# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Parser::AST::Node do describe '#name' do it 'gets for class node' do node = parse('class Synvert; end') expect(node.name).to eq parse('Synvert') node = parse('class Synvert::Rewriter::Instance; end') expect(node.name).to eq parse('Synvert::Rewriter::Instance') end it 'gets for module node' do node = parse('module Synvert; end') expect(node.name).to eq parse('Synvert') end it 'gets for def node' do node = parse('def current_node; end') expect(node.name).to eq :current_node end it 'gets for defs node' do node = parse('def self.current_node; end') expect(node.name).to eq :current_node end it 'gets for arg node' do node = parse('def test(foo); end') expect(node.arguments.first.name).to eq :foo end it 'gets for blockarg node' do node = parse('def test(&block); end') expect(node.arguments.first.name).to eq :block end it 'gets for const node' do node = parse('Synvert') expect(node.name).to eq :Synvert end it 'gets for mlhs node' do node = parse('var.each { |(param1, param2)| }') expect(node.arguments.first.name).to eq node.arguments.first end it 'gets for restarg node' do node = parse('object.each { |*entry| }') expect(node.arguments.first.name).to eq :entry end end describe '#parent_class' do it 'gets for class node' do node = parse('class Post < ActiveRecord::Base; end') expect(node.parent_class).to eq parse('ActiveRecord::Base') end end describe '#receiver' do it 'gets for send node' do node = parse('FactoryGirl.create :post') expect(node.receiver).to eq parse('FactoryGirl') end end describe '#message' do it 'gets for send node' do node = parse('FactoryGirl.create :post') expect(node.message).to eq :create end it 'gets for super node' do node = parse('super(params)') expect(node.message).to eq :super end it 'gets for zuper node' do node = parse('super do; end') expect(node.caller.message).to eq :super end end describe '#parent_const' do it 'gets for const node' do node = parse('Synvert::Node') expect(node.parent_const).to eq parse('Synvert') end it 'gets for const node at the root' do node = parse('::Node') expect(node.parent_const.type).to eq :cbase end it 'gets for const node with no parent' do node = parse('Node') expect(node.parent_const).to eq nil end end describe '#arguments' do it 'gets for def node' do node = parse('def test(foo, bar); foo + bar; end') expect(node.arguments.map { |argument| argument.to_source }).to eq %w[foo bar] end it 'gets for defs node' do node = parse('def self.test(foo, bar); foo + bar; end') expect(node.arguments.map { |argument| argument.to_source }).to eq %w[foo bar] end it 'gets for block node' do node = parse('RSpec.configure do |config|; end') expect(node.arguments.map { |argument| argument.to_source }).to eq ['config'] end it 'gets for send node' do node = parse("FactoryGirl.create :post, title: 'post'") expect(node.arguments).to eq parse("[:post, title: 'post']").children end it 'gets for defined? node' do node = parse('defined?(Bundler)') expect(node.arguments).to eq [parse('Bundler')] end end describe '#caller' do it 'gets for block node' do node = parse('RSpec.configure do |config|; end') expect(node.caller).to eq parse('RSpec.configure') end end describe '#body' do it 'gets one line for block node' do node = parse('RSpec.configure do |config|; include EmailSpec::Helpers; end') expect(node.body).to eq [parse('include EmailSpec::Helpers')] end it 'gets multiple lines for block node' do node = parse('RSpec.configure do |config|; include EmailSpec::Helpers; include EmailSpec::Matchers; end') expect(node.body).to eq [parse('include EmailSpec::Helpers'), parse('include EmailSpec::Matchers')] end it 'gets for begin node' do node = parse('foo; bar') expect(node.body).to eq [parse('foo'), parse('bar')] end it 'gets for def node' do node = parse('def