match = !!pattern.detect {|p| s =~} (exact_match || pattern_match) && s =~ /^{/ && s =~ /=>/ end def recompose(decomposition) { |s| cfn_object?(s) ? eval(s) : s } end def evaluate(line) recompose(decompose(line)) end end end