test; foo; bar; end') expect(node.body).to eq [parse('foo'), parse('bar')] end it 'gets for def node with empty body' do node = parse('def test; end') expect(node.body).to eq [] end it 'gets for defs node' do node = parse('def self.test; foo; bar; end') expect(node.body).to eq [parse('foo'), parse('bar')] end it 'gets for def node with empty body' do node = parse('def self.test; end') expect(node.body).to eq [] end end describe '#keys' do it 'gets for hash node' do node = parse("{:foo => :bar, 'foo' => 'bar'}") expect(node.keys).to eq [parse(':foo'), parse("'foo'")] end end describe '#values' do it 'gets for hash node' do node = parse("{:foo => :bar, 'foo' => 'bar'}") expect(node.values).to eq [parse(':bar'), parse("'bar'")] end end describe '#key?' do it 'gets true if key exists' do node = parse('{:foo => :bar}') expect(node.key?(:foo)).to be_truthy end it 'gets false if key does not exist' do node = parse('{:foo => :bar}') expect(node.key?('foo')).to be_falsey end end describe '#hash_value' do it 'gets value of specified key' do node = parse('{:foo => :bar}') expect(node.hash_value(:foo)).to eq parse(':bar') end it 'gets nil if key does not exist' do node = parse('{:foo => :bar}') expect(node.hash_value(:bar)).to be_nil end end describe '#key' do it 'gets for pair node' do node = parse("{:foo => 'bar'}").children[0] expect(node.key).to eq parse(':foo') end end describe '#value' do it 'gets for hash node' do node = parse("{:foo => 'bar'}").children[0] expect(node.value).to eq parse("'bar'") end end describe '#condition' do it 'gets for if node' do node = parse('if defined?(Bundler); end') expect(node.condition).to eq parse('defined?(Bundler)') end end describe '#left_value' do it 'gets for masgn' do node = parse('a, b = 1, 2') expect(node.left_value.to_source).to eq 'a, b' end it 'gets for lvasgn' do node = parse('a = 1') expect(node.left_value).to eq :a end it 'gets for ivasgn' do node = parse('@a = 1') expect(node.left_value).to eq :@a end end describe '#right_value' do it 'gets for masgn' do node = parse('a, b = 1, 2') expect(node.right_value).to eq parse('[1, 2]') end it 'gets for masgn' do node = parse('a, b = params') expect(node.right_value).to eq parse('params') end it 'gets for lvasgn' do node = parse('a = 1') expect(node.right_value).to eq parse('1') end it 'gets for ivasgn' do node = parse('@a = 1') expect(node.right_value).to eq parse('1') end end describe '#to_value' do it 'gets for int' do node = parse('1') expect(node.to_value).to eq 1 end it 'gets for string' do node = parse("'str'") expect(node.to_value).to eq 'str' end it 'gets for symbol' do node = parse(':str') expect(node.to_value).to eq :str end it 'get for boolean' do node = parse('true') expect(node.to_value).to be_truthy node = parse('false') expect(node.to_value).to be_falsey end it 'get for range' do node = parse('(1..10)') expect(node.to_value).to eq(1..10) end it 'gets for array' do node = parse("['str', :str]") expect(node.to_value).to eq ['str', :str] end end describe '#to_s' do it 'gets for mlhs node' do node = parse('var.each { |(param1, param2)| }') expect(node.arguments.first.to_s).to eq '(param1, param2)' end end describe '#to_source' do it 'gets for node' do source = 'params[:user][:email]' node = parse(source) expect(node.to_source).to eq 'params[:user][:email]' end end describe '#indent' do it 'gets column number' do node = parse(' FactoryGirl.create :post') expect(node.indent).to eq 2 end end describe '#line' do it 'gets line number' do node = parse('foobar') expect(node.line).to eq 1 end end describe '#recursive_children' do it 'iterates all children recursively' do node = parse('class Synvert; def current_node; @node; end; end') children = [] node.recursive_children { |child| children << child.type } expect(children).to be_include :const expect(children).to be_include :def expect(children).to be_include :args expect(children).to be_include :ivar end end describe '#match?' do let(:instance) { rewriter = Synvert::Rewriter.new('foo', 'bar') Synvert::Rewriter::Instance.new(rewriter, 'file pattern') } it 'matches class name' do source = 'class Synvert; end' node = parse(source) expect(node).to be_match(type: 'class', name: 'Synvert') end it 'matches message with regexp' do source = 'User.find_by_login(login)' node = parse(source) expect(node).to be_match(type: 'send', message: /^find_by_/) end it 'matches arguments with symbol' do source = 'params[:user]' node = parse(source) expect(node).to be_match(type: 'send', receiver: 'params', message: '[]', arguments: [:user]) end it 'matches assign number' do source = 'at_least(0)' node = parse(source) expect(node).to be_match(type: 'send', arguments: [0]) end it 'matches arguments with string' do source = 'params["user"]' node = parse(source) expect(node).to be_match(type: 'send', receiver: 'params', message: '[]', arguments: ['user']) end it 'matches arguments any' do source = 'config.middleware.insert_after ActiveRecord::QueryCache, Lifo::Cache, page_cache: false' node = parse(source) expect(node).to be_match(type: 'send', arguments: { any: 'Lifo::Cache' }) end it 'matches not' do source = 'class Synvert; end' node = parse(source) expect(node).not_to be_match(type: 'class', name: { not: 'Synvert' }) end end describe '#child_node_range' do context 'send node' do it 'checks receiver' do node = parse('foo.bar(test)') range = node.child_node_range(:receiver) expect(range.to_range).to eq(0...3) node = parse('foobar(test)') range = node.child_node_range(:receiver) expect(range).to be_nil end it 'checks dot' do node = parse('foo.bar(test)') range = node.child_node_range(:dot) expect(range.to_range).to eq(3...4) node = parse('foobar(test)') range = node.child_node_range(:dot) expect(range).to be_nil end it 'checks message' do node = parse('foo.bar(test)') range = node.child_node_range(:message) expect(range.to_range).to eq(4...7) node = parse('foobar(test)') range = node.child_node_range(:message) expect(range.to_range).to eq(0...6) end it 'checks arguments' do node = parse('foo.bar(test)') range = node.child_node_range(:arguments) expect(range.to_range).to eq(8...12) node = parse('foobar(test)') range = node.child_node_range(:arguments) expect(range.to_range).to eq(7...11) node = parse('foo.bar') range = node.child_node_range(:arguments) expect(range).to be_nil end end context 'class node' do it 'checks name' do node = parse('class Post < ActiveRecord::Base; end') range = node.child_node_range(:name) expect(range.to_range).to eq(6...10) end it 'checks parent_class' do node = parse('class Post < ActiveRecord::Base; end') range = node.child_node_range(:parent_class) expect(range.to_range).to eq(13...31) node = parse('class Post; end') range = node.child_node_range(:parent_class) expect(range).to be_nil end end end describe '#rewritten_source' do let(:instance) { rewriter = Synvert::Rewriter.new('foo', 'bar') Synvert::Rewriter::Instance.new(rewriter, 'file pattern') } it 'does not rewrite with unknown method' do source = 'class Synvert; end' node = parse(source) expect(node.rewritten_source('{{foobar}}')).to eq '{{foobar}}' end it 'rewrites with node known method' do source = 'class Synvert; end' node = parse(source) expect(node.rewritten_source('{{name}}')).to eq 'Synvert' end it 'rewrites for ArgumentsNode' do source = 'test { |a, b| }' node = parse(source) expect(node.rewritten_source('{{arguments}}')).to eq 'a, b' end it 'rewrites array with multi line given as argument for method' do source = <<~EOS.strip long_name_method([ 1, 2, 3 ]) EOS node = parse(source) expect(node.rewritten_source('{{arguments}}')).to eq <<~EOS.strip [ 1, 2, 3 ] EOS end end